LD 1723
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Maine Athletic Commission Laws LD 1723 Title Page
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Item 1

It is declared to be the policy of the State, that The mission and
purpose of the commission is to supervise and oversee professional
and amateur boxing, professional and exhibition wrestling and
professional and amateur kick-boxing in this State shall be
supervised by the commission in a manner designed to promote that
promotes these sports in accordance with while protecting the
public interest, insure ensuring the safety of all participants and
spectators and achieve achieving uniformity in the rules governing
participation in these sports within the State.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §13503, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A,
§212, is amended to read:

The commission shall meet at least once a year to conduct its
business and to elect a chairman and a secretary chair.
Additional meetings shall may be held as necessary to conduct the
business of the commission, and may be convened at the call of
the chairman chair or a majority of the board members. Three A
majority of the members of the commission shall constitute
constitutes a quorum for all purposes. The commission shall keep
such records and minutes as are necessary to the ordinary
dispatch of its functions.

Sec. 5. 32 MRSA §13506-A is enacted to read:

§13506-A.__Prohibited competitions, exhibitions and events

A professional or amateur "toughman," "badman" or "ultimate
fighting" match, which includes a contest or exhibition where
participants compete by using a combination of fighting skills,
including, but not limited to, boxing, wrestling, kicking and
martial arts skills, may not be held in this State.__This section
may not preclude kick-boxing as regulated by this chapter.

A person participating in or promoting a professional or
amateur "toughman," "badman" or "ultimate fighting" match is
guilty of a Class E crime.

Sec. 6. 32 MRSA §13507, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A,
§212, is amended to read:

The commission shall administer, coordinate and enforce this
chapter consistent with the declaration of policy its statutory
mission and purpose set forth in section 13502, and shall have
has the following powers and duties in addition to those
otherwise set forth in this chapter.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA §13507, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A,
§212, is amended to read:

1. Rules. The commission, in accordance with procedures
established by the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II II-A, may adopt rules commensurate
with the authority vested in it by this chapter.

A. In the exercise of its jurisdiction over boxing as set
forth in section 13506, subsection 1, the commission may
adopt rules governing, among others, referees, judges,
boxers, seconds, promoters, managers, physicians,
timekeepers and knockdown timekeepers. These rules may
include, but not be limited to: Licensing requirements; age
limits and physical condition of participants; lengths of
contests and rounds; specifications of the facilities and
equipment used in boxing contests and uniforms of
contestants and referees; scoring of decisions; standards of
weight and weighing of contestants; and the manner of
presentation of closed circuit events. Rules governing
amateur boxing contests shall must conform to tournament
regulations of the Amateur Athletic Union or its successor
in interest.

B. In the exercise of its jurisdiction over wrestling as
set forth in section 13506, subsection 2, the commission may
adopt rules governing, among others, wrestlers, managers,
seconds, referees, matchmakers, physicians, timekeepers,
trainers and promoters. These rules may include, but not be
limited to: Licensing requirements and qualifications of
participants; conduct of contests; specifications of
equipment and facilities used in wrestling contests or
exhibitions; and scoring of decisions.

C. In the exercise of its jurisdiction over kick-boxing, as
set forth in section 13506, subsection 3, the commission may
adopt rules governing, among others, referees, judges, kick-
boxers, seconds, promoters, managers, physicians,
timekeepers and knockdown timekeepers. These rules may
include, but not be limited to, licensing requirements, age
limits and physical condition of participants, lengths of
contests and rounds, specifications of the facilities and
equipment used in contests and uniforms of contestants and
referees, scoring of decisions, standards of weight and
weighing of contestants, and the manner of presentation of
closed circuit events. Rules governing amateur kick-boxing
contests shall must conform to tournament regulations of the
Amateur Athletic Union or its successor in interest.

D. The commission may adopt rules requiring health and
accident insurance providing coverage in the event of injury
or death for persons competing in boxing events, wrestling
events or kick-boxing events subject to this chapter, or for
any a combination of those events. This insurance, if
required, shall must comply with standards prescribed by the
Superintendent of Insurance.

Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §13507, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Report filed by commissioner.__The commissioner
supervising an event, exhibit or show subject to the requirements
of this chapter shall file an event report with the department
within 48 hours of the event.__Event reports must include:

A.__The promoter's identity and license number;

B.__The participants' identities and license numbers;

C.__The facility at which the event was held;

D.__A detailed factual description of any incident that
required the immediate intervention of the attending
commissioner during an event, including stopping the event
or taking disciplinary action;

E.__A recommendation to the commission regarding any need
for disciplinary action; and

F.__A certification that the officials, participants and
event conformed to the requirements of the statutes and
rules of the commission.

Sec. 9. 32 MRSA §13507, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 685, §3, is

Sec. 10. 32 MRSA §13510, as amended by PL 1999, c. 685, §20, is
further amended to read:

§13510. Boxing, wrestling and kick-boxing licenses

1. Persons to whom licenses may be issued. The commission
may issue, in its discretion, and upon payment of a required fee,
a license for a term of one year from date of issuance to any a
person, club, association or corporation that is properly
qualified to promote and conduct boxing, wrestling or kick-boxing
contests and exhibitions in accordance with this chapter and the
rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. All persons engaged in
such contests and exhibitions as boxers, wrestlers, kick-boxers,
seconds, managers, timekeepers, knockdown timekeepers, promoters,

referees and judges must be licensed by the commission upon
payment of a required fee in a like manner. A closed circuit
license may be issued by the commission upon payment of a
required fee to any a person who is properly qualified for a
closed circuit license, which entitles that person to engage in
the showing of boxing, wrestling or kick-boxing contests or
exhibitions by closed circuit television.

