LD 1770
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Page 1 of 2 An Act Regarding Conversions of Nonprofit Entities to For-profit Entities LD 1770 Title Page
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(1)__Delivering a duly executed copy of the notice to
the person to be served or to a partner or to any
officer or agent authorized by appointment or by law to
receive service of process on behalf of that person;

(2)__Delivering a duly executed copy of the notice to
the principal place of business in the State of the
person to be served; or

(3)__Mailing by registered or certified mail a duly
executed copy of the notice addressed to the person to
be served to the person's principal place of business.

C.__Each notice must:

(1)__State the time and place for the taking of
testimony or the examination and the name and address
of each person to be examined, if known and, if the
name is not known, a general description sufficient to
identify the person;

(2)__State the alleged violation that is under
investigation, state the general subject matter of the
investigation and state the title and section governing
the alleged violation;

(3)__Describe the class or classes of documentary
material to be produced with reasonable specificity, so
as to fairly indicate the material demanded;

(4)__Prescribe a return date by which the documentary
material must be produced; and

(5)__Identify the members of the Attorney General's
staff to whom the documentary material must be made
available for inspection and copying.

D.__A notice may not contain a requirement that would be
unreasonable if contained in a subpoena duces tecum issued
by a court of the State; or require the disclosure of any
documentary material that would be privileged or that for
any other reason would not be required by a subpoena duces
tecum issued by a court of the State.

E.__Any documentary material or other information produced
by a person pursuant to this section may not, unless
otherwise ordered by a court of the State for good cause
shown, be disclosed to a person other than the authorized
agent or representative of the Attorney General unless with
the consent of the person producing the documentary

F.__The Superior Court for Kennebec County or a Superior
Court in any other county in which a person who is served
notice pursuant to this section resides or has that person's
usual place of business may, at any time prior to the date
specified in the notice, or within 21 days after the notice
has been served, whichever period is shorter, upon motion
for good cause shown, extend the reporting date, modify or
set aside the notice provided for in paragraph A or grant a
protective order in accordance with the standards set forth
in Rule 26(c) of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure.

5.__Final order.__A person upon whom a notice is served
pursuant to subsection 4 shall comply with the terms of the
notice unless otherwise provided by the order of a court of the
State.__A person who fails to appear or with intent to avoid
civil investigation under this chapter, removes from any place,
conceals, withholds or destroys, mutilates, alters or by any
other means falsifies any documentary material in the possession
of that person subject to the notice, or knowingly conceals any
relevant information, may be assessed a civil penalty of not more
than $5,000.

The Attorney General may file in the Superior Court of the county
in which the person resides or that person's principal place of
business, or in the Superior Court of Kennebec County if the
person is a nonresident or has no principal place of business in
the State, and serve upon the person, in the same manner as
provided in subsection 4, a petition for an order of the court
for the enforcement of this subsection.__Disobedience of a final
order entered under this subsection by court is punished as a

6.__Gift.__A gift made for a public charitable purpose is
deemed to have been made with a general intention to devote the
property to public charitable purposes, unless otherwise provided
in writing in the gift instrument.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §194-B is enacted to read:

§194-B.__Nonprofit conversions

1.__Definitions.__As used in sections 194-C to 194-F, unless
the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

A.__"Nonprofit conversion transaction" means:

(1)__The sale, transfer, lease, exchange, optioning, conveyance
or other disposition of all or substantially

all of the assets or operations of a nonprofit entity
to an entity or person other than a nonprofit entity;

(2)__The transfer of control or governance of all or
substantially all of the assets or operations of a
nonprofit entity to an entity or person other than a
nonprofit entity.

B.__"Nonprofit entity" means__a public charity, including a
public benefit corporation, charitable trust or mutual
corporation holding assets in charitable trust.

C.__"Nonprofit health care conversion transaction" means:

(1)__The sale, transfer, lease, exchange, optioning,
conveyance or other disposition of all or substantially
all of the assets or operations of a licensed nonprofit
hospital, nonprofit health maintenance organization or
nonprofit health care insurer, including a mutual
corporation holding assets in charitable trust, to an
entity or person other than a nonprofit entity; and

(2)__The transfer of control or governance of all or
substantially all of the assets or operations of a
licensed hospital, nonprofit health maintenance
organization or nonprofit health care insurer,
including a mutual corporation holding assets in
charitable trust, to an entity or person other than a
nonprofit entity.

D.__"Nonprofit health care entity" means a nonprofit
hospital, including a corporation or a hospital created
under a trust or will, nonprofit health maintenance
organization or nonprofit health care insurer, including an
entity affiliated with any of these through ownership,
governance or membership, such as a holding company or
subsidiary.__"Nonprofit health care entity" includes, but is
not limited to, nonprofit entities that are licensed as
hospitals, health maintenance organizations or health care
insurers, including mutual corporations holding assets in
charitable trust, under the laws of the State.

E.__"Nonprofit health care insurer" means a nonprofit
provider of health care insurance, including a hospital
service association, health service corporation and__
physician service organization.

