LD 1745
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Address Issues in the Maine Health Insurance Market LD 1745 Title Page
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Item 1

(1) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State between December 1, 1993 and
July 14, 1994, the premium rate may not deviate above
or below the community rate filed by the carrier by
more than 50%.

(2) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State between July 15, 1994 and July
14, 1995, the premium rate may not deviate above or
below the community rate filed by the carrier by more
than 33%.

(3) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State after between July 15, 1995
and December 31, 2001, the premium rate may not deviate
above or below the community rate filed by the carrier
by more than 20%.

(4)__For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State in calendar year 2002, the
adjusted rate may not be less than 70% nor greater than
120% of the community rate filed by the carrier.

(5)__For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State on or after January 1, 2003,
the adjusted rate may not be less than 60% nor greater
than 120% of the community rate filed by the carrier.

Sec. A-7. 24-A MRSA §2736-C, sub-§2, ¶D-1 is enacted to read:

D-1.__On or after January 1, 2002, a carrier may vary rates
due to health status only as permitted by this paragraph.

(1)__A carrier shall establish a standard rating class.__
Standard rates may be equal to the adjusted rates or
may be a fixed percentage above or below the adjusted
rates, but must comply with subparagraph (4).

(2)__A carrier may establish one or more substandard
rating classes.

(a)__An individual applying for coverage on or after January 1,
2002 may be assigned to a

substandard rating class based on health status or
health history.

(b)__A substandard rate may not exceed 150% of the
standard rate for the same age, geographic area,
benefit plan and family status.

(c)__A carrier may reduce the multiple of the
standard rate that an individual is charged on any
renewal date based on improved health status, but
may never increase the multiple.

(3)__A carrier may offer one or more discounts to an
individual who does not smoke or who has a healthy

(a)__Criteria used to define a healthy lifestyle
must be based upon factors within an individual's
control.__These criteria may not be based on
health history or health status.__These criteria
must be filed with and approved by the

(b)__Discounts must apply equally to eligible
individuals in the standard and substandard rating

(4)__The multiples used for standard and substandard
rates and the discounting methodology must be chosen so
as to make the projected average rate for a given
benefit package and family structure equal to the
community rate, calculating the average on the basis of
the carrier's anticipated distribution of rating
adjustments for health status, lifestyle, age and

(5)__The superintendent may adopt rules setting forth
appropriate methodologies regarding substandard rating
and rate discounts.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
subparagraph are routine technical rules as defined in
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. A-8. 24-A MRSA §§2759 and 2760 are enacted to read:

§2759.__Pilot projects for innovative products

1.__Pilot projects permitted.__An insurer may apply to the
superintendent for approval of a pilot project under which it
will offer an individual health insurance product with an
innovative design.__Notwithstanding any other provision of this

Title, a policy form offered under the pilot project may be
exempted from statutory or regulatory requirements to the extent
that the superintendent considers appropriate.__This subsection
is repealed October 1, 2005.

2.__Reports to superintendent.__An insurer that has an
approved pilot project under this section must report to the
superintendent annually on or before October 1st.__The report
must include data on the number and types of policies sold,
demographic data on the population covered and a comparison of
this data to the insurer's conventional products.__The
superintendent may specify additional information to be included
in the report.__This subsection is repealed October 1, 2005.

3.__Reports to Legislature.__The superintendent shall report
to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters annually on or before
January 1st.__Each report must summarize reports received from
insurers with approved pilot projects and must include the
superintendent's assessment of the success of the projects.__This
subsection is repealed October 1, 2005.

4.__Policy issued under pilot project.__A policy issued under
a pilot project authorized under this section and in force on
October 1, 2005 must, on the first renewal date on or after
October 1, 2005, be amended to comply with all applicable
provisions of this Title or be terminated and replaced with
another product offered by the carrier.__If the policy was an
individual health plan as defined by section 2736-C or a small
group health plan as defined by section 2808-B, it may only be
terminated if the superintendent finds that the carrier offers
another product sufficiently similar to the policy being

§2760.__Pilot projects for multistate products

1.__Pilot projects permitted.__An insurer may apply to the
superintendent for approval of a pilot project under which it
will offer one or more__individual health insurance products
simultaneously in this State and in one or more other states.__
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, a policy form
offered under the pilot project and approved by the other
participating states where that product is offered may be
exempted from statutory or regulatory requirements to the extent
that the superintendent considers appropriate.__This subsection
is repealed October 1, 2005.

