LD 1912
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Ensure that Recipients of Trade Adjustment Assistance Retain Eligibil... LD 1912 Title Page
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Item 1

C. For the duration of an unpaid voluntary leave of absence
or sabbatical leave that has been mutually agreed to by the
employee and the employer.

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA §1193-A is enacted to read:

§1193-A.__Exception; trade adjustment assistance

Notwithstanding section 1193, subsection 1, an individual who
is otherwise eligible under section 1192 is eligible to receive
benefits if that individual:

1.__Prevails upon appeal.__Applies for trade adjustment
assistance under section 2051, is initially denied such
assistance, appeals that decision and prevails upon appeal; and

2.__Leaves unsuitable work.__Voluntarily leaves work that pays
less than 80% of the average weekly wage that was received by
that individual in the job that was adversely affected by
international trade.


This bill specifies that an applicant for trade adjustment
assistance who is initially denied but ultimately is granted such
assistance does not become ineligible for unemployment
compensation upon voluntarily leaving a job that pays less than
80% of the average weekly wage received in the individual's
previous position.

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