F.__"Person" means an individual, partnership, trust,
estate, corporation, association, joint venture, joint stock
company, insurance company or other organization.

§194-C.__Approval or waiver required

1.__Requirement.__Prior to completing a nonprofit conversion
transaction, a nonprofit entity shall obtain:

A.__Court approval pursuant to section 194-E; or

B.__A waiver in lieu of approval from the Attorney General
pursuant to section 194-D.

2.__Filing with Secretary of State.__A nonprofit entity shall
file a copy of the approval or waiver obtained to comply with
this section with the Secretary of State.

3.__Failure to obtain approval or waiver.__A nonprofit
conversion transaction entered into without approval or waiver as
required in this section is void and subject to the penalties and
remedies provided for in section 194-F.

§194-D.__Notice; review by Attorney General

1.__Notice to Attorney General.__A nonprofit entity shall
provide written notice of its intent to enter into a nonprofit
conversion transaction at least 90 days prior to entering into
that transaction.__Notice to the Attorney General is not complete
until the Attorney General acknowledges receipt of a complete
notice.__The Attorney General may demand that the nonprofit
entity provide information reasonably necessary to complete the
Attorney General's review of the transaction.__Failure to provide
the information requested in a timely manner is sufficient
grounds for the Attorney General's refusal to grant a waiver.__
The nonprofit entity shall provide written certification to the
Attorney General, as part of the notice, that a copy of sections
194-B to 194-F has been given to each member of the board of
trustees or other governing body of the nonprofit entity.

2.__Public notice.__At the same time as it provides the
initial notice under this section to the Attorney General, the
nonprofit entity shall publish notice of its intent to enter into
a nonprofit conversion transaction in a newspaper of general
circulation in the county in which a majority of the assets of
the nonprofit entity are located.

3.__Waiver.__At any time during the review under this section
the Attorney General determines that the nonprofit conversion
transaction does not merit further review by the Attorney General
or by the court, the Attorney General may issue a waiver in lieu
of approval.

4.__Public meetings; notice of time and place.__During the

review of the nonprofit conversion transaction, the Attorney
General may conduct one or more public meetings, one of which
must be held in the county where the nonprofit entity's assets to
be transferred are located.__At the public meeting, the Attorney
General shall hear comments from interested persons regarding the
proposed nonprofit conversion transaction.__At least 21 days
before the meeting, the nonprofit entity shall publish notice of
the time and place of the meeting in one or more newspapers of
general circulation in the affected community and shall provide
written notice to the county commissioners and, if applicable, to
the city council of the city where the nonprofit entity's assets
to be transferred are located.__The notices must include the name
of the nonprofit entity, the name of the acquirer or other
parties to the proposed nonprofit conversion transaction, the
nature of the proposed nonprofit conversion transaction and the
anticipated consideration that will be paid by the acquirer.

5.__Required public hearing.__The Attorney General shall
conduct a public hearing pursuant to subsection 4 if a petition
signed by at least 150 registered voters of the State and
requesting a hearing is submitted within 45 days after public
notice is given.__Prior to its presentation to the Attorney
General, the petition must be verified and certified in the same
manner as provided in Title 21-A, section 354, subsection 7,
paragraphs A and C.

6.__Contracts with agencies and consultants; reimbursement for
costs.__To assist in the review of the proposed nonprofit
conversion transaction, the Attorney General may:

A.__Contract with, consult and receive advice from an agency
of the State or the United States on terms and conditions
the Attorney General considers appropriate; and

B.__At the Attorney General's sole discretion, contract with
experts or consultants the Attorney General considers
appropriate to assist the Attorney General in reviewing the
proposed nonprofit conversion transaction.

Contract costs incurred by the Attorney General pursuant to this
subsection may not exceed an amount that is reasonable and
necessary to conduct the review of the proposed nonprofit
conversion transaction.__The Attorney General is exempt from the
provisions of applicable state laws regarding public bidding
procedures for purposes of entering into contracts pursuant to
this subsection.__The nonprofit entity giving notice under
subsection 1 shall pay the Attorney General promptly upon request
for all costs of contracts entered into by the Attorney General
pursuant to this subsection.

The Attorney General is entitled to reimbursement from the
nonprofit entity giving notice under subsection 1 for all
reasonable and actual costs incurred by the Attorney General in
reviewing a proposed nonprofit conversion transaction, including
attorney's fees at the billing rate used by the Attorney General
to bill state agencies for legal services.__The nonprofit entity
giving notice under subsection 1 shall pay the Attorney General
promptly upon request for all costs.

7.__Public records.__All documents submitted to the Attorney
General by a person, including nonprofit health care entities
giving notice under subsection 1, in connection with the Attorney
General's review of the proposed nonprofit conversion transaction
are public records subject to Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter I
except records made confidential by statute or privileged under
the Maine Rules of Evidence.

