LD 1729
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Item 1

Sec. 5. 9-B MRSA, §222, sub-§3, ¶A, as amended by PL 1975, c. 500, §1,
is further amended to read:

A. Every financial institution subject to this Title shall
make semiannually, and at such other times as the
superintendent may direct, a report of condition to the
superintendent. Such The report shall must exhibit in
detail and under appropriate headings the assets,
liabilities and capital of the institution as of such date
as the superintendent may specify. Each such report shall
must contain a declaration that the report is true and
correct signed by an officer designated by the board of
directors to make such declaration and to so act on the
board's behalf. The financial institution shall retain a
copy of the report that is filed with the bureau, including
the original signature or signatures attesting that the
report is true and correct and shall make it available upon
examination of the financial institution. The report
required hereunder shall must be transmitted to the
superintendent within 10 days after a request therefor for
the report.

Sec. 6. 9-B MRSA §241, sub-§9, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 628, §18,
is amended to read:

A. A person, if duly authorized under the laws of this
State, another state or the United States to conduct the
business of banking, may use as a part of the name or title
under which it conducts business in this State the terms
"saving," "savings," "savings bank," "bank," "banker,"
"trust," "trust company," "banking" or "trust and banking
company." The superintendent may require the filing of
supporting documentation relating to this paragraph in the
form and manner and containing such information as the
superintendent may prescribe.

Sec. 7. 9-B MRSA §241, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Electronic banking.__A financial institution or credit
union organized under the provisions of federal law, law of
another state or law of a foreign country that does not meet the
definition of authorized to do business in this State, pursuant
to section 131, may engage in the business of banking through
electronic or similar means in this State and is subject to the
provisions of Parts 1 and 2 to the same extent Parts 1 and 2
apply to a financial institution authorized to do business in
this State.

Sec. 8. 9-B MRSA §339-A, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 398, Pt. E,
§11, is repealed.

Sec. 9. 9-B MRSA §428, as repealed and replaced by PL 1977, c. 707,
§2, is amended to read:

§428. Inactive deposits or accounts

All moneys in unclaimed accounts in each financial institution
authorized to do business in this State shall must be disposed of
according to Title 33, chapter 27 41.

Sec. 10. 9-B MRSA §446-A, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 218, §21,
is further amended to read:

1. Application required. A financial institution shall make
application to the superintendent in accordance with section 252
for authority to engage in a closely related activity, except
that an application is not necessary if all of the following
conditions are satisfied:

A. Before and immediately after the proposed transaction,
the financial institution is well capitalized as determined
by the superintendent;

B. At the time of the transaction, the financial
institution is well managed, which means that in connection
with the financial institution's most recent examination:

(1) The financial institution received a composite
rating of one or 2 pursuant to the uniform financial
institution rating system adopted by the Bureau of
Banking; and

(2) The financial institution received at least a
satisfactory rating for management;

C. The book value of the total assets to be acquired does
not exceed 15% of the consolidated total risk-weighted
assets of the financial institution;

D. The consideration to be paid for the securities or
assets to be acquired does not exceed 15% of the
consolidated capital of the financial institution;

E. During the 12-month period prior to the proposed
transaction, the financial institution has not been under an
enforcement action nor is there an enforcement action

F. The financial institution provides written notification
to the superintendent not later than 10 business days after
at least 30 days prior to consummating the transaction; and

G. The activity is authorized pursuant to this Title or by
rule or order of the superintendent.

Notwithstanding paragraphs A and G, the superintendent, after
review of the written notification under paragraph F, may require
an application if the superintendent determines that the activity
raises significant supervisory concerns or raises significant
legal or policy issues.

Sec. 11. 9-B MRSA §466, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1975, c. 666, §23-A,
is further amended to read:

4. Unauthorized business. No A person shall may not engage in
the business of financial institutions banking unless he the
person is properly authorized, nor may a person represent that he
that person is acting as such a financial institution, nor use an
artificial or corporate name which that purports to be or
suggests that it the person is such a financial institution
unless the financial institution is properly authorized to do
business in this State and except as provided in section 241,
subsection 12. Financial institutions organized under the laws
of the United States shall not be subject to this provision.