2.__Report to Legislature.__The superintendent shall report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters on or before January

1, 2004.__Each report must describe the experience under an
approved pilot project and must include the superintendent's
assessment of the success of the project.__This subsection is
repealed October 1, 2005.

3.__Policy issued under pilot project.__A policy issued under
a pilot project authorized under this section and in force on
October 1, 2005 must, on the first renewal date on or after
October 1, 2005, be amended to comply with all applicable
provisions of this Title or be terminated and replaced with
another product offered by the carrier.__If the policy was an
individual health plan as defined by section 2736-C or a small
group health plan as defined by section 2808-B, it may only be
terminated if the superintendent finds that the carrier offers
another product sufficiently similar to the policy being

Sec. A-9. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 861,
§2, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

B.__"Community rate" means a carrier's average rate for a
given benefit package for a given family status such as
individual, couple or family.__The average must be based on
the anticipated mix of business during the rating period.

Sec. A-10. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1993, c.
477, Pt. B, §1 and affected by Pt. F, §1, is further amended to

C. A carrier may vary the premium rate due to family
membership, smoking status, healthy lifestyle, participation
in wellness programs and group size.

(1)__Criteria used to define a healthy lifestyle must
be based upon factors within an individual's control.__
These criteria may not be based on health history or
health status.__These criteria must be filed with and
approved by the superintendent.__If within 60 days of
filing, the superintendent does not approve or
disapprove the filing and does not request additional
information, the filing is deemed approved.__If the
superintendent requests additional information and
within 60 days after the information is provided does
not approve or disapprove the filing and does not
request additional information, the filing is deemed

(2)__The superintendent may adopt rules setting forth appropriate
methodologies regarding rate discounts for

healthy lifestyles and participation in wellness
programs.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subparagraph
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. A-11. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§2, ¶D, as amended by PL 1997, c.
445, §14 and affected by §32, is further amended to read:

D. A carrier may vary the premium rate due to age, smoking
status, occupation or industry, and geographic area only
under the following schedule and within the listed
percentage bands.

(1) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State between July 15, 1993 and July
14, 1994, the premium rate may not deviate above or
below the community rate filed by the carrier by more
than 50%.

(2) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State between July 15, 1994 and July
14, 1995, the premium rate may not deviate above or
below the community rate filed by the carrier by more
than 33%.

(3) For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State after between July 15, 1995
and December 31, 2001, the premium rate may not deviate
above or below the community rate filed by the carrier
by more than 20%, except as provided in paragraph D-1.

(4)__For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State in calendar year 2002, the
premium rate may not be less than 70% nor greater than
120% of the community rate filed by the carrier.

(5)__For all policies, contracts or certificates that
are executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued
or renewed in this State on or after January 1, 2003,
the premium rate may not be less than 60% nor greater
than 120% of the community rate filed by the carrier.

Sec. A-12. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§2, ¶D-1, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
445, §14 and affected by §32, is repealed.

Sec. A-13. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§6, ¶A, as amended by PL 1995, c.
332, Pt. K, §2, is further amended to read:

A. Each carrier must actively market small group health
plan coverage, including the basic and standard plans
defined in subsection 8, to eligible groups in this State.

Sec. A-14. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1993, c. 588,
§2, is repealed.

Sec. A-15. 24-A MRSA §§2847-J and 2847-K are enacted to read:

§2847-J.__Pilot projects for innovative products

1.__Pilot projects permitted.__An insurer may apply to the
superintendent for approval of a pilot project under which it
will offer a group health insurance product with an innovative
design.__Notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, a
policy form offered under the pilot project may be exempted from
statutory or regulatory requirements to the extent that the
superintendent considers appropriate.__This subsection is
repealed October 1, 2005.

2.__Reports to superintendent.__An insurer that has an
approved pilot project under this section must report to the
superintendent annually on or before October 1st.__Each report
must include data on the number and types of policies sold,
demographic data on the population covered and a comparison of
this data to the insurer's conventional products.__The
superintendent may specify additional information to be included
in the report.__This subsection is repealed October 1, 2005.

3.__Reports to Legislature.__The superintendent shall report
to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters annually on or before
January 1st.__Each report must summarize reports received from
insurers with approved pilot projects and must include the
superintendent's assessment of the success of the projects.__This
subsection is repealed October 1, 2005.