8.__Rules.__The Attorney General may adopt such rules as the
Attorney General considers appropriate to implement sections 194-
B to 194-F.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are
routine technical rules as defined in chapter 375, subchapter II-

9.__Attorney General authority not limited.__Sections 194-B to
194-F do not limit the common law authority of the Attorney
General to protect charitable trusts and charitable assets in
this State.__The penalties and remedies provided in section 194-F
are in addition to, and are not a replacement for, any other
civil or criminal action the Attorney General may take under
common law or statute, including an action to rescind the
nonprofit conversion transaction to obtain injunctive relief or a
combination of this action and other remedies available under
common law or statute.

§194-E.__Court approval

1.__Filing of court action; factors to consider.__A nonprofit
entity shall file an action in Superior Court in the county in
which the nonprofit entity's assets to be transferred are located
or in Kennebec County.__The Attorney General must be made a party
to the action.__The court shall determine whether the proposed
transaction is consistent with the charitable or other public
purpose of the nonprofit entity, whether the nonprofit entity
will receive full and fair market value for the assets
transferred and whether the transaction violates any statutory or
common law duty on the part of the directors or other parties
involved in the transaction.__In making the determination, the
court shall consider:

A.__Whether the nonprofit entity will receive full and fair
market value for its charitable or social welfare assets;

B.__Whether the fair market value of the nonprofit entity's
assets to be transferred has been manipulated by the actions
of the parties in a manner that causes the fair market value
of the assets to decrease;

C.__Whether the proceeds of the proposed nonprofit
conversion transaction will be used in accordance with the
rules of the trust under which the assets are held by the
nonprofit entity and whether the proceeds will be controlled
as funds independent of the acquiring entity or entities
related to the acquiring entity;

D.__Whether the proposed nonprofit conversion transaction
will result in a breach of fiduciary duty, including
conflicts of interest related to payments or benefits to
officers, directors, board members, executives and experts
employed or retained by the parties;

E.__Whether the governing body of the nonprofit entity
exercised due diligence in deciding to dispose of the
nonprofit entity's assets, selecting the acquiring entity
and negotiating the terms and conditions of the disposition;

F.__Whether the nonprofit conversion transaction will result
in private inurement to any person;

G.__Whether the terms of a management or services contract
negotiated in conjunction with the proposed nonprofit
conversion transaction are reasonable;

H.__If a foundation is to be established to hold the
proceeds of the sale, whether the foundation will be broadly
based in the community and be representative of the affected
community, taking into consideration the structure and
governance of such foundation;

I.__Whether the Attorney General has been provided with
sufficient information and data by the nonprofit entity to
evaluate adequately the proposed nonprofit conversion
transaction or the effects of the proposed nonprofit
conversion transaction on the public, as long as the
Attorney General has notified the nonprofit entity or the
acquiring entity of an inadequacy of the information or data
and has provided a reasonable opportunity to remedy the
inadequacy; and

J.__Any other criteria the court considers necessary to
determine whether the standards for approval have been met.

2.__Nonprofit health care conversions; additional factors.__In
determining whether to approve a nonprofit health care
conversion, in addition to the factors described in subsection 1,
the court shall consider the following factors in determining
whether the proposed transaction is consistent with the
charitable or other public purpose of the nonprofit health care

A.__The effect of the transaction on the availability and
accessibility of health care service to the affected

B.__Whether sufficient safeguards are included to ensure the
affected community has continued access to affordable care;

C.__Whether the proposed nonprofit health care conversion
transaction creates or has the likelihood of creating an
adverse effect on the access to or availability or cost of
health care services to the community;

D.__Whether the acquiring entities have made a commitment,
at least comparable to the nonprofit health care entity, to
provide health care to the disadvantaged, the uninsured and
the under insured and to provide benefits to the affected
community to promote improved health care.__Activities and
funding provided by the nonprofit health care entity or its
successor nonprofit health care entity or foundation to
provide such health care or to provide support or medical
education and teaching programs or medical research programs
must be considered in evaluating compliance with this

E.__Whether the nonprofit health care conversion transaction
will result in the revocation of hospital privileges;

F.__Whether sufficient safeguards are included to maintain
appropriate capacity for health science research and health
care provider education;

G.__Whether the proposed nonprofit health care conversion
transaction demonstrates that the public interest will be
served by considering the essential medical services needed
to provide safe and adequate treatment, appropriate access
and balanced health care delivery to the residents; and

H.__Whether health care providers will be offered the

opportunity to invest or own an interest in the acquiring
entity or related party and whether procedures or safeguards
are in place to avoid conflict of interest in patient


A nonprofit conversion transaction entered into in violation
of section 194-C is void, and each member of the governing boards
and the chief financial officers of the parties to that nonprofit
conversion transaction may be subject to a civil penalty of up to
$100,000, the amount to be determined by the Superior Court of
Kennebec County or in the county in which the nonprofit entity's
assets to be transferred are located.__The Attorney General may
institute proceedings to impose such a penalty.__In addition, in
the case of a nonprofit health care conversion transaction, a
permit to operate a hospital may not be issued or renewed if the
nonprofit health care conversion transaction was entered into in
violation of the review and approval requirements of sections
194-C to 194-E.

