LD 1754
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws of the Maine State Retirement System LD 1754 Title Page
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employer for its employees, which obligation is hereby explicitly

Sec. 2. 3 MRSA §731, sub-§4, as corrected by RR 1997, c. 2, §5, is
amended to read:

4. Oath. Each trustee shall, within 10 days after September
19, 1985 and thereafter, within 10 30 days after that trustee's
appointment or election, take an oath of office to faithfully
discharge the duties of a trustee, in the form prescribed by the
Constitution of Maine. This oath must be subscribed to by the
trustee making it, certified by the officer before whom it is
taken and immediately filed in the office of the Secretary of

Sec. 3. 4 MRSA §1205 is enacted to read:

§1205.__Single plan

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for purposes of
financial reporting and related financial administration, the
Maine State Retirement System administers a single retirement
plan, the accumulated assets of which may be used to pay
benefits, including refunds of member contributions, to members
or beneficiaries of members under any plan administered by the
Maine State Retirement System under this chapter, Title 3,
chapter 29 or Title 5, Part 20.__With respect to any employer
that provides for retirement benefits for its employees through
the Maine State Retirement System, nothing in this section
obligates or may be construed to obligate that employer to fund
any liability other than that arising or accruing to it under the
Maine State Retirement System plan or plans provided by that
employer for its employees, which obligation is hereby explicitly

Sec. 4. 4 MRSA §1231, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1999, c. 127, Pt. A,
§1, is further amended to read:

4. Oath. Each trustee shall, within 10 days after December
1, 1984 or, thereafter, within 10 30 days after that trustee's
appointment or election, take an oath of office to faithfully
discharge the duties of a trustee, in the form prescribed by the
Constitution of Maine. The oath must be subscribed to by the
trustee making it, certified by the officer before whom it is
taken and immediately filed in the office of the Secretary of

Sec. 5. 5 MRSA §17001, sub-§9, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801,
§§5 and 7, are amended to read:

A. The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and
Clerical Workers: United States City Average, All items,
1967 = 100 All Urban Consumers, CPI-U, as compiled by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of
Labor; or

B. If the index described in paragraph A is revised or
superseded, the Consumer Price Index shall be the index
represented by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as reflecting
most accurately the board must employ the Consumer Price
Index compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United
States Department of Labor that the board finds to be most
reflective of changes in the purchasing power of the dollar
for the broadest population of consumers, including retired

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §17053-A is enacted to read:

§17053-A.__Single plan

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for purposes of
financial reporting and related financial administration, the
retirement system administers a single retirement plan, the
accumulated assets of which may be used to pay benefits,
including refunds of member contributions, to members or
beneficiaries of members under any plan administered by the
retirement system under this Part, Title 3, chapter 29 or Title
4, chapter 27.__With respect to any employer that provides for
retirement benefits for its employees through the retirement
system, nothing in this section obligates or may be construed to
obligate that employer to fund any liability other than that
arising and accruing to it under the retirement system plan or
plans provided by the employer for its employees, which
obligation is hereby explicitly affirmed.

Sec. 7. 5 MRSA §17102, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5 and
7, is amended to read:

4. Oath. Each trustee shall, within 10 30 days after his the
trustee's appointment or election, take an oath of office to
faithfully discharge the duties of a trustee, in the form
prescribed by the Constitution of Maine.

A. The oath shall must be subscribed to by the trustee
making it.

B. The oath shall must be certified by the officer before
whom it was taken and immediately filed in the office of the
Secretary of State.

Sec. 8. 5 MRSA §17107, sub-§2, ¶E, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5
and 7, is amended to read:

E. The actuary shall make whatever investigations he deems
the actuary considers necessary of the experience of the
retirement system with respect to the factors which that
affect the cost of the benefits provided by the retirement

(1) The purpose of the investigations is to determine the
actuarial assumptions to be recommended to the board
for adoption in connection with actuarial
determinations required under this Part.

(2) These investigations shall be made as frequently as
the actuary deems expedient, but shall be made at least
once in each 3-year period following January 1, 1976.

(2-A)__These investigations must be made whenever the
board, on recommendation of the actuary, determines an
investigation to be necessary to the actuarial
soundness or prudent administration of the plan or
plans to which the investigation is related.__The
determination must take into account plan demographics
and changes in plan demographics, employment patterns
and projections, relevant economic measures and
expectations and other factors that the board or
actuary considers significant.__With respect to the
retirement system plan for state employees and
teachers, if 6 fiscal years have elapsed without an
investigation being conducted, the board must either
conduct an investigation within the next fiscal year or
must record in the official minutes of a meeting of the
board, in each fiscal year until the year in which an
investigation is conducted, its decision not to do so
and the reason or reasons for its decision.

Sec. 9. 5 MRSA §17655, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 479, §1,
is further amended to read:

B. Any employee who enlists in or is inducted or drafted
into the service of the Armed Forces of the United States in
a federally recognized period of conflict, as defined in
Title 37-B, section 504, subsection 4, paragraph A-1,
subparagraph (3), including:;

(1) During World War I between April 6, 1917, and March 3,
1921; and

Sec. 10. 5 MRSA §17851, sub-§4, ¶B, as amended by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
CC, §3, is further amended to read:

B. Became a state police officer after September 15, 1984
or a special agent investigator before June 21, 1982 and
completed 25 years of creditable service as a state police
officer or special agent investigator, which may include
creditable service under section 17760.