Sec. 12. 9-B MRSA §814, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 218, §25, is
further amended to read:

1. Field of membership. "Field of membership" of a credit
union means those persons, including nonnatural persons, having a
common bond of occupation or association; multiple groups of such
persons, each group having a common bond of occupation or
association within that group; residence or employment within a
well-defined neighborhood, community or rural district;
employment by a common employer or by employers located within a
well-defined industrial park or community; membership in a bona
fide fraternal, religious, cooperative, labor, rural, educational
or similar organization; and members of the immediate families of
such persons.

A. When determining whether a credit union's proposed field
of membership meets the requirements of this section, the
superintendent shall consider all guidelines established by
the National Credit Union Administration that address the
issues of common bond, overlapping fields of membership,
expansions or conversions of field of membership and the
documentation required for amending a field of membership.

B. The superintendent shall provide notice to interested
parties of a bylaw amendment sought by a credit union that
proposes a change in field of membership.

C.__For purposes of this section, "nonnatural person" means
a corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, estate,
unincorporated association, fraternal organization or
voluntary association that is:

(1)__Specifically listed in a credit union's bylaws as
a member;

(2)__With respect to a community-chartered credit
union, located within the geographic limits of the
credit union's field of membership; or

(3)__Composed principally of individual persons within
the credit union's field of membership and the credit
union's field of membership includes organizations of
such persons.

Sec. 13. 9-B MRSA §814, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 500, §1, is

Sec. 14. 9-B MRSA §827, sub-§2, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 51, §2, is amended to read:

2. Receipt of payments from government agencies and other
credit unions. A credit union may act as fiscal agent for and
receive payments on shares and deposits from the Federal
Government, this State or any agency or political subdivision or
another federally insured credit union.

Sec. 15. 9-B MRSA §844, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1979, c. 429, §12, is
further amended to read:

2. Verification of share, deposit and loan accounts.

A. At least once in every 3 2 years, or more often if
required by National Credit Union Administration law, rules
or regulations, the supervisory committee shall verify or
cause to be verified, 100% of the share and, deposit and
loan accounts of members of the credit union and a report of
the verification shall must be made to the superintendent
within 30 days of the completion of the verification kept on
file and available to be reviewed at the time of the next
examination or upon request by the superintendent.

(1)__If the verification is performed by the
supervisory committee, a controlled verification of
100% of the members' share, deposit and loan accounts
must be made.

(2)__If the verification is performed by a certified
public accountant, the auditor may choose the
verification method set forth in subsection 1 or a
sampling method sufficient in both number and scope on
which to base conclusions concerning the validity of
such records.

B. If the superintendent deems determines such verification
inadequate, he the superintendent may cause the bureau to
verify such accounts; and the bureau shall must have full
access to every aspect of the credit union's activities and
to all books, papers, vouchers, resources and all other
records and property belonging to said credit union, whether
in its immediate possession or otherwise, for the purpose of
facilitating such verification.

C. Expenses incurred by the superintendent in any such
verification shall must be paid by the credit union, to be
credited and used as provided in section 214.

Sec. 16. 9-B MRSA §862, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 51, §11, is

Sec. 17. 9-B MRSA §872, sub-§1, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1975, c.
500, §1, are amended to read:

A. Any 2 or more credit unions authorized to do business in
this State A credit union organized under provisions of the
laws of this State, another state or federal laws may merge
or consolidate into a credit union organized under the laws
of the State with the approval of the superintendent
obtained pursuant to section 252, and in accordance with
such procedures as the superintendent may require.

B. If any credit union involved in the proposed merger is a
federal credit union, such merger is subject to all
applicable laws, rules and regulations of the United States.
A credit union involved in the proposed merger that is
organized under provisions of law of another state is
subject to all applicable laws, rules and regulations of
that state.

