LD 2081
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LD 2081 Title Page An Act to Implement the Unanimous and the Majority Recommendations of the Commi... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §1893, sub-§1, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 678,
§13, are amended to read:

A. Within available funds, the snowmobile program shall
develop and maintain snowmobile trails and provide
educational and informational materials for the use of
operators of snowmobiles. The bureau may charge a reasonable
fee for such services and materials when the money credited
to it under chapter 715, subchapter II is insufficient to
satisfy the demand for those services and materials. All
fees collected must be deposited in the bureau's Snowmobile
Trail Fund. The bureau shall administer the Snowmobile
Trail Fund and the snowmobile program's other activities
must be conducted pursuant to section 7824, subsection 4.
The Snowmobile Trail Fund receives funding as provided in
chapter 715, subchapter II and Title 36, section 2903-B
2903-D, subsection 2.

B. The bureau shall administer the ATV Recreational
Management Fund established under section 7854, subsection 4
for the purposes given in that subsection and for the
acquisition of land to be used for ATV trails. The bureau
may adopt rules in accordance with Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II for the issuance of grants-in-aid from the
fund and to further define alpine tundra areas pursuant to
section 7851, subsection 2-A. Additional funding for the
ATV Recreational Management Fund is as provided in Title 36,
section 2903-C 2903-D, subsection 3.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §1894, last ¶, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 678, §13, is

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §1896, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 678, §13, is
amended to read:

§1896. Boating Facilities Fund

There is created within the bureau the Boating Facilities
Fund, referred to in this subchapter as the "fund." The fund, as
funded under Title 36, section 2903-A 2903-D, subsection 1, must
be available to the director in carrying out the duties of the
bureau under this subchapter. This fund is a continuous carrying

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §7020-A is enacted to read:

§7020-A.__Joint effort to determine gasoline use by nonhighway

recreational vehicles

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