LD 1810
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Committee to Study Access to Pri... LD 1810 Title Page
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Item 1

Section__4601-11 meets the requirements of this subsection.__If
federal funding is not available for updating the state plan, the
bureau may make a written request to the committee of legislative
oversight for an extension for submitting the plan.__Upon receiving
an extension request, the committee of legislative oversight shall
discuss the advisability of an extension and the availability of
state funds for preparation of the update.__The committee may
authorize an extension by writing to the director and stating the
year by which an update must be received.__A copy of the written
extension must be filed by the committee with the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council.

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §1836, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 678, §13, is
amended to read:

1. Authority to acquire lands. The bureau with the consent
of the Governor and the commissioner may acquire lands or
interests in lands on behalf of the State to be managed as
nonreserved public lands. The bureau may not acquire land or
interest in land unless the landowner conveying the land or
interest in land also conveys rights guaranteeing public
vehicular access to the parcel of land when the landowner has
that legal right to convey. The bureau shall deliver to the
State Archives within a reasonable period of time after their
creation or acquisition the originals of all deeds, planbooks and
surveyors' field and chainage notes, and any other materials the
preservation of which it considers necessary, relating to the
ownership, location and management of nonreserved public lands
described in this subchapter.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §1850, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 678, §13, is
amended to read:

1. Authority to acquire lands. With the consent of the
Governor and the commissioner, the bureau may acquire lands or
interests in lands on behalf of the State to be managed as public
reserved lands. The bureau may not acquire land or interest in
land unless the landowner conveying the land or interest in land
also conveys rights guaranteeing public vehicular access to the
parcel of land when the landowner has that legal right to convey.
The bureau shall deliver to the State Archives within a
reasonable period of time after their creation or acquisition the
originals of all deeds, planbooks and surveyors' field and
chainage notes, and any other materials the preservation of which
it considers necessary, relating to the ownership, location and
management of public reserved lands described in this subchapter.

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §1893-A is enacted to read:

§1893-A.__Recreational management areas

1. Definitions.__As used in this section, the following terms
have the following meanings.

A.__"Excavation" means an excavation for borrow, topsoil,
clay or silt, whether alone or in combination.

B.__"Recreational management area" means an area formerly
used for excavation on which trails that have been designed
for all-terrain vehicle use are developed and on which
recreational use by the public is allowed.

2. Development of__recreational management areas.__An owner or
operator__of an excavation site proposing to develop a
recreational management area and requesting a variance from
reclamation standards under Title 38, section 490-E shall request
the assistance of the division.

Upon receipt of a request for assistance, the division shall
assess the affected land for suitability for an all-terrain
vehicle trail system.__The division shall advise the landowner of
funding, technical assistance and other assistance available
through the ATV Recreation Management Fund established in section
7854, subsection 4, paragraph B.__When an initial assessment of
the affected land indicates the area is appropriate for an all-
terrain vehicle trail system, the division may assist the owner
or operator in developing a plan and completing a variance

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §7652, sub-§1, ķA, as amended by PL 1989, c. 493, §49,
is further amended to read:

A. The commissioner may acquire in the name of the State,
by gift, bequest or otherwise, real and personal property
for the location, construction and convenient operation of a
wildlife management area or public access sites to inland or
coastal waters. The commissioner may not acquire land or
interest in land unless the landowner conveying the land or
interest in land also conveys rights guaranteeing public
vehicular access to the parcel of land when the landowner
has that legal right to convey.

Sec. 9. 38 MRSA §490-D, sub-§14, as amended by PL 1995, 700, §24, is
further amended by amending the first paragraph to read:

14. Reclamation. The Except as provided in subsection 15,
the affected land must be restored to a condition that is similar
to or compatible with the conditions that existed before
excavation. Reclamation should be conducted in accordance with

the department's best management practices for erosion and
sediment control, and must include:

Sec. 10. 38 MRSA §490-D, sub-§15 is enacted to read:

15.__Recreational management areas.__An owner or operator may
request a variance to develop a recreational management area on
the affected land as an alternative to reclamation in accordance
with subsection 14.__The department may grant a variance under
section 490-E if the Off-road Recreational Vehicle Division
determines the site is suitable under Title 12, section 1893-A.