Sec. 11. 5 MRSA §18254, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5 and
7, is amended to read:

The withdrawal of a participating local district from the
retirement system has the following effects on an employee of the
district and on the district itself.

Sec. 12. 5 MRSA §18254, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5 and
7, is amended to read:

3. Former employee receiving or eligible for retirement
benefits. For Except as provided in subsection 5, for a former
employee who is receiving retirement benefits or is eligible for
retirement benefits, the district shall continue continues to be
a participating local district and that person shall be is
subject to this Part.

Sec. 13. 5 MRSA §18254, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Conditions under which withdrawn participating local
district is no longer participating local district.__A
participating local district that has no former employees
eligible for retirement benefits under subsection 3 and no former
employees covered under subsection 4 is no longer a participating
local district when:

A.__The participating local district's status as a
participating local district is based solely on the
existence of a former employee or employees who are retirees
receiving retirement benefits or on the existence of current
or potential beneficiaries of such retirees who are
receiving or potentially entitled to receive benefits; and

B.__The district satisfies fully all liabilities as measured
by the retirement system for those to whom paragraph A

(1)__In accordance with state and federal law; and

(2)__According to standards and procedures approved by the board
as determined by the board to protect the

interests of current and potential benefit recipients
and any other affected or potentially affected person
or entity.__Such procedures may include, but are not
limited to, the establishment by purchase or otherwise
of an annuity or annuities as a means of satisfying the
district's liabilities.

Having satisfied its liabilities in compliance with this
subsection, a district is no longer a participating local
district, and the retirement system must return to it any assets
in the district's retirement system account exceeding the amount
necessary to comply.__Satisfaction of district liabilities
pursuant to this subsection bars any future claim by any person
against the retirement system for liability to or responsibility
for any retiree, beneficiary or the district, and a retiree,
beneficiary or the district is not thereafter subject to this

Sec. 14. 5 MRSA §18258, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 479, §4,
is further amended to read:

B. Any employee who enlists in or is inducted or drafted
into the service of the Armed Forces of the United States in
a federally recognized period of conflict, as defined in
Title 37-B, section 504, subsection 4, paragraph A-1,
subparagraph (3), including:;

(1) During World War I between April 6, 1917, and March 3,
1921; and

Sec. 15. Single plan. In accordance with the provisions of the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 705, Title 4, section 1205 and
Title 5, section 17053-A, for purposes of the reporting standard
set out in Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No.
25, paragraph 16, the Maine State Retirement System administers a
single retirement plan, the accumulated assets of which may be
used to pay benefits, including refunds of member contributions,
to members or beneficiaries of members under any plan
administered by the Maine State Retirement System.

Sec. 16. Legislative findings. In establishing the Consumer Price Index
for All Urban Consumers as the benchmark for the cost-of-living
adjustment available under the laws governing the Maine State
Retirement System in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section
17001, subsection 9, paragraph A, the Legislature finds that that
index is the most reflective of the purchasing power of the
dollar for the broadest population of consumers, including
retired consumers.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill makes the following changes to the laws governing
the Maine State Retirement System.

1. It replaces the current 10-day period for swearing a newly
appointed or reappointed trustee of the Maine Legislative
Retirement System, Maine Judicial Retirement System and the Maine
State Retirement System with the 30-day period generally provided
by law for the swearing of similar appointees.

2. It establishes the CPI-U, Consumer Price Index for All
Urban Consumers, as the benchmark for the cost-of-living
adjustment available under the statutes governing the Maine State
Retirement System, because that index is the most reflective of
the purchasing power of the dollar for the broadest population of
consumers, including retired consumers.

3. It clarifies that, for purposes of financial reporting and
administration, the Maine State Retirement System is a single
retirement plan.

4. It establishes standards for the determination by the
Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System and the
system's actuary that a study of plan experience is necessary for
the actuarial soundness or prudent administration of the system's
plans, replacing the current fixed 3-year study requirement for
the state employee and teacher plan and establishing a standard
for studies of plan experience under the system's other plans.

5. It allows service credit in order to qualify for a service
retirement benefit under a special plan to a state employee,
teacher member or participating local district member
interrupting employment for any service in the Armed Forces,
removing the current limitation to service during a federally
recognized period of conflict as defined by federal law. The
federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
now mandates that all service in the Armed Forces be recognized
under these circumstances by the Maine State Retirement System.

6. It articulates the longstanding policy of the Maine State
Retirement System to allow state police officers covered under
the post-1984 state police special plan service credit for
purchased service in the Armed Forces.

7. It establishes the conditions under which a participating
local district that has withdrawn from the Maine State Retirement
System may satisfy its liabilities for benefits in order to
receive back from the retirement system district assets remaining
after liabilities are satisfied and authorizes the retirement
system to pay over such assets.

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