LD 1726
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify Laws Pertaining to the Permit Process for Wildlife Possession... LD 1726 Title Page
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Item 1

turkey or wild turkey-domestic turkey cross or the eggs of
these species.

C.__A general possession permit does not authorize the
permittee to possess, propagate or sell deer, bear, moose,
wild turkey, hybrid turkey or wild turkey-domestic turkey
cross nor does it authorize the permittee to possess,
propagate or sell any wild animal taken in accordance with
section 7501, 7502 or 7504.

D.__A rehabilitation permit does not authorize the permittee
to possess, propagate or sell any wild animal taken in
accordance with section 7501, 7502 or 7504.

3.__Fees.__Permit fees are as follows:

A.__Propagation, $25 for 2 years;

B.__Commercial exhibition or attracting trade, $73 annually;

C.__Personal use, professional or avocational husbandry,
therapy or aid to disabled persons, $10 annually; and

D.__Rehabilitation, no fee.

4.__Rules.__The commissioner may adopt rules necessary for the
administration of this section, including provisions to ensure
that all wildlife possessed under these permits receives humane
treatment and proper husbandry and security, and to safeguard the
interests of the wildlife and citizens of the State.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules
as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

5.__Permit administration.__In addition to the provisions
adopted under subsection 4, the commissioner may assign permit
conditions or requirements designed to mitigate potential impacts
or risks that may arise from the possession of specific wildlife
species or to ensure the humane treatment or proper husbandry for
specific species.

§7235-D.__Prohibited acts

1.__Keeping wildlife in captivity.__A person is guilty of
keeping wildlife in captivity if that person keeps any wild
animal in captivity for any purpose, with the exception of the
provisions under sections 7035, subsection 3; sections 7235-C;
7237; 7239; 7240; 7241; 7242; section 7771, subsection 2; or
Title 7, section 1809 or if the wild animal was purchased from a
dealer or pet shop licensed under Title 7, section 3933.

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §7238, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 420, §1, is

Sec. 9. 12 MRSA §7377, sub-§7, as corrected by RR 1993, c.1, §36, is
amended to read:

7. Breeding or rearing wild birds. Notwithstanding section
7371 as it applies to section 7235-A 7235-C, section 7371 does
not apply to migratory game birds, partridge, grouse or pheasant
owned by the department.

Sec. 10. 12 MRSA §7406, sub-§§22 and 23 are enacted to read:

22.__Hunting on a state game farm.__A person is guilty of
hunting on a state game farm if that person hunts on a state game
farm at any time.

23.__Hunting in a licensed wildlife exhibit.__A person is
guilty of hunting in a licensed wildlife exhibit if that person
hunts in a licensed wildlife exhibit at any time.

Sec. 11. 12 MRSA §§7456-A and 7456-B, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 543,
§43, are repealed.

Sec. 12. 12 MRSA §7731, as amended by PL 1981, c. 644, §31, is

Sec. 13. 12 MRSA §7732, as amended by PL 1993, c. 438, §37, is

Sec. 14. 12 MRSA §§7733 and 7734, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 420, §1,
are repealed.

Sec. 15. 12 MRSA §7736, as amended by PL 1993, c. 680, Pt. B, §1,
is repealed.

Sec. 16. Revisor's review; cross-references. The Revisor of Statutes shall
review the Maine Revised Statutes and include in the errors and
inconsistencies bill submitted to the Second Regular Session of
the 120th Legislature pursuant to Title 1, section 94 any
sections necessary to correct and update any cross-references in
the statutes to provisions of law repealed in this Act.


This bill amends the section of the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 12 that deals with possessing, breeding, exhibiting,

purchasing, selling, importing and transporting wildlife.
Currently, all of the possession authorities are within separate
sections of the law. This bill repeals 14 sections of Title 12
and places them into one section with the issuance, fees, rule-
making authority and permit administration being addressed. The
bill also authorizes the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife to adopt rules for each specific permit.

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