4.__Policy issued under pilot project.__A policy issued under
a pilot project authorized under this section and in force on
October 1, 2005 must, on the first renewal date on or after
October 1, 2005, be amended to comply with all applicable
provisions of this Title or be terminated and replaced with
another product offered by the carrier.__If the policy was an
individual health plan as defined by section 2736-C or a small
group health plan as defined by section 2808-B, it may only be
terminated if the superintendent finds that the carrier offers

another product sufficiently similar to the policy being

§2847-K.__Pilot projects for multistate products

1.__Pilot projects permitted.__An insurer may apply to the
superintendent for approval of a pilot project under which it
will offer one or more__group health insurance products
simultaneously in this State and in one or more other states.__
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, a policy form
offered under the pilot project and approved by the other
participating states where that product is offered may be
exempted from statutory or regulatory requirements to the extent
that the superintendent considers appropriate.__This subsection
is repealed October 1, 2005.

2.__Report to Legislature.__The superintendent shall report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters on or before January
1, 2003.__That report must describe the experience under the
approved pilot project and must include the superintendent's
assessment of the success of the project.__This subsection is
repealed October 1, 2005.

3.__Policy issued under pilot project.__A policy issued under
a pilot project authorized under this section and in force on
October 1, 2005 must, on the first renewal date on or after
October 1, 2005, be amended to comply with all applicable
provisions of this Title or be terminated and replaced with
another product offered by the carrier.__If the policy was an
individual health plan as defined by section 2736-C or a small
group health plan as defined by section 2808-B, it may only be
terminated if the superintendent finds that the carrier offers
another product sufficiently similar to the policy being

Sec. A-16. 24-A MRSA §4204, sub-§2-A, ¶J, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332,
Pt. I, §1, is repealed.

Sec. A-17. 24-A MRSA §6603, sub-§1, ¶H, as amended by PL 1999, c. 256,
Pt. R, §1, is further amended to read:

H. May issue only health care benefit plans that comply with the
requirements of section 2808-B with regard to rating practices,
coverage for late enrollees and guaranteed renewal and offer the
standard and basic plans as adopted by the Bureau of Insurance in
Rule Chapter 750. The superintendent may waive the requirement
to offer standard and basic plans for an arrangement that
provides benefits only to members of an association meeting the

of section 2805-A. An arrangement may not provide health
care benefits that do not meet or exceed the requirements
for the basic plan mandated benefits applicable to
comparable insured plans.

Sec. A-18. Effective date. Those sections of this Part that repeal
and replace the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 2736-
C, subsection 1, paragraph B and section 2808-B, subsection 1,
paragraph B take effect January 1, 2002.


Sec. B-1. 24 MRSA §2317-B, sub-§7-A is enacted to read:

7-A.__Title 24-A, sections 2735-A and 2839-A.__Notice of rate
increase, Title 24-A, sections 2735-A and 2839-A;

Sec. B-2. 24-A MRSA §2735-A is enacted to read:

§2735-A.__Notice of rate increase

1.__Existing business.__An insurer must provide written notice
by one of the methods provided in this subsection to all affected
policyholders at least 30 days before the effective date of any
increase in premium rates.__If the increase is pending approval
at the time of notice, the notice must show the proposed rate and
state that it is subject to regulatory approval.__An increase may
not be implemented until 30 days after the notice is provided, or
the effective date under section 2736, whichever is later.

A.__The notice must be provided by first class mail.

B.__The notice must be provided to the producer at least 40
days before the effective date and the producer must provide
the notice to the policyholder by first class mail or hand
delivery at least 30 days before the effective date.

2.__New business.__When an insurer quotes a rate for new
business, it must disclose any rate increase that the insurer
anticipates implementing within the following 90 days.__If the
quote is in writing, the disclosure must also be in writing.__If
the increase is pending approval at the time of notice, the
disclosure must include the proposed rate and state that it is
subject to regulatory approval.__If disclosure required by this
subsection is not provided, an increase may not be implemented
until at least 90 days after the date the quote is provided, or
the effective date under section 2736, whichever is later.

Sec. B-3. 24-A MRSA §2803-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 370, Pt. E,
§5, is further amended to read:

§2803-A. Loss information

1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A. "Insurance policy" means the insurance policy relating
to the loss information requested pursuant to this section.