Sec. 3. 13 MRSA §3062 is repealed.

Sec. 4. 13 MRSA §4101, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 371, §2, is
amended to read:

3. Governing board. "Governing board" means the body
responsible for the management of an institution or an
institutional fund or a trustee or trustees of a charitable

Sec. 5. 13 MRSA §4101, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 371, §2, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

6.__Institutional fund.__"Institutional fund" means a fund
held for or by an institution for its exclusive use, benefit or
purposes and includes a fund held by a trustee for one or more
institutions or other charitable purposes in which no beneficiary
that is not an institution or charitable beneficiary has an
interest, other than possible rights that could arise upon
violation of failure of the purposes of the fund.__"Institutional
fund" does not include a fund held or created by a town or other

Sec. 6. 13 MRSA §4106, as amended by PL 1997, c. 302, §1, is
further amended by adding at the end a new paragraph to read:

In the administration of the powers to appropriate
appreciation, to make and retain investments and to delegate
investment management of institutional funds, trustees of
charitable trusts are governed by the standards set forth in
Title 18-A, section 7-302.

Sec. 7. 13-B MRSA §102, sub-§8-A is enacted to read:

8-A.__Mutual benefit corporation.__"Mutual benefit
corporation" means a mutual benefit corporation as described in
section 1406 or a corporation formed as a mutual benefit
corporation pursuant to chapter 4.

Sec. 8. 13-B MRSA §102, sub-§10-A is enacted to read:

10-A.__Public benefit corporation.__"Public benefit
corporation" means a public benefit corporation described in
section 1406 or a domestic corporation formed as a public benefit
corporation pursuant to chapter 4.

Sec. 9. 13-B MRSA §403, sub-§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13,
is amended to read:

B. The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is
organized and a statement that it is organized for all
purposes permitted under the Act; or one of the following

(1)__This corporation is a public benefit corporation;

(2)__This corporation is a mutual benefit corporation.

Sec. 10. 13-B MRSA §704, as amended by PL 1979, c. 127, §101, is
further amended to read:

§704. Removal of directors by members

1. Removal for cause. At a special meeting of members called
expressly for that purpose, the entire board of directors or any
individual director may be removed, with or without cause, by a
vote of the members as provided in this section.

2. Vote of 2/3 of membership required for removal. Subject
to the limitation in subsection 4, if the corporation does not
have a board of directors so classified that different classes of
members elect different directors, such removal may be
accomplished by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members
entitled to vote for directors. The articles of incorporation may
provide that such removal be accomplished by a lesser vote, but
in no case by a vote of less than a majority of members voting on
the proposed removal.

3. Articles of incorporation may provide removal by lesser
vote. Subject to the limitation in subsection 4, if the

directors are so classified that different classes of members
elect different directors, a director may be removed only by the
affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members of that class which
elected him the director. The articles of incorporation may
provide that such removal may be accomplished by a lesser vote of
the members of that class, but in no case by a vote of less than
a majority of the members of that class voting on the proposed

4. All directors removed at meeting. If any or all directors
are removed at such meeting of the members, new directors may be
elected at the same meeting without express notice being given of
such election.

5. Action in court for removal from office. Notwithstanding
the foregoing provisions, if 2/3 of the directors then in office
resolve that individual directors should be removed from office
for cause, the corporation may bring an action in any court
having equity jurisdiction to remove such directors from office.
If the court finds, by a preponderance of the evidence, that any
such director has been guilty of fraudulent or dishonest acts, to
the detriment of the corporation or any substantial group of its
members, or has been guilty of gross abuse of authority or
discretion in discharge of his duties to the corporation, the
court shall order him removed from office and may bar him from
reelection for a period of time prescribed by the court, and may
make such other orders as are just and equitable.

Sec. 11. 13-B MRSA §704-A is enacted to read:

§704-A.__Removal of directors by judicial proceeding

1.__Removal.__The Superior Court may remove any director of
the corporation from office in a proceeding commenced either by
the corporation, its members holding at least 10% of the voting
power or the Attorney General in the case of a public benefit
corporation if the court finds that:

A.__The director engaged in fraudulent or dishonest conduct
or gross abuse of authority or discretion with respect to
the corporation, that section 713-A has been violated or a
final judgment has been entered finding that the director
has violated a duty set forth in section 712 or sections 717
to 20; and

B.__Removal is in the best interest of the corporation.

2.__Petition.__The petition for removal must be filed:

A.__In the county where the corporation's principal office
is located;

B.__In the county where the corporation's registered office
is located if the corporation has no principal office in
this State; or

C.__In the Superior Court of Kennebec County if the
corporation has no principal office or registered office in
this State.

The court that removes a director may bar the director from
serving on the board of director's for a period prescribed by the
court.__If members or the Attorney General commence a proceeding
under subsection 1, the corporation is made a party defendant.__
If a public benefit corporation or its members commence a
proceeding under subsection 1, the public benefit corporation
must give the Attorney General written notice of the proceeding.

