LD 2041
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Control Internet "Spam" LD 2041 Title Page
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LR 2812
Item 1

C.__Return United States postal address.

3.__Statement.__All unsolicited commercial e-mail must

A.__In the subject line:

(1)__The first 4 characters as follows: "ADV:"; and

(2)__If the unsolicited commercial e-mail contains
information about material that may only be viewed by a
person at least 18 years of age, the first 8 characters
as follows: "ADV:ADLT";

B.__A statement informing the recipient of the name of the
person or entity from whom the unsolicited commercial e-mail

C.__The toll-free telephone number, return e-mail address
and return United States postal address required by
subsection 2; and

D.__A statement informing the recipient that the recipient
may use any of the methods of communication in paragraph C
to notify the sender that the recipient does not want to
receive any more unsolicited commercial e-mails from the

4.__Prohibition.__A person receiving notification from a
recipient that the recipient does not wish to receive any more
unsolicited commercial e-mails from that person shall cease to
send unsolicited commercial e-mails to that recipient.

5.__Multiple e-mail addresses.__An employer who is the
registered owner of more than one e-mail address may notify a
sender of unsolicited commercial e-mails to cease sending
unsolicited commercial e-mails to any of the e-mail addresses
registered to the employer.

6.__Penalty.__Violation of this chapter is an unfair trade
practice as prohibited by Title 5, section 207. Each unsolicited
commercial e-mail transmission to a recipient constitutes a
separate violation.

7.__Repeal.__If federal law is enacted that prohibits or
otherwise regulates the transmission of unsolicited commercial e-
mail, this chapter is repealed as of the effective date of the
federal law.


This bill restricts unsolicited commercial e-mail, defined as
e-mail that is sent for the purpose of advertising or conveying
real property, goods or services or extending credit, soliciting
contributions or broadcasting a political or social message, by
requiring the e-mail to contain a valid toll-free telephone
number, return e-mail address and return postal address
maintained by the sender to which the recipient may respond
indicating that the recipient does not wish to receive further
unsolicited commercial e-mail from the sender. The restriction
does not apply to e-mail sent to persons with whom the sender has
a prior relationship or who have requested the information from
the sender. Each unsolicited commercial e-mail sent to a
recipient in violation is considered an unfair trade practice.
The provisions of this bill would be repealed in the event that
federal legislation is enacted that prohibits or regulates
unsolicited commercial e-mail.

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