B. "Loss Basic loss information" means the aggregate claims
experience of the group insurance policy or contract. "Loss
Basic loss information" includes the amount of premium
received, the amount of claims paid and the loss ratio.
"Loss Basic loss information" does not include any
information or data pertaining to the medical diagnosis,
treatment or health status that identifies an individual
covered under the group contract or policy.

B-1.__"Confidential loss information" means information or
data pertaining to the medical diagnosis, treatment or
health status of group members, including information that
may potentially identify an individual covered under the
group contract or policy.

C. "Loss ratio" means the ratio between the amount of
premium received and the amount of claims paid by the
insurer under the group insurance contract or policy.

2. Disclosure of basic loss information. Upon written
request, every insurer shall provide basic loss information
concerning a group policy or contract to its policyholder at
least 60 days prior to renewal of the policy or contract and
again 6 months from the date the policy becomes effective within
10 business days of the date of the request.

2-A.__Disclosure of confidential loss information.__Upon
written request by a policyholder, an insurer shall provide an
insurance producer or another insurer with confidential loss
information for purposes of securing insurance coverage with
another carrier.__This information must be provided within 10
working days of the date of the request.__Confidential loss
information may not be disclosed to a policyholder, employer or
any other individual not directly involved in securing insurance

3. Transmittal of request. If a policyholder requests loss
information from an An insurance agent producer or other

authorized representative, the representative or agent who
receives a request for basic or confidential loss information in
accordance with this section shall transmit the request for loss
information to the insurer within 4 working days.

4. Exception. An insurer is not required to provide the
basic or confidential loss information described in this section
to for a group that is eligible for small group coverage pursuant
to section 2808-B.

Sec. B-4. 24-A MRSA §2839-A is enacted to read:

§2839-A.__Notice of rate increase

1.__Existing business.__An insurer must provide written notice
by one of the methods provided in this subsection to all affected
policyholders or others who are directly billed for group
coverage at least 30 days before the effective date of any
increase in premium rates.__An increase may not be implemented
until 30 days after the notice is provided.

A.__The notice must be provided by first class mail.

B.__The notice must be provided to the producer at least 40
days before the effective date and the producer must provide
the notice to the policyholder by first class mail or hand
delivery at least 30 days before the effective date.

2.__New business.__When an insurer quotes a rate for new
business, it must disclose any rate increase that the insurer
anticipates implementing within the following 90 days.__If the
quote is in writing, the disclosure must also be in writing.__If
such disclosure is not provided, an increase may not be
implemented until at least 90 days after the date the quote is

Sec. B-5. 24-A MRSA §4222-B, sub-§§15 to 19 are enacted to read:

15.__Sections 2735-A and 2839-A, relating to notice of rate
increases, apply to health maintenance organizations.

16.__Section 2803-A, relating to disclosure of loss
information, applies to health maintenance organizations.

17.__The requirement of section 2809-A, subsection 11 to
continue group coverage under certain circumstances applies to
health maintenance organizations.

18.__Sections 2759, 2760, 2847-J and 2847-K relating to pilot
projects apply to health maintenance organizations.

19.__Section 12-A relating to penalties applies to health
maintenance organizations.

Sec. B-6. 24-A MRSA §4224-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 370, Pt. E,
§7, is repealed.

Sec. B-7. 24-A MRSA §4303, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Maximum allowable charges.__All policies, contracts and
certificates executed, delivered and issued by a carrier under
which the insured or enrollee may be subject to balance billing
when charges exceed a maximum considered usual, customary and
reasonable by the carrier or that contain contractual language of
similar import must be subject to the following.

A.__If benefits for covered services are limited to a
maximum amount based on any combination of usual, customary
and reasonable charges or other similar method, the carrier

(1)__Clearly disclose that the insured or enrollee may
be subject to balance billing as a result of claims
adjustment; and

(2)__Provide a toll-free number that an insured or
enrollee may call prior to receiving services to
determine the maximum allowable charge permitted by the
carrier for a specified service.

B.__The carrier must provide to the superintendent on
request complete information on the methodology and specific
data used by the carrier or any 3rd party on behalf of the
carrier in adjusting any claim submitted by or on behalf of
the insured or enrollee.__In considering the reasonableness
of the methodology for calculating maximum allowable
charges, the superintendent shall consider whether the
methodology takes into account relevant data specific to
this State if there is sufficient data to constitute a
representative sample of charge data for the same or
comparable service.

