LD 1717
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Municipal Shellfish Management LD 1717 Title Page
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LR 897
Item 1

issued by the commissioner under section 6601 in order to
obtain a municipal commercial license. A municipality may
issue licenses under this section regardless of whether or not
the area has been closed by the commissioner. A person taking
shellfish from a closed area for depuration under a depuration
certificate issued by the commissioner is not required to hold
a municipal shellfish license.

A-1.__The following exceptions apply.

(1) An individual is not required to hold a shellfish
license issued by the commissioner under section 6601
in order to obtain a municipal commercial license.

(2)__A municipality may issue licenses under this
section regardless of whether or not the area has been
closed by the commissioner.

(3)__An individual taking shellfish from a closed area
for depuration under a depuration certificate issued by
the commissioner is not required to hold a municipal
shellfish license.

B. A shellfish conservation ordinance may fix license fees
as follows.

(1) If the ordinance sets a fee of $200 or less for a
resident license, the fee for a nonresident license may
not exceed twice the resident fee.

(2) If the ordinance sets a fee of more than $200 for
a resident license, the fee for a nonresident license
may not exceed 1 1/2 times the resident fee.

C. Application methods and procedures for licenses may be
determined by the shellfish conservation ordinance subject
to the provisions of this section. Notice of the number and
the procedure for application shall must be published in a
trade or industry publication or in a newspaper or
combination of newspapers with general circulation which
that the municipal officers consider effective in reaching
persons individuals affected not less than 10 days prior to
the period of issuance and shall must be posted in the
municipal offices until the period of issuance concludes.
The period of issuance for resident and nonresident licenses
shall must be the same. Subsequent to that the period of
issuance, the municipality shall make any resident or
nonresident licenses not granted during the period available
to residents or nonresidents.

D. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a
shellfish conservation ordinance shall may not discriminate
between resident license holders and nonresident license

E. The municipality A licensing authority shall provide and
reserve a minimum number of commercial licenses for
nonresidents which shall be a.__The number of nonresident
commercial licenses may not be less than 10% of the number
of commercial licenses provided for residents. When the
number of resident commercial licenses is fewer than 10 but
more than 5, at least one nonresident commercial license
shall must be provided. When the number of resident
commercial licenses is 5 or fewer, nonresident commercial
licenses shall are not be required.

F. When 2 or more municipalities have entered into a
regional shellfish management agreement pursuant to
subsection 7, the combined total number of commercial
licenses for nonresidents provided by those municipalities
must be a number not less than 10% of the combined total
number of commercial licenses issued for residents. When
the combined total number of resident commercial licenses is
fewer than 10 but more than 5, at least one nonresident
commercial license must be provided. When the combined
total number of resident commercial licenses is 5 or fewer,
nonresident commercial licenses are not required.

G. A municipality that issues recreational licenses to
residents shall also make available to nonresidents
recreational licenses in a number that is not less than 10%
of the number of recreational licenses issued to residents.
When 2 or more municipalities have entered into a regional
shellfish management agreement and those municipalities
issue recreational licenses to residents pursuant to the
agreement, the combined total number of recreational
licenses made available to nonresidents must be a number not
less than 10% of the combined total number of recreational
licenses issued to residents.

For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "recreational
license" means a license that authorizes a person to take or
possess shellfish only for personal use.

G-1.__A licensing authority that issues recreational licenses or
licenses in other categories to residents shall also make
available to nonresidents recreational licenses and licenses in
other categories established by the licensing authority.__The
number of nonresident recreational

licenses and licenses in other categories established by the
licensing authority may not be less than 10% of the number
of recreational licenses and licenses in other categories
established by the licensing authority issued to residents.

For the purposes of this paragraph, "recreational license"
means a license that authorizes a person to take or possess
shellfish only for personal use.

For purposes of this subsection, "licensing authority" means a
municipality or 2 or more municipalities that have entered into a
regional shellfish management agreement pursuant to subsection 7.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6671, sub-§4, śC, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 390, §5,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

C.__Unorganized townships may adopt ordinances if:

(1) At least 10 inhabitants have petitioned the county
commissioners to adopt the ordinances;

(2)__The county commissioners of the townships have
held a public hearing with at least 7 days' prior
notice in one of the affected townships; and

(3) A majority of the inhabitants eligible to vote
voting at referendum approve the ordinances.

The county commissioners act as the municipal legislative
body within unorganized townships that have elected to adopt
ordinances under this section.

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §6671, sub-§4-B, as amended by PL 1999, c. 255, §5 and
affected by §8, is further amended to read:

4-B. Management program approval. The commissioner may adopt
rules that set the criteria that must be met by municipal
shellfish conservation programs and ordinances must meet in order
to obtain approval be approved by the commissioner.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §6671, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1979, c. 608, §3, is
further amended to read:

5. Period of ordinance. Ordinances adopted under this section
shall may not remain in effect for no more than 3 years. A
certified copy of the ordinance shall must be filed with the
commissioner within 20 days of its the adoption of the ordinance.

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §6671, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1995, c. 531, §3, is
further amended to read:

7. Joint programs; reciprocal privileges. Municipalities may
enter into regional shellfish management agreements with other
municipalities and adopt regional shellfish management programs.
The agreements, and the programs and ordinances adopted under
them, are subject to the same requirements as municipal programs
and ordinances. Resident privileges of one municipality in a
regional shellfish management agreement may be extended to the
residents of other municipalities in the agreement.
Notwithstanding subsection 2, a A regional shellfish management
committee comprised of at least one resident from each
municipality named in the regional agreement may be established
to administer a regional program.

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §6671, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1999, c. 682, §1, is
further amended to read:

8. Local enforcement. The following provisions shall apply
to enforcement.

A. A municipality that enacts an ordinance under this
section shall be is responsible for enforcing it.

B. Any municipal shellfish conservation warden appointed by
a municipality to enforce the provisions of this article,
within one year of appointment, must be certified by the
commissioner within one year of the warden's appointment.
The commissioner shall establish a program to provide
shellfish conservation training in principles of shellfish
conservation, management, enforcement and protection and
shall establish standards for certification of municipal
conservation wardens upon their satisfactory completion of
the training program. The program must include training in
sampling techniques for the detection of pollutants and
contaminants in shellfish areas. The commissioner may
establish by rule procedures for certification,
recertification and for revocation of certification. A
certificate The commissioner may be revoked revoke a
certificate for failure of the warden to comply with the
performance standards established by the commissioner.

C. A certified municipal shellfish conservation warden shall
enforce the shellfish ordinances of the municipality employing
the warden and, if the warden is authorized by the municipality
and meets the training requirements of Title 25, section 2804-I,
the warden may arrest all violators. The warden may serve all
process pertaining to the ordinance. The warden also has, within
that warden's jurisdiction, the powers of a marine patrol officer
provided in section 6025, subsection 4. All of the powers
conferred in this subsection

are limited to the enforcement of a municipal shellfish
conservation ordinance.

At the commissioner's request, a certified municipal
shellfish conservation warden may collect samples and
otherwise assist the department in the detection of
pollutants and contaminants. The commissioner is not
required to conduct tests on samples not requested by the


This bill amends the laws governing municipal shellfish
management programs to clarify portions of those laws.

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