LD 2072
pg. 1
LD 2072 Title Page An Act to Permit Municipalities to Protect their Citizens Against Dangerous Dog... LD 2072 Title Page
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LR 3348
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA §3907, sub-§12-D, as amended by PL 2001, c. 399, §4, is
further amended to read:

12-D. Dangerous dog. "Dangerous dog" means a dog that bites
an individual who is not trespassing on the dog owner's or
keeper's premises at the time of the bite or a dog that causes a
reasonable and prudent person who is not on the dog owner's or
keeper's premises and is acting in a reasonable and nonaggressive
manner to fear imminent bodily injury by assaulting or
threatening to assault that individual or individual's domestic
animal. The term includes any definition adopted by a
municipality pursuant to section 3954. "Dangerous dog" does not
include a dog certified by the State and used for law enforcement

For the purposes of this definition, "dog owner's or keeper's
premises" means the residence or residences, including buildings
and land and motor vehicles, belonging to the owner or keeper of
the dog.

Sec. 2. 7 MRSA §3954 is enacted to read:

§3954.__Local regulation

A municipality may adopt or retain ordinances, laws or
regulations dealing with dangerous dogs that are more stringent
than the provisions of this chapter.


This bill allows a municipality to adopt ordinances dealing
with dangerous dogs that are more stringent than those provided
in the statutes.

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