Sec. B-8. 24-A MRSA §4304, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Notice.__A notice issued by a carrier or its contracted
utilization review entity in response to a request by or on
behalf of an insured or enrollee for authorization of medical
services that advises that the requested service has been
determined to be medically necessary must also advise whether the
service is covered under the policy or contract under which the
insured or enrollee is covered.__Nothing in this subsection

requires a carrier to provide coverage for services performed
when the insured or enrollee is no longer covered by the health

Sec. B-9. 24-A MRSA §5002-B, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Low-cost drugs for the elderly or disabled program.__An
issuer that offers standardized plans that include prescription
drug benefits must permit an insured who has a plan from the same
issuer without prescription drug benefits to purchase a plan with
prescription drug benefits under the following circumstances:

A. The insured was covered under the low-cost drugs for the
elderly or disabled program established by Title 22, section

B.__The insured applies for a plan with prescription drug
coverage within 90 days after losing eligibility for the
low-cost drugs for the elderly or disabled program
established by Title 22, section 254; and

C.__The insured either:

(1) Had a Medicare supplement plan with prescription
drug benefits from the same issuer prior to enrolling
in the low-cost drugs for the elderly or disabled
program established by Title 22, section 254; or

(2) Is entitled to continuity of coverage pursuant to
subsection 1 and has had prescription drug benefits,
through either a Medicare supplement plan or the low-
cost drugs for the elderly or disabled program
established by Title 22, section 254, since the
insured's open enrollment period with no gap in
prescription drug coverage in excess of 90 days.


Sec. C-1. 24-A MRSA c. 32-A is enacted to read:





1.__Health insurance policies.__This chapter applies to
individual health insurance policies subject to chapter 33 and to

group health insurance policies and certificates subject to
chapter 35.

2.__Dental plans and vision care plans.__This chapter applies
to dental plans and vision care plans only as specified.

3.__Policies not subject to this chapter.__This chapter does
not apply to:

A.__Individual policies or contracts issued pursuant to a
conversion privilege under a policy or contract of group or
individual insurance when that group or individual policy or
contract includes provisions that are inconsistent with the
requirements of this chapter;

B.__Policies issued to employees or members as additions to
franchise plans in existence on the effective date of this

C.__Medicare supplement policies subject to chapter 67;

i.D.__Long-term care insurance policies subject to chapter
68; or

E.__Insurance policies supplemental to the Civilian Health
and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, CHAMPUS, 10
United States Code, Chapter 55 (2000).


As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Certificate.__"Certificate" means a statement of the
coverage and provisions of a policy of group health insurance
that has been delivered or issued for delivery in this State.__
"Certificate" includes riders, endorsements and enrollment forms,
if attached.

2.__Dental plan.__"Dental plan" means insurance written to
provide coverage for dental treatment.

3.__Direct response advertising.__"Direct response
advertising" means a solicitation through a sponsoring or
endorsing entity or individually through mail, telephone, the
internet or other mass communication media.

4.__Form.__"Form" means a policy, contract, rider, endorsement
or application as provided in section 2412.

5.__Policy.__"Policy" means an entire contract between the
insurer and the insured, including riders, endorsements and the
application, if attached.

6.__Vision care plan.__"Vision care plan" means insurance
written to provide coverage for eye care.

§2693.__Standards for policy provisions

1.__Rules regarding manner, content and required disclosure.__
The superintendent may adopt rules to establish specific
standards, including standards of full and fair disclosure, that
set forth the manner, content and required disclosure for the
sale of individual and group health insurance.__The
superintendent may adopt additional rules to establish specific
standards for the sale of dental plans and vision care plans.

2.__Rules regarding prohibited policies or provisions.__The
superintendent may adopt rules that specify prohibited policies
or policy provisions not otherwise specifically authorized by
statute that, in the opinion of the superintendent, are unjust,
unfair or unfairly discriminatory to the policyholder or a person
insured under the policy or to a beneficiary of the policy.

