LD 1921
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Prevent Mercury Emissions when Recycling and Disposing of Motor Vehic... LD 1921 Title Page
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LR 3015
Item 1

Notwithstanding sections 1663 and 1664, this section applies to a
mercury-added component that is a motor vehicle component.

1.__Prohibition on sale of new motor vehicles with mercury
switches.__A person may not sell a motor vehicle manufactured on
or after January 1, 2003 if it contains a mercury switch.__A
motor vehicle manufacturer may apply to the commissioner for an
exemption from this prohibition.__The commissioner may grant an
exemption upon finding that:

A.__Use of the mercury switch is necessary to protect public
health or safety;

B.__There are no technically feasible alternatives to the
mercury switch at comparable cost; and

C.__The manufacturer has provided assurance that a system
exists for the proper removal and recycling of the mercury

2.__Prohibition on replacement mercury light switches.__
Effective January 1, 2003, a person may not sell or distribute a
mercury light switch for installation in a motor vehicle.

3.__Removal of mercury light switches prior to motor vehicle
resale.__Effective January 1, 2003, a person may not sell a used
motor vehicle at retail without first removing any mercury light
switch.__This prohibition applies to a person who sells 20 or
more used motor vehicles in calendar year 2002 or any calendar
year thereafter.

4.__Removal of certain mercury components prior to motor
vehicle recycling.__Effective January 1, 2003, a person may not
send a motor vehicle to a scrap recycling facility without first
removing any mercury switch or mercury headlamp that is a
component of the motor vehicle, except that a scrap recycling
facility may agree to accept a motor vehicle that has not been
flattened, crushed or baled knowing it contains a mercury switch
or mercury headlamp, in which case the scrap recycling facility
is responsible for removing that component.__Upon removal, the
components must be collected, stored, transported and otherwise
handled in accordance with the universal waste rules adopted by
the board under subsection 9.

5.__Motor vehicle manufacturer responsibility.__By January 1,
2003, manufacturers of motor vehicles sold or distributed in the
State shall, individually or collectively, do the following.

A.__Manufacturers of motor vehicles that contain mercury
light switches shall establish, maintain and publicize the
availability of a source separation program by which a motor
vehicle owner may have the mercury light switches removed or
replaced with nonmercury light switches at no direct charge
to the owner when the vehicle is brought to a manufacturer-
affiliated dealership.

B.__Manufacturers of motor vehicles that contain mercury
switches shall:

(1)__Establish and maintain business arrangements with
persons subject to the requirements of subsections 3
and 4 necessary to create and implement an effective
source separation program to remove and collect the
mercury switches; and

(2)__Establish and maintain a system by which switches
removed pursuant to the requirements of subsections 3
and 4 may, at no cost to the person responsible for
removal, be consolidated and transported for recycling
in accordance with the universal waste rules adopted by
the board under subsection 9.

C.__Manufacturers of motor vehicles that contain mercury
switches or mercury headlamps shall provide the department
and persons subject to the requirements of subsections 3 and
4 with information, training and other technical assistance
required to facilitate removal and recycling of these
components, including, but not limited to, information
identifying the motor vehicle models that contain or may
contain mercury switches or mercury headlamps.

6.__Department responsibility.__The department shall:

A.__Assist used car dealers, motor vehicle manufacturers and
others subject to the source separation requirements of this
section by providing training on the universal waste rules
adopted by the board under subsection 9 and by taking other
steps as determined appropriate to provide for the safe
removal and proper handling of motor vehicle components;

B.__Design and distribute the stickers required under
subsection 8; and

C.__Make available to the public information concerning
services to remove mercury light switches in motor vehicles.

7.__Labeling.__Effective July 15, 2002, the labeling
requirements of section 1662 apply to motor vehicle components.

In approving an alternative compliance plan for labeling for
motor vehicles under section 1662, the commissioner shall require
a motor vehicle manufacturer to apply a doorpost label listing
the mercury-added products that may be components in the motor
vehicle.__The commissioner may not require a manufacturer to
affix a label to each mercury-added component.

8.__Removal sticker.__Any person who removes a mercury light
switch from a motor vehicle before the motor vehicle is removed
from service shall affix an official sticker to the motor vehicle
to indicate that the switch has been removed.__The stickers may
be obtained from the department and must be affixed to the
doorpost or other location specified by the department.__A person
may not install a mercury light switch into a motor vehicle to
which the sticker is affixed.

9.__Rulemaking.__The board shall revise the universal waste
rules adopted pursuant to section 1319-O, subsection 1, paragraph
F as necessary to establish standards by which mercury switches
in motor vehicles may be handled as universal waste.

10.__Reporting.__Before July 1, 2004 and annually thereafter,
motor vehicle manufacturers shall report in writing to the
department on the results of the source separation program
required under this section.__The report must include, at a
minimum, the numbers of mercury switches and mercury headlamps
removed and recycled from motor vehicles during the previous
calendar year compared to the estimated number of these
components potentially available for collection under subsections
3, 4 and 5; the estimated total amount of mercury contained in
the components; and any recommendations to improve the future
collection and recycling of motor vehicle components.__Before
January 1, 2005 and annually thereafter, the department shall
report to the Mercury Products Advisory Committee on the
effectiveness of the source separation program required under
this section, whether other motor vehicle components should be
added to the source separation program and whether the program
should be terminated and, if so, when.


This bill provides for the safe removal and recycling of
certain mercury-added products that are components in motor
vehicles. Under the bill, automobile manufacturers bear primary
responsibility for establishing and maintaining a statewide
system to collect and consolidate the components for recycling.
Used motor vehicle dealers and persons engaged in recycling motor
vehicles share responsibility for removing the components and
storing them for recycling. The Department of Environmental

Protection is responsible for providing technical assistance and
conducting public education activities to maximize the
effectiveness of the collection system.

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