Sec. 12. 13-B MRSA §713-A is enacted to read:

§713-A.__Public benefit corporation; board

1.__Board.__No more than 49% of the individuals on the board
of a public benefit corporation may be financially interested

2.__Financially interested person.__For the purposes of this
section, "Financially interested person" means:

A.__An individual who has received or is entitled to receive
compensation, directly or indirectly, from a public benefit
corporation for services rendered to the corporation within
the previous 12 months, whether as a full-time or part-time
employee, independent contractor, consultant or otherwise,
excluding any reasonable payments made to directors for
serving as directors; or

B.__A spouse, brother, sister, parent or child of the
individual described in paragraph A.

3.__Validity; enforceability.__The failure to comply with this
section does not affect the validity or enforceability of any
transaction entered into by a corporation.

Sec. 13. 13-B MRSA §714, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1981, c. 470, Pt. A,
§31, is further amended to read:

3. Indemnity made by corporation. Any indemnification
Indemnification under subsection 1, unless ordered by a court or
required by the bylaws, shall may be made by the corporation only
as authorized in the specific case upon a determination that

indemnification of the director, officer, employee or agent is
proper in the circumstances because he the director, officer,
employee or agent has met the applicable standard of conduct set
forth in subsection 1. Such The determination shall must be made
by the board of directors by a majority vote of a quorum
consisting of directors who were not parties to such the action,
suit or proceeding, or if such a quorum is not obtainable, or,
even if obtainable, if a quorum of disinterested directors so
directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion. Such
a The determination, once made by the board of directors may not
be revoked by the board of directors, and upon the making of such
the determination by the board of directors, the director,
officer, employee or agent may enforce the indemnification
against the corporation by a separate action notwithstanding any
attempted or actual subsequent action by the board of directors.
A director of a public benefit corporation may not be indemnified
until 20 days after the effective date of written notice to the
Attorney General of the proposed indemnification.

Sec. 14. 13-B MRSA §715, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§715.__Books and records

1.__Book; records of accounts.__Each corporation shall keep
correct and complete books and records of accounts and shall keep
minutes of the proceedings of its members, board of directors and
committees having any of the authority of the board of directors
and shall keep at its registered office or principal office in
this State a record of the names and addresses of its members
entitled to vote.__All books and records of a corporation may be
inspected by any officer, director or member or the officer's,
director's or member's agent or attorney, for any proper purpose
at any reasonable time, as long as the officer, director or
member or the officer's, director's or member's agent or attorney
gives the corporation written notice at least 5 business days
before the date on which the officer, director or member or the
officer's, director's or member's agent or attorney wishes to
inspect and copy any books or records.__The corporation may
require the officer, director or member or the officer's
director's or member's agent or attorney to pay the reasonable
cost of the copies made.

2.__Refusal to allow inspection.__If a corporation does not
make available for inspection or copying the books and records
required by subsection 1, the Superior Court in the county where
the corporation's principal office is located, or if the
corporation has no principal office in the State, then at the
location of its registered office, may summarily order inspection
and copying of the records demanded at the corporation's expense

upon application of the officer, director or member or the
officer's, director's or member's agent or attorney.

A.__If the court orders inspection and copying of the
records demanded, the court shall also order the corporation
to pay the costs of the officer, director or member or the
officer's, director's or member's agent or attorney,
including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred to obtain the
order unless the corporation provides that it refused
inspection in good faith because it had a reasonable basis
for doubt about the right of the member to inspect the
records demanded.

B.__If the court orders inspection and copying of the
records demanded, it may impose reasonable restrictions on
the use or distribution of the records by the demanding
officer, director or member or the officer's, director's or
member's agent or attorney.

Sec. 15. 13-B MRSA §716, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 7, is repealed.

Sec. 16. 13-B MRSA §§717 to 720 are enacted to read:

§717.__General standards for directors

1.__Discharge duties.__A director shall discharge the
director's duties:

A.__In good faith;

B.__With the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like
position would exercise under similar circumstances; and

C.__In a manner the director reasonably believes to be in
the best interests of the corporation.

2.__Rely on information.__In discharging the director's
duties, a director is entitled to rely on information, opinions,
reports or statements, including financial statements and other
financial data, if prepared or presented by:

A.__One or more officers or employees of the corporation
whom the director reasonably believes to be reliable and
competent in the matters presented;

B.__Legal counsel, public accountants or other persons as to
matters the director reasonably believes are within the
person's professional or expert competence; or

C.__A committee of the board of directors of which the
director is not a member, as to the matters within its
jurisdiction, if the director reasonably believes the
committee merits confidence.

A director is not acting in good faith if the director relies on
information, opinions, reports or statements that the director
knows or has reason to believe are unwarranted.

3.__Performance; compliance.__A director is not liable for the
performance of the duties of the director's office if the
director acted in compliance with this section.