Sec. 18. 9-B MRSA §876, as repealed and replaced by PL 1975, c.
666, §30, is amended to read:

§876. Acquisitions

A credit union organized under the laws of this State may
acquire all or substantially all the assets of, or assume the
liabilities of, any other credit union organized under provisions

of the laws of this State, another state or federal laws or any
financial institution authorized to do business in this State;
provided that such purchase or sale pursuant to this section
shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of section
355 and shall be subject to the provisions of sections 357 and

Sec. 19. 9-B MRSA §1011, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1991, c. 386, §26,
is further amended to read:

4. Control. A company controls another company, referred to
in this chapter as a "subsidiary," if it owns 25% or more of the
voting shares equity interest of the subsidiary or if under the
federal Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, under the
federal Home Owners' Loan Act, Section 1467A, as amended, or
under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended, or
regulations or policy statements issued thereunder, that company
is presumed to control the subsidiary or a determination has been
made by the superintendent that the company exercises a
controlling influence over the management and policies of the

Sec. 20. 9-B MRSA §1015, sub-§1, ¶D, as amended by PL 1997, c. 398, Pt.
K, §10, is further amended to read:

D. Authority for a Maine financial institution holding
company to engage in a closely related activity or any other
activity or to acquire or establish a subsidiary to engage
in a closely related activity or any other activity; or

Sec. 21. 9-B MRSA §1015, sub-§1, ¶E, as repealed and replaced by PL
1997, c. 683, Pt. A, §2, is amended to read:

E. Authority for any financial institution holding company,
foreign bank or foreign bank holding company controlling a
Maine financial institution to engage in a closely related
activity in Maine, the State or acquisition to acquire or
establishment of establish a subsidiary in Maine the State
to engage in a closely related activity.

Sec. 22. 9-B MRSA §1239 is enacted to read:

§1239.__Holding companies of uninsured banks

If a holding company is not a financial institution holding
company under chapter 101 by virtue of controlling a financial
institution other than a merchant bank, a nondepository trust
company or an uninsured bank, the superintendent may grant the
holding company a waiver from the provisions of chapter 101;
except that, the superintendent may not waive the requirements of

section 1013, subsection 1 and the application requirements of
section 1015 relevant to section 1013, subsection 1.

If a holding company is not a financial institution holding
company under chapter 101 by virtue of controlling financial
institutions other than a merchant bank, nondepository trust
company or uninsured bank, the superintendent may examine the
holding company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates, to
the extent necessary to determine the soundness and viability of
the uninsured bank.


This bill makes several technical changes to the Banking Code.

1. It amends the confidential financial records law to
specifically permit a financial institution to respond to a
request from the Department of Labor.

2. It amends the current formula for assessments paid by
nondepository trust companies, establishing a base rate that is
consistent with assessments paid by depository institutions and
the ability for the superintendent to change the rate or further
define fiduciary assets under management through rulemaking.

3. It establishes an assessment to be paid by an uninsured
bank or merchant bank to be consistent with the assessment paid
by other state-chartered depository or nondepository

4. It removes the requirement that original signatures
attesting to the condition and income reports be filed with the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of

5. It clarifies state law with respect to filing notice for
use of restrictive terms such as "savings bank" or "trust and
banking company."

6. It enacts a provision to recognize that financial
institutions and credit unions now utilize the Internet to
deliver products and services.

7. It repeals a provision that requires a financial
institution to have a branch in the State in order to operate a
satellite facility or an automated teller machine.

8. It corrects a reference to the abandoned property law.

9. It changes the notice requirement necessary for a
financial institution to engage in a closely related activity or
to have a subsidiary engage in a closely related activity from
not later than 10 business days after consummating the
transaction to at least 30 days prior to consummating the
transaction. The bill also gives the Superintendent of the
Bureau of Banking the flexibility to require a full application
in certain unique circumstances.

10. It clarifies banking law with respect to "unauthorized

11. It realigns law relating to credit union field of
membership to include nonnatural persons in a field of
membership. Current law utilizes the term "limited members" in
lieu of the term "nonnatural persons," which is used in the
Federal Credit Union Act and implementing regulations. Also
current state law places restrictions and limitations for limited
members that are not imposed under federal law. This bill
establishes parity in this area.

12. It provides parity between state and federally chartered
credit unions by clarifying state law as follows. It permits
state chartered credit unions to accept deposits and shares of
other federally insured credit unions. It alters the process and
timing for verification of accounts. It removes outdated
limitations on the sale of credit union assets.

13. It clarifies credit union merger and acquisition statutes
to more closely parallel federal credit union law.

14. It clarifies the definition of "control" under bank
holding company laws.

15. It makes technical changes to the application
requirements for a financial institution holding company to
engage in closely related activities.

16. It treats companies that own uninsured banks in the same
fashion as companies that own merchant banks and nondepository
trust companies with respect to the application of the Maine bank
holding company laws.

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