LD 1848
pg. 1
LD 1848 Title Page An Act to Prohibit the Separation of a Husband and Wife Placed in State-funded ... LD 1848 Title Page
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LR 2806
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §7926 is enacted to read:

§7926.__Separation of married couples prohibited

Except as otherwise provided, a long-term care facility that
receives public funds may not transfer or refuse to admit the
spouse of a resident or the spouse of a person who meets the
qualifications to be a resident, if that spouse also qualifies
for long-term care services offered by the facility, without the
consent of each spouse or spouse's guardian or legal
representative.__If a long-term care facility can not admit the
spouse of a resident or the spouse of a person who meets the
qualifications to be a resident because it lacks a bed, the
facility shall ensure placement of both spouses in a single long-
term care facility within 14 days.


This bill would prohibit a husband and wife placed into
nursing facilities that receive funding from the State from being
placed into separate nursing facilities unless they so wished.
Under the bill, a facility that can not admit the spouse of a
resident must ensure placement together within 14 days.

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