§2694.__Minimum standards for benefits

The superintendent shall adopt rules to establish minimum
standards for benefits under individual and group health
insurance.__These rules must clarify the meaning of limited
benefits health insurance as referred to in chapters 33, 35 and
56-A.__The rules must also set minimum standards for benefits for
each of the following categories of coverage:

1.__Basic hospital expense coverage.__Basic hospital expense

2.__Basic medical-surgical expense coverage.__Basic medical-
surgical expense coverage;

3.__Basic hospital and medical-surgical expense coverage.__
Basic hospital and medical-surgical expense coverage;

4.__Hospital confinement indemnity coverage.__Hospital
confinement indemnity coverage;

5.__Individual major medical expense coverage.__Individual
major medical expense coverage;

6.__Individual basic medical expense coverage.__Individual
basic medical expense coverage;

7.__Disability income protection coverage.__Disability income
protection coverage;

8.__Accident only coverage.__Accident only coverage;

9.__Specified disease coverage.__Specified disease coverage;

10.__Specified accident coverage.__Specified accident

This section does not preclude the issuance of a policy or
contract that combines 2 or more of the categories of coverage in
subsections 1 to 10.

§2695.__Disclosure requirements

1.__Outline of coverage.__Except as provided in subsections 7
and 8, an insurer shall deliver an outline of coverage to an
applicant or enrollee in connection with the sale of individual
health insurance, group health insurance, dental plans and vision
care plans delivered or issued for delivery in this State.

2.__Sale through producer.__If the sale of a policy described
in subsection 1 occurs through a producer, the outline of
coverage must be delivered to the applicant at the time of
application or to the certificate holder at the time of

3.__Sale through direct-response advertising.__If the sale of
a policy described in subsection 1 occurs through direct-response
advertising, the outline of coverage must be delivered no later
than in conjunction with the issuance of the policy or delivery
of the certificate.

4.__Outline of coverage not delivered at time of application
or enrollment.__If the outline of coverage required in
subsections 1 and 8 and in any rules adopted by the
superintendent pursuant to this chapter is not delivered at the
time of application or enrollment, the advertising materials
delivered to the applicant or enrollee must contain all the
information required in subsection 8 and in any rules adopted by
the superintendent pursuant to this chapter.

5.__Outline of coverage delivered at time of application or
enrollment.__If the outline of coverage is delivered to the
applicant or enrollee at the time of application or enrollment,

the insurer must collect an acknowledgment of receipt or
certificate of delivery of the outline of coverage and the
insurer must maintain evidence of the delivery.

6.__Coverage issued on basis other than as applied for.__If
coverage is issued on a basis other than as applied for, an
outline of coverage properly describing the coverage or contract
actually issued must be delivered with the policy or certificate
to the applicant or enrollee.

7.__Outline of coverage not required.__An outline of coverage
for group health insurance, a group dental plan or a group vision
care plan is not required to be delivered to certificate holders
if the certificate contains a brief description of:


B.__Provisions that exclude, eliminate, restrict, limit,
delay or in any other manner operate to qualify payment of
the benefits;

C.__Renewability provisions; and

D.__Notice requirements as provided in rules adopted
pursuant to this chapter.

8.__Superintendent shall prescribe format and content of
outline of coverage.__The superintendent shall prescribe the
format and content of the outline of coverage required by
subsection 1.__As used in this subsection, "format" means style,
arrangement and overall appearance, including items such as the
size, color and prominence of type and the arrangement of text
and captions.__The rules may exempt certain group policies from
the requirement to deliver an outline of coverage to an applicant
or enrollee.__The outline of coverage must include:

A.__A statement identifying the applicable category or
categories of coverage as prescribed in section 2694;

B.__A description of the principal benefits and coverage

C.__A statement of exceptions, reductions and limitations;

D.__A statement of renewal provisions, including any
reservation by the insurer of a right to change premiums;

E.__A statement that the outline is a summary of the policy or
certificate issued or applied for and that the policy or

certificate should be consulted to determine governing
policy provisions.

9.__Notice must be delivered to all applicants eligible for
Medicare.__An insurer shall deliver the notice required under
rules applicable to Medicare supplement insurance to all
applicants eligible for Medicare.