4.__Trustee.__A director is not considered a trustee with
respect to the corporation or with respect to any property held
or administered by the corporation, including, without
limitation, property that may be subject to restrictions imposed
by the donor or transferor of the property.

§718.__Director conflict of interest

1.__Conflict of interest transaction.__A conflict of interest
transaction is a transaction with a public benefit corporation or
a mutual benefit corporation in which a director of the
corporation has a direct or indirect interest.__A conflict of
interest transaction is not voidable on the basis of imposing
liability on the director if the transaction was fair at the time
it was entered into.

2.__Public benefit corporation; approval.__A transaction in
which a director of a public benefit corporation has a conflict
of interest may be approved:

A.__In advance by the vote of the board of directors or a
committee of the board if:

(1)__The material facts of the transaction and the
director's interest are disclosed or known to the board
of directors or a committee of the board; and

(2)__The directors on the board or committee of the
board, approving the transaction in good faith,
reasonably believe that the transaction is fair to the
corporation; or

B.__Before or after the transaction is consummated, by
obtaining approval of the:

(1)__Attorney General; or

(2)__Superior Court in an action in which the Attorney
General is joined as party.

3.__Mutual benefit corporation; approval.__A transaction in
which a director of a mutual benefit corporation has a conflict
of interest may be approved if:

A.__The material facts of the transaction and the director's
interest were disclosed or known to the board of directors
or a committee of the board and the board or committee of
the board authorized, approved or ratified the transaction;

B.__The material facts of the transaction and the director's
interest were disclosed or known to the members and they
approved the transaction.

4.__Indirect interest.__For the purposes of this section, a
director of a public benefit corporation or a mutual benefit
corporation has an indirect interest in a transaction if:

A.__Another entity in which the director has a material
interest or in which the director is a general partner is a
party to the transaction; or

B.__Another entity of which the director is a director,
officer or trustee is a party to the transaction.

5.__Affirmative vote.__For purposes of subsections 2 and 3, a
conflict of interest transaction is approved if it receives the
affirmative vote of a majority of the directors on the board or
on a committee of a board, who have no direct or indirect
interest in the transaction, but a transaction may not be
approved under this subsection by a single director.__If a
majority of the directors on the board who have no direct or
indirect interest in the transaction vote to approve the
transaction, a quorum is present for the purpose of taking action
under this section.

6.__Conflict of interest transaction; authorized.__For
purposes of subsection 3, paragraph B, a conflict of interest
transaction is approved by the members if it receives a majority
of the votes entitled to be counted under this subsection.__Votes
cast by or voted under the control of a director who has a direct
or indirect interest in the transaction and votes cast by or
voted under the control of an entity described in subsection 4,
paragraph A, may not be counted in a vote of members to determine
whether to approve a conflict of interest transaction under
subsection 3, paragraph B.__The vote of these members, however,

is counted in determining whether the transaction is approved
under other sections of this chapter.__A majority of the voting
power, whether or not present, that is entitled to be counted in
a vote on the transaction under this subsection constitutes a
quorum for the purpose of taking action under this section.

7.__Additional requirements.__The articles of incorporation,
bylaws or a resolution of the board may impose additional
requirements on conflict of interest transactions.

§719.__Duties and authority of officers

Each officer has the authority and shall perform the duties
set forth in the bylaws.__In addition, each officer, to the
extent consistent with the bylaws, has the authority and shall
perform the duties prescribed in a resolution of the board.__The
board may
authorize an officer, pursuant to a resolution of the board and
to the extent consistent with the bylaws, to prescribe the duties
and authority of other officers.

§720.__Standards of conduct for officers

1.__Discretionary authority.__An officer with discretionary
authority shall discharge that officer's duties under that

A.__In good faith;

B.__With the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like
position would exercise under similar circumstances; and

C.__In a manner the officer reasonably believes to be in the
best interests of the corporation and its members.

2.__Rely on information.__In discharging the officer's duties,
an officer is entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports
or statements, including financial statements and other financial
data, if prepared or presented by:

A.__One or more officers or employees of the corporation who
the officer reasonably believes to be reliable and competent
in the matters presented; or

B.__Legal counsel, public accountants or other persons as to
matters the officer reasonably believes are within the
person's professional or expert competence.

An officer is not acting in good faith if the officer relies on
information, opinions, reports or statements that the officer
knows or has reason to believe are unwarranted.

3.__Compliance.__An officer is not liable to the corporation,
any member or other person for any action taken or not taken as
an officer, if the officer acted in compliance with this section.

Sec. 17. 13-B MRSA §802, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Amendment of articles of public benefit corporation.__If
an amendment of the articles of incorporation of a public benefit
corporation results in a material change in the nature of the
activities conducted by the corporation, the Attorney General
must be given notice of the proposed amendment at least 20 days
prior to the filing of the amended articles with the Secretary of

Sec. 18. 13-B MRSA §§907 and 908 are enacted to read:

§907.__Limitations on mergers by public benefit corporations

1.__Prior approval.__Without the prior approval of the
Superior Court of Kennebec County in a proceeding for which the
Attorney General has been given written notice in accordance with
Title 5, section 194, subsection 6, a public benefit corporation
may merge only with:

A.__Another public benefit corporation; or

B.__A foreign nonprofit corporation that would qualify under
this Title as a public benefit corporation.

