LD 1751
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Maine Commission on Domestic Abuse LD 1751 Title Page
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LR 2492
Item 1

(8-A)__One member, appointed by the Governor, who is
the statewide coordinator of a statewide coalition to
end domestic violence;

(8-B)__One member, appointed by the Governor, who is
the executive director of a statewide coalition against
sexual assault;

(8-C)__The Attorney General or the Attorney General's

(8-D)__The Chief of the Maine State Police or the
chief's designee;

(9) The Commissioner of Public Safety or the
commissioner's designee; and

(9-A)__The Commissioner of Human Services or the
commissioner's designee;

(9-B)__The Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse Services or the
commissioner's designee;

(9-C)__The Commissioner of Education or the
commissioner's designee;

(9-D)__The Commissioner of Labor or the commissioner's

(9-E)__The Commissioner of Corrections or the
commissioner's designee; and

(10) Up to 8 members-at-large, appointed by the

Sec. 2. 19-A MRSA §4013, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 507, §3 and
affected by §4, is amended to read:

4. Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel. The commission
shall establish the Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel,
referred to in this subsection as the "panel," to review the
deaths of persons who are killed by family or household members
as defined by section 4002.

A. The chair of the commission shall appoint members of the
panel who have experience in providing services to victims of
domestic abuse and shall include at least the following: the
Chief Medical Examiner, a physician, a nurse, a law enforcement
officer, the Commissioner of Human Services, the

Commissioner of Corrections, the Commissioner of Public
Safety, a judge as assigned by the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judicial Court, a representative of the Maine
Prosecutors Association, an assistant attorney general
responsible for the prosecution of homicide cases designated
by the Attorney General, an assistant attorney general
handling child protection cases designated by the Attorney
General, a victim-witness advocate, a mental health service
provider, a facilitator of a certified batterers'
intervention program under section 4014 and 3 persons
designated by a statewide coalition for family crisis
services. Members who are not state officials serve a 2-
year term without compensation, except that of those
initially appointed by the chair, 1/2 must be appointed for
a one-year term.

B. The panel shall recommend to state and local agencies
methods of improving the system for protecting persons from
domestic abuse, including modifications of laws, rules,
policies and procedures following completion of

C. The panel shall collect and compile data related to
domestic abuse.

D. In any case subject to review by the panel, upon oral or
written request of the panel, any person that possesses
information or records that are necessary and relevant to a
homicide review shall as soon as practicable provide the
panel with the information and records. Persons disclosing
or providing information or records upon the request of the
panel are not criminally or civilly liable for disclosing or
providing information or records in compliance with this

E. The proceedings and records of the panel are
confidential and are not subject to subpoena, discovery or
introduction into evidence in a civil or criminal action.
The commission shall disclose conclusions of the review
panel upon request, but may not disclose information,
records or data that are otherwise classified as

The commission shall submit a report on the panel's activities,
conclusions and recommendations to the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters by
January 1, 1999 January 30, 2002 and annually biannually


This bill makes changes to the composition of the Maine
Commission on Domestic Abuse and requires the commission to
report biannually to the Legislature.

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