§2696.__Preexisting conditions

1.__Exclusion based on preexisting condition limited after 12
months.__Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2706,
subsection 2, division (b), if an insurer elects to use a
simplified application or enrollment form, with or without a
question as to the prospective insured's health at the time of
application or enrollment but without any questions concerning
the prospective insured's health history or medical treatment
history, the policy must cover any loss occurring after the
policy has been in force for 12 months from any preexisting
condition not specifically excluded from coverage by terms of the
policy, and, except for such specific exclusions, the policy or
certificate may not include wording that would permit a defense
based upon preexisting conditions, other than rescission for
affirmative misrepresentations, after it has been in force for 12

2.__Exclusion based on preexisting condition limited after 6
months.__Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 and
section 2706, subsection 2, division (b), an insurer that issues
a specified disease policy or certificate, regardless of whether
the policy or certificate is issued on the basis of a detailed
application form, a simplified application form or an enrollment
form may not deny a claim for any covered loss that begins after
the policy or certificate has been in force for at least 6
months, unless that loss results from a preexisting condition
that was diagnosed by a physician before the date of application
for coverage or that first manifested itself within the six
months immediately preceding the application date. Except for
for misrepresentation, defenses based upon preexisting conditions
are not permitted.

§2697. Rulemaking

The superintendent may adopt rules to carry out the purposes
of this chapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter are
routine technical rules as defined by Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.


Part A amends several provisions of the individual and small
group health insurance reform laws in the following ways.


1. It eliminates the requirement that private purchasing
alliances offer health coverage through more than one carrier.

2. It increases the permitted downward adjustments in
individual insurance rates based on age and geographic area from
20% to 40% over a 2-year period. It increases the permitted
downward adjustments in small group insurance rates based on age,
geographic area and occupation or industry from 20% to 40% over a
2-year period. Upward variations for both individual and small
group rates would remain limited to 20%.

3. It removes entirely the current restrictions on
differentiating individual and small group health insurance rates
based on smoking status and permits discounts for nonsmokers and
those with healthy lifestyles.

4. It permits rates for individual health insurance to vary
based on health status, within limits. For policies issued after
January 1, 2002, higher rates may be used for those in poor
health at time of issue, but renewal rates may not be increased
based on subsequent deterioration of health. The highest rate
charged for a given age and geographic area is limited to 150% of
the standard rate for that age and geographic area.

5. It authorizes the Superintendent of Insurance to approve
pilot projects under which insurers may offer innovative products
that are exempted from certain provisions of the insurance code
including access requirements and mandated benefits. It also
authorizes approval of pilot projects under which insurers may be
exempted from certain provisions of the insurance code in order
to offer the same product in multiple states.

6. It eliminates the requirement for carriers to offer
standardized plans in the small group market.

Part B includes the following consumer protection provisions.

1. It requires health insurers to provide a minimum 30-day
notice of rate increases to policyholders. It also requires
disclosure of anticipated rate increases when quoting rates for
new business.

2. It requires more complete disclosure of loss information
in order to facilitate shopping by employers for alternate

coverage while protecting confidential information from improper

3. It makes health maintenance organizations subject to the
same continuation of coverage requirements currently applicable
to group indemnity coverage. It also clarifies that the general
penalty provisions of the insurance code apply to health
maintenance organizations.

4. It establishes standards applicable to health policies and
contracts that limit payment of claims for covered services based
on a determination of "usual, customary and reasonable charges,"
UCR or similar methodology. The bill requires disclosure to
insureds that they may be subject to balance billing, requires
carriers to give insureds the opportunity to request the
carrier's UCR rate for a given procedure to permit the insured to
shop around for services, requires carriers to disclose their
methodology and specific data relied upon in calculating UCR for
a given claim and limits carriers' ability to apply UCR when
credible data is not available.

5. It requires utilization review notices to advise whether
or not the service reviewed for medical necessity is covered
under the health contract or policy at issue. Utilization review
notices frequently advise only whether or not a requested service
is medically necessary, causing consumer confusion when a service
authorized as medically necessary is subsequently denied as not
being covered.

6. It permits those who lose eligibility for the low-cost
drugs for the elderly or disabled program to purchase a Medicare
supplement policy with prescription drug benefits.

Part C creates a new chapter of the Maine Insurance Code based
on a National Association of Insurance Commissioners model law to
standardize and simplify the terms and coverages of individual
health insurance policies and group health insurance policies and
certificates. It is also intended to facilitate public
understanding and comparison and to eliminate provisions
contained in health insurance policies that may be misleading or
unreasonably confusing in connection either with the purchase of
these coverages or with the settlement of claims. It further
provides for full disclosure in the sale of health coverages and
gives the Superintendent of Insurance authority to adopt rules to
carry out the purposes of the chapter.

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