LD 1722
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Recognize Exemplary Efforts to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs ... LD 1722 Title Page
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LR 371
Item 1

D. The Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation
or the commissioner's designee;

E. One representative from a statewide health management
organization, appointed by the President of the Senate;

F. One representative from a statewide senior citizen
organization, appointed by the Speaker of the House;

G. One representative from a drug manufacturing business,
appointed by the Speaker of the House;

H. Two representatives from pharmaceutical associations,
appointed by the Governor; and

I. One physician, appointed by the Governor.

The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House shall
send invitations for the first meeting of the committee to all
members of the Congressional Delegation from the State.

2. Appointments. All appointments to the committee must be
made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this
Act. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council upon making their

3. Meetings. The Chair of the Legislative Council shall call
and convene the first meeting of the committee within 15 days of
the date that the last committee member is appointed.

4. Chair. The members of the committee shall appoint a chair
from among the membership at the first meeting of the committee.

5. Staff. Upon the approval of the Legislative Council, the
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide staff support
to the committee.

6. Compensation. The committee members who are Legislators
are entitled to receive legislative per diem and expenses, as
defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, for
each day's attendance at meetings of the committee. The members
of the committee who are neither employees of the State nor
Legislators are entitled to a per diem and expenses equal to the
legislative per diem and expenses.

7. Duties. In order to advise the Legislature on
establishing efficiencies in the State's pharmaceutical markets,
the committee shall:

A. Assess covered outpatient prescription drug prices
throughout the State and compare the prices to those of
other states and countries;

B. Create model discount and rebate agreements using
existing pharmaceutical discount purchasing and assistance
programs such as those offered through Medicaid, the federal
Department of Veterans Affairs, public health services and
successful programs in other states and countries to secure
the highest discounts and rebates available;

C. Seek to obtain the best prices for all the State's
citizens requiring outpatient prescription drugs and obtain
prescription drugs with the least administrative and
regulatory burden on manufacturers, distributors and state
agencies; and

D. Gather and publicize outpatient prescription retail drug
prices in the State and show prices of comparable
prescription drugs found in other states and countries,
including Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

8. Report. The committee shall submit its findings, together
with any recommendations, including recommended legislation, to
the Governor and the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human
Services by January 15, 2002. If the committee requires an
extension of time to make its report, it may apply to the
Legislative Council, which may grant the extension.

9. Budget. The chair of the committee, with assistance from
staff, shall administer the committee budget. Within 10 days
after its first meeting, the committee shall present a work plan
and proposed budget to the Legislative Council for approval. The
committee may not incur expenses that would result in the
committee exceeding its approved budget.


Sec. C-1. 22 MRSA c. 603, sub-c. I-A is enacted to read:



§2686.__Voluntary reduction of prescription drug costs

It is the policy of the State to encourage the reduction of
prescription drug costs paid by residents of the State, the
amount paid by public programs to assist residents of the State

with the purchase of prescription drugs, the amount paid by
health care coverage and benefit programs and other 3rd-party
payors and the per unit cost of prescription drugs.__To achieve
the goals under subsection 1, the department shall undertake a
program to encourage the voluntary reduction of prescription drug
costs as provided in this section.

1.__Prescription drug cost goals.__Using the total cost of all
drugs dispensed in the State in 2000 as the base-line figure, the
statewide price reduction goals for the cost of all prescription
drugs dispensed in the State are a 5% reduction of the base-line
figure for 2000 in cost by January 2003, a 10% reduction in cost
by January 2004, a 15% reduction in cost by January 2005 and a
20% reduction in cost by January 2006.

2.__Voluntary reduction of prices; progress reports.__
Manufacturers or labelers of prescription drugs, as defined in
section 2697, shall undertake efforts to voluntarily reduce the
cost of prescription drugs and to assist in the achievement of
the prescription drug cost goals established in subsection 1.__By
April 1, 2002 and annually thereafter, each manufacturer or
labeler shall report to the commissioner the efforts being made
by the manufacturer or labeler toward the achievement of the
prescription drug cost reduction goals.__Each manufacturer or
labeler shall include in the annual report under this subsection
progress reports stating, for each of the 100 prescription drugs
of the manufacturer or labeler having the highest volume of
dispensation in the State during the past calendar year, the
average wholesale price for each drug, the highest, lowest and
average cost for which the drug was sold and details about
voluntary efforts on the part of the manufacturer or labeler to
reduce the cost of prescription drugs dispensed in the State.

3.__Annual report of commissioner.__By July 1, 2002, and
annually thereafter, the commissioner shall provide to the
Legislature a report based on the annual progress reports filed
by the manufacturers or labelers under subsection 2.__The report
must include recognition of exemplary efforts by manufacturers or
labelers to reduce the cost of prescription drugs,
recommendations for action to bring about further reductions in
cost and the names of manufacturers or labelers that are worthy
of public recognition for their efforts toward the achievement of
the goals of this section or that merit attention for their lack
of effort toward the achievement of the goals of this section.


This bill establishes the Business Advisory Committee on
Prescription Drug Costs and Efficiencies. The committee is

directed to conduct a study concerning outpatient prescription
drug prices in the State and obtain comparable pricing from other
states and countries. The committee is charged with creating
model discount and rebate agreements using existing
pharmaceutical discount purchasing and assistance programs such
as those offered through Medicaid, the federal Department of
Veterans Affairs, public health services and other successful
programs in other states and countries to secure the highest
discounts and rebates available on prescription drugs.

This bill also directs the Department of Human Services to
publicize the names of the pharmaceutical companies that
participate and do not participate in the Maine Rx Program,
established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section
2681, and the elderly low-cost drug program, established in Title
22, section 254.

The bill enacts a program to encourage prescription drug
manufacturers and labelers to voluntarily reduce the cost of
drugs paid by Maine residents and by public programs to assist in
the purchase of prescription drugs and the per unit cost of
prescription drugs dispensed in the State. It sets goals for
cost reduction and requires manufacturers and labelers to file
annual progress reports stating their efforts to assist in the
achievement of the State's goals and the costs of their drugs
dispensed in the State. The bill requires the Commissioner of
Human Services to file an annual report with the Legislature
recognizing exemplary efforts and including recommendations for
action and the names of manufacturers and labelers worthy of
public recognition for their effort or those names of
manufacturers and labelers that merit attention for their lack of

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