LD 1811
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Permit the Salvage of Pulpwood LD 1811 Title Page
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LR 2632
Item 1

D.__The person performing the salvage provides a plan
acceptable to the bureau that results in substantial
improvements or benefits to public trust rights or uses on
that or a related body of water.

Pulpwood salvaged under a plan approved and implemented in
accordance with the terms of this subsection is the property of
the person performing the salvage.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


Allowing certain companies to salvage pulpwood from submerged
lands owned by the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the
Department of Conservation may result in a loss of dedicated
revenues usually generated by the sale of this pulpwood. The
amounts can not be determined at this time. However, the bureau
will be compensated for the value of any salvaged pulpwood by
improvements to the property by the involved company.


This bill allows companies previously chartered by the
Legislature to store wood over publicly owned submerged lands to
salvage the pulpwood for use in a company-owned facility.
Compensation to the State for the value of the pulpwood is waived
as long as the salvage operation results in substantial
improvements to public trust rights.

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