2.__Notice.__Before consummation of any merger of a public
benefit corporation, notice, including a copy of the proposed
plan of merger, must be delivered to the Attorney General.

§908.__Bequests, devises and gifts

Any bequest, devise, gift, grant or promise contained in a
will or other instrument of donation, subscription or conveyance
that is made to a constituent corporation and that takes effect
or remains payable after the merger inures to the surviving
corporation unless the will or other instrument otherwise
specifically provides.

Sec. 19. 13-B MRSA §1001, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13, is
amended to read:

§1001. Sale of assets other than in the regular course of


1. Terms and conditions. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage,
pledge or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the
property and assets of a corporation may be made upon such terms
and conditions and for such consideration, which may consist in
whole or in part of money or property, real or personal,
including shares of any corporation for profit, domestic or
foreign, as may be authorized in the following manner.

A. If there are members entitled to vote thereon, the board
of directors shall adopt a resolution recommending such
sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or other disposition
and directing that it be submitted to a vote at a meeting of
members entitled to vote thereon, which may be either an
annual or a special meeting. Written notice stating that the
purpose, or one of the purposes, of such meeting is to
consider the sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or
other disposition of all, or substantially all, the property
assets of the corporation shall must be given to each member
entitled to vote at such meeting, within the time and in the
manner provided by this Act for the giving of notice of
meetings of members. At such meeting, the members may
authorize such sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or
other disposition and may fix, or may authorize the board of
directors to fix, any or all of the terms and conditions
thereof and the consideration to be received by the
corporation thereto. Such authorization shall require
requires at least a majority of the votes which members
present at such meeting or represented by proxy are entitled
to cast. After such authorization by a vote of members, the
board of directors, nevertheless, in its discretion, may
abandon such sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or
other disposition of assets, subject to the rights of 3rd
parties under any contracts relating thereto, without
further action or approval by members.

B. If there are no members, or no members entitled to vote
thereon, a sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or other
disposition of all, or substantially all, the property and
assets of a corporation shall be are authorized upon
receiving the vote of a majority of the directors in office.

C. If all members entitled to vote by the articles of
incorporation authorize by written consent a sale, lease,
exchange, mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all, or
substantially all, the property and assets of a corporation,
no resolution of the board of directors, approving,
proposing, submitting, recommending or otherwise respecting
such sale is necessary.

2. Provision prescribing for approval of sale. The articles
of incorporation of any corporation may contain a provision
prescribing for approval of any sale of assets a vote greater
than, but in no event less than, that prescribed by subsection 1.

3.__Sale of assets of a public benefit corporation.__A public
benefit corporation may not sell, lease, exchange or otherwise
dispose of all or substantially all of its property if the
transaction is not in the usual and regular course of its
activities unless it has complied with Title 5, section 194-C.

Sec. 20. 13-B MRSA §1104, sub-§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525,
§13, is amended to read:

D. That all remaining property and assets of the
corporation have been distributed among its members in
accordance with their respective rights and interests, or
have been otherwise distributed pursuant to the articles or
bylaws of the
corporation, provided that as long as the assets of a public
benefit corporation whose purposes and activities have been
primarily charitable, religious, eleemosynary, benevolent or
educational shall be are transferred or conveyed only to one
or more domestic or foreign corporations, societies or
organizations to a public benefit corporation engaged in
activities substantially similar to those of the dissolving
or liquidating corporation; and

Sec. 21. 13-B MRSA §1105, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13, is

Sec. 22. 13-B MRSA §1105-A is enacted to read:

§1105-A.__Grounds for judicial dissolution

1.__Dissolution.__The Superior Court may dissolve a

A.__If, in a proceeding by the Attorney General, it is
established that:

(1)__The corporation obtained its articles of
incorporation through fraud;

(2)__The corporation has exceeded or abused the
authority conferred upon it by law;

(3)__The corporation is a public benefit corporation
and the corporate assets are being misapplied or
wasted; or

(4)__The corporation is a public benefit corporation
and is no longer able to carry out its purposes;

B.__If, in a proceeding by 50 members or members holding 5%
of the voting power, whichever is less, or by a director or
any person specified in the articles of incorporation, it is
established that:

(1)__The directors are deadlocked in the management of
the corporate affairs, and the members, if any, are
unable to breach the deadlock;

(2)__The directors or those in control of the
corporation have acted or are acting in a manner that
is illegal, oppressive or fraudulent;

(3)__The members are deadlocked in voting power and
have failed, for a period that includes at least 2
consecutive annual meeting dates, to elect successors
to directors
whose terms have or would otherwise have expired;

(4)__The corporate assets are being misapplied or
wasted; or

(5)__The corporation is a public benefit corporation
and is no longer able to carry out its purposes;

C.__If, in a proceeding by a creditor, it is established

(1)__The creditor's claim has been reduced to judgment,
the execution on the judgment returned unsatisfied and
the corporation is insolvent; or

(2)__The corporation has admitted in writing that the
creditor's claim is due and owing and the corporation
is insolvent; or

D.__If, in a proceeding it is established that the
corporation's__voluntary dissolution is continued under
court supervision.

