LD 1920
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Address Liquidation Harvesting LD 1920 Title Page
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LR 3007
Item 1

G. Whether the land is being harvested to convert to
another use within 2 years and, if so, what that use is to

If the land being converted to another use is taxed under
the provisions of the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law,
notification of a change of land use under this subsection
constitutes a withdrawal of that land from taxation under
the provisions of the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law, under Title
36, section 581;

H. The signatures of the harvester when listed on the form
in accordance with paragraph A and the licensed professional
forester when listed on the form in accordance with
paragraph B;

H-1. The signature of the landowner and the signature of
the designated agent when a designated agent is listed in
accordance with paragraph A. If the designated agent is a
licensed professional forester who has a fiduciary
responsibility to the landowner, the signature of the
landowner is not required;

I. A map locating the harvest site in relation to known or
easily identifiable terrain features, such as a road
junction or a stream and road junction. The map must be a
copy of a 7.5 or 15 minute series topographical map produced
by the United States Geological Survey or a map of
equivalent or superior detail in the location of roads; and

J. The date of notification.

The Commissioner of Conservation shall adopt rules to carry out
the provisions of this subchapter.__Rules adopted to implement
changes to this subchapter are routine technical rules as defined
in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 3. 36 MRSA §574-B, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 33, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Forest management and harvest plan. A forest management
and harvest plan has been prepared for the parcel and updated
every 10 years. The landowner shall file a sworn statement with
the municipal assessor in a municipality or the State Tax
Assessor for parcels in the unorganized territory that a
management plan has been prepared for the parcel. A landowner
with a parcel taxed pursuant to this subchapter on September 30,
1989 has until December 31, 1999 to comply with this requirement
or to provide evidence to the municipal assessor or the State Tax
Assessor for parcels in the unorganized territory that the

landowner intends to develop a forest management and harvest plan
by December 31, 2000 or has executed a contract with a licensed
forester for the completion of a forest management and harvest
plan by December 31, 2000. Until the plan is prepared or
December 31, 2000, whichever is earlier, the land is subject to
the applicability provisions under this section as it the
provisions existed on April 1, 1982. A landowner who does not
provide the municipal assessor or the State Tax Assessor for
parcels in the unorganized territory by December 31, 1999 with a
sworn statement that a forest management and harvest plan has
been prepared or evidence that the landowner intends to develop a
forest management and harvest plan or has executed a contract
with a licensed forester for the completion of a forest
management and harvest plan by December 31, 2000 shall pay a
penalty of $100 to the municipal tax collector or the State Tax
Assessor for parcels in the unorganized territory. This penalty
is in addition to any penalty that is assessed pursuant to
section 581 for withdrawal of land from classification under this
subchapter and may be enforced in the same manner as a
supplemental assessment under section 713. A landowner who has
forest land certified under section 574-C is exempt from this

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §574-B, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 555, §16, is
amended to read:

3. Transfer of ownership. If the land is transferred to a
new owner, a forest management and harvest plan must be prepared
for the landowner new owner within one year of the date of
transfer or before the new owner can harvest forest products for
commercial use, whichever occurs first and a sworn statement to
that effect must be submitted within one year to the municipal
assessor in a municipality or the State Tax Assessor for the
unorganized territory.

Parcels of land subject to section 573, subsection 3, paragraph B
or C, are exempt from the requirements under this section.

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §574-C is enacted to read:

§574-C.__Exemption from compliance with plan

If the forest land is certified as being well-managed by a
3rd-party certification organization that is approved by the
Maine Forest Service, the landowner is exempt from the
requirements of section 574-B, subsection 2.__This exemption is
valid only as long as the forest land has a valid 3rd-party

Sec. 6. Report. The Maine Forest Service shall report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
agriculture, conservation and forestry matters by January 31,
2005 on the impact of this legislation on liquidation harvesting.


This bill clarifies the harvest notification requirements to
include a statement from landowners under the Maine Tree Growth
Tax Law program that they are following a management plan as
currently required, removes lands that are being harvested for
development from the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law program, exempts
forest land that is certified by a 3rd-party certification
organization as being well-managed from the management plan
requirements of the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law program, requires
that all new landowners in the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law program
have a management plan before harvesting forest products for
commercial use and requires the Maine Forest Service to report
back to the Legislature in 2005 on the impacts of this
legislation on liquidation harvesting.

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