2. Limitation on certain licenses. Each applicant for a
promoter's license or a closed circuit boxing, kick-boxing or
wrestling license shall specify the location for which the
license is desired, and that promoter's license, when issued,
shall be is limited to that specified location. No A license
issued under this section, other than a promoter's license or a
closed circuit event license, may not be limited to a specified

3. Fee for license. The Director of the Office of Licensing
and Registration shall establish, by rule, the fee for each
promoter's license to promote amateur events and for a license to
promote professional events, depending upon the probable income
of the licensee to be derived from the conducting of the contests
and exhibitions. In addition, the director shall establish, by
rule, fees for all other licenses issued under this section at a
figure not to exceed $200 for a one-year license. The director
shall establish by rule license fees for live events and the
broadcast of live events. When application by a fraternal,
charitable or patriotic organization for a license to promote and
conduct amateur boxing or kick-boxing contests or exhibitions is
made to the commission, it may grant the license without the
requirement of the payment of a license fee. Rules adopted
pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules pursuant
to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

3-A.__Fee for licenses.__The Director of the Office of
Licensing and Registration may establish by rule fees for
purposes authorized under this chapter in amounts that are
reasonable and necessary for their respective purposes, except
that the fee for any one purpose may not exceed $200 for a one-
year license.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

4. Temporary license. Upon application being made for any a
license under this section, any and upon payment of a required
fee, a member of the commission, in his the commissioner's
discretion, may temporarily issue or temporarily refuse to issue
the license. In the event that such a temporary license is
issued, the temporary license shall be is valid only until the
next meeting of the commission at which a quorum is present. No A

license, except such other than a temporary license, may not be
issued under this section, except by a majority vote taken at a
commission meeting at which a quorum is present. All license
applications shall must be considered in the first meeting of the
commission following the receipt of the application, at which a
quorum is present.

Sec. 11. 32 MRSA §13511, as amended by PL 1999, c. 547, Pt. B, §78
and affected by §80 and amended by c. 685, §21, is further
amended to read:

§13511. Wrestling licenses

The commission, in accordance with this chapter and the rules
adopted pursuant to this chapter, may issue a license upon
payment of a required fee for a term of one year to any a person,
club, association or corporation that is properly qualified to
conduct professional wrestling matches, shows or exhibitions.
The commission shall establish by rule fees for promoters'
licenses issued under this section at levels adequate to carry
out the purposes of this chapter. A closed circuit wrestling
license may be issued by the commission for a term of one year to
any a person who is properly qualified for a closed circuit
wrestling license, which entitles that person to engage in the
showing of professional wrestling matches, shows or exhibitions
by closed circuit television. The closed circuit wrestling
license may be suspended or revoked by the District Court for any
a violation of this chapter or the rules of the commission.

All persons, other than wrestlers, engaging in professional
wrestling matches, shows or exhibitions of wrestlers must be
licensed by the commission in a like manner. The chair of the
commission or the chair's designee may issue or deny temporary
licenses. The full commission may review decisions by the chair
or the chair's designee at its next regular meeting.

Sec. 12. 32 MRSA §13512, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A,
§212, is amended to read:

§13512. Permits for foreign copromoters

No A foreign copromoter, meaning a promoter who has no place
of business within the State, may not directly or indirectly
participate in the promotion of or receive any remuneration from
or render any services in connection with any a boxing contest or
exhibition, or any a professional wrestling match, show or
exhibition held within the State, unless he the copromoter first
has been granted a permit by the commission. No A promoter may
not be associated with any a foreign copromoter in promoting any
a boxing contest or exhibition, unless the foreign copromoter has

first secured a permit. Permits for foreign copromoters shall
must be issued in the same manner as provided in section 13510,
subsection 2, and section 13511, for licenses to promote amateur
or professional boxing or wrestling, and the required fees for
these permits shall be are the same as those established by the
commission for these licenses.

A foreign copromoter, by accepting a permit, agrees to be
subject to all the provisions of this chapter and the rules
promulgated adopted under this chapter.

Any A foreign copromoter who violates any a provision of this
chapter or any a rule promulgated adopted under this chapter
shall be is guilty of a Class E crime.

Sec. 13. 32 MRSA §13514, first ¶, as amended by PL 1999, c. 685, §22,
is further amended to read:

The promoter or promoters of all boxing or kick-boxing
contests or exhibitions and all professional wrestling matches,
shows or exhibitions held under this chapter shall pay to the
Treasurer of State, for credit to the Athletic Commission Fund, a
tax of 15% 5% of the gross receipts from the contest or
exhibition. This section applies to all boxing, kick-boxing and
wrestling contests or exhibitions which that are shown over
closed circuit television.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends the laws regarding the Maine Athletic
Commission by authorizing the commission to license and regulate
professional wrestlers in the interest of public safety, reduces
the gate tax on gate receipts from 15% per event to 5% per event
and specifies the contents of reports of events filed by
commissioners with the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation. In addition, the bill prohibits so-called
"toughman," "badman" and "ultimate fighting matches" and events.

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