Sec. 11. 38 MRSA §490-E, as amended by PL 1995, c. 700, §25, is
further amended by adding after the 2nd paragraph a new paragraph
to read:

When an owner applies for a variance to allow an excavation to
be reclaimed as a pond of 10 acres or greater in size, the
department may grant the variance only if the owner demonstrates
that public access to the pond is ensured.__The requirement for
public access may be met by existing public rights or by granting
an easement or other right including a right to travel a
reasonable distance by foot to a designated area of the

Sec. 12. Committee to Study Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine.

1. Committee membership; chairs. The legislative members
appointed to the Committee to Study Access to Private and Public
Lands in Maine pursuant to Joint Order 1999, House Paper 1951
shall continue to serve on that committee. The legislators
serving as chairs shall continue to serve in that capacity.

2. Meetings. The chairs shall call and convene the first
meeting of the committee within 30 days of adjournment of the
First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature. The committee
shall hold not more than 4 meetings.

3. Duties. The committee shall fulfill all the duties
required by Joint Order 1999, House Paper 1951 and shall:

A. Determine the status of public access to flowed lakes in
the State;

B. Review and report on the issue of the division and sale
of land by timber companies and the private acquisition of
large tracts of undeveloped land surrounding the State's
great ponds;

C. Consider policy options to promote continued access to
public and private land; and

D. Work with the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife and the Maine Forest Service to develop a map that
shows significant areas in the State where public access is
restricted, prohibited or permitted with the payment of a

4. Report. The committee shall submit its report, together
with any recommended implementing legislation, to the Joint
Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry not
later than December 5, 2001. If the committee requires an
extension of time to make its report, it may apply to the
Legislative Council, which may grant the extension.

5. Staff assistance. Upon approval of the Legislative
Council, the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide
staffing assistance to the committee.

6. Compensation. Members of the committee are entitled to
receive the legislative per diem as defined in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 3, section 2 and reimbursement for travel and
other necessary expenses related to their attendance at
authorized meetings of the committee.

7. Budget. The chairs of the committee, with the assistance
from the committee staff, shall administer the committee's
budget. The committee may not incur expenses exceeding its
approved budget. Upon request from the committee, the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council shall promptly provide the
committee and its staff with a status report on the committee's
budget, expenditures incurred and remaining available funds.

Sec. 10. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



Committee to Study Access to Private and

Public Lands in Maine

Personal Services$1,100

All Other4,900

Provides funds for the per diem and expenses
of legislative members of the Committee to
Study Access to Private and Public Lands in
Maine and to print the required report.






General Fund$6,000

The Legislature will require an additional General Fund
appropriation of $6,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 for the per diem
and expenses of legislative members of the Committee to Study
Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine and to print the
required report.

The additional costs associated with providing staffing
assistance to the committee during the interim between
legislative sessions can be absorbed by the Legislature utilizing
existing budgeted resources. If an extension of the reporting
deadline is granted and the committee requires staffing
assistance during the legislative session, the Legislature may
require an additional General Fund appropriation to contract for
staff services.

The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the
Department of Conservation and the State Planning Office within
the Executive Department will incur some minor additional costs
to comply with ensuring that certain access requirements are met
when acquiring public lands. These costs can be absorbed within
the agencies' existing budgeted resources.

The Department of Environmental Protection will incur some
minor additional costs to grant certain variances from certain
permitting requirements. These costs can be absorbed within the
department's existing budgeted resources.


This bill implements the recommendations of the Committee to
Study Access to Private and Public Lands in Maine. The Joint
Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry is
authorized to report out legislation under Joint Order 1999, H.P.
1951. The bill does the following.

It requires the Land for Maine's Future Board to include in
its biennial report to the Legislature a description of access to
acquisitions made;

It prohibits the Land for Maine's Future Board, the Department
of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands and the Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife from acquiring land or interest in
land without rights guaranteeing public access by vehicle to the
land when the landowner has the rights to convey.

It allows an owner or operator of a gravel pit or excavation
site to receive a variance from reclamation standards required by
the Department of Environmental Protection when that owner or
operator, working with the Off-road Recreational Vehicle Division
within the Department of Conservation, designs or develops a
satisfactory plan for a recreational management area.

It reauthorizes the committee and directs it to continue its
work with a final report date of December 5, 2001.

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