2.__Consideration of court.__Prior to dissolving a
corporation, the court shall consider whether:

A.__There are reasonable alternatives to dissolution;

B.__Dissolution is in the public interest, if the
corporation is a public benefit corporation; or

C.__Dissolution is the best way of protecting the interests
of members, if the corporation is a mutual benefit

Sec. 23. 13-B MRSA §1109, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13, is
amended to read:

§1109. Decree of dissolution

1. Decree. In proceedings to liquidate the assets and
activities of a corporation, when the costs and expenses of such
the proceedings and all debts, obligations and liabilities of the
corporation shall have been paid and discharged and all of its
remaining property and assets distributed in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, or in case when its property and assets
are not sufficient to satisfy and discharge such the costs,
expenses, debts and obligations, and all the property and assets
have been applied so far as they will go to their payment, the
court shall enter a decree dissolving the corporation, whereupon
after which the existence of the corporation shall cease ceases.

2. Certified copy of decree to Secretary of State. In case
When the court shall enter enters a decree dissolving a
corporation, it shall be is the duty of the clerk of such the
court to cause a certified copy of the decree to be filed with
the Secretary of State. No A fee shall may not be charged by the
Secretary of State for the filing thereof of the decree.

Sec. 24. 13-B MRSA §1110, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525, §13,
is amended to read:

2. Deposit with Treasurer of State. Such A deposit with the
Treasurer of State shall must, to the extent thereof of the
deposit, absolutely discharge the persons having control and
supervision over the distribution of the corporation's assets
from liability to such the unknown, unlocated, legally disabled
or nonaccepting persons. If the dissolution is under the
supervision of the Superior Court pursuant to section 1105 1105-
A, no such the deposit shall may not be made with the Treasurer
of State, except pursuant to order of the court, on such terms as
the court may order.

Sec. 25. 13-B MRSA §1202, sub-§1, ¶E, as amended by PL 1997, c. 376,
§26, is further amended to read:

E. The address of the registered or principal office of the
corporation in the jurisdiction of its incorporation or the
principal office wherever located; and

Sec. 26. 13-B MRSA §1202, sub-§1, ¶F, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 525,
§13, is amended to read:

F. The address of its proposed registered office in this
State and the name of its proposed registered agent in this
State at such address.; and

Sec. 27. 13-B MRSA §1202, sub-§1, ¶G is enacted to read:

G.__Whether the corporation, if it had been incorporated in
this State, would be a public benefit or mutual benefit

Sec. 28. 13-B MRSA §1302, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Notice to Attorney General in case of public benefit
corporation.__In the case of a public benefit corporation, the
Secretary of State shall notify the Attorney General of the
revocation or suspension of the corporation's authority to carry
on activities under subsection 1.

Sec. 29. 13-B MRSA §1406 is enacted to read:

§1406.__Public benefit and mutual benefit corporations

1.__Designation.__On the effective date of this section, a
domestic corporation that is or becomes subject to this Act is
designated as a public benefit corporation or mutual benefit
corporation as follows.

A.__A corporation designated by law as a public benefit
corporation or mutual benefit corporation is the type of
corporation designated by statute.

B.__A corporation that is recognized as exempt under the
Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3) or any successor
provision is a public benefit corporation.

C.__A corporation that does not meet the requirements of
paragraph A or B but that is organized for a public or
charitable purpose and upon dissolution must distribute its
assets to a public benefit corporation, the United States, a
state, or a person that is recognized as exempt under the
Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3) or any successor
provision is a public benefit corporation.

D.__A corporation that does not meet the requirements of
paragraph B or C is a mutual benefit corporation.

2.__Elect designation.__In any filing with the Secretary of
State, an existing corporation may elect designation as a public
benefit corporation or mutual benefit corporation.__An existing
corporation shall elect a designation as a public or mutual
benefit corporation by amending its articles of incorporation or
application for authority within 12 months of the effective date
of this section.__The Secretary of State may act administratively
to implement this section.__If a corporation has not elected a
designation as a public benefit or mutual benefit corporation
within 12 months of the effective date of this section, the
Secretary of State may revoke or suspend the corporation's
articles of incorporation or authority to do business in the


This bill amends the statutes to give the Attorney General
authority to investigate public charities, including trusts and
nonprofit corporations. The bill also amends the Maine Nonprofit
Corporation Act to provide the Attorney General with some
oversight over nonprofit corporations that are charities.

The bill allows those who manage charitable trusts to adopt
investment policies similar to those of foundation managers
consistent with the appropriate standards of prudence.

This bill also adds guidelines to assist the Attorney General
in dealing with nonprofit conversion transactions.

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