LD 2094
pg. 1
LD 2094 Title Page An Act to Encourage Regionalism in Municipal Growth Management Page 2 of 2
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LR 3358
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. A,
§45 and Pt. C, §10, is amended to read:

2. Coastal area. "Coastal areas area" means all
municipalities a coastal island and any municipality or
unorganized townships township contiguous to tidal waters and all
coastal islands. The inland boundary of the coastal area is the
inland line of any coastal town line.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§§4-A and 4-B are enacted to read:

4-A.__Critical rural area.__"Critical rural area" means a
rural area that is specifically identified and designated by a
planning district's comprehensive plan as deserving maximum
protection from development to preserve natural resources and
related economic activities that may include, but are not limited
to, significant farmland, forest land or mineral resources; high-
value wildlife or fisheries habitat; scenic areas; public water
supplies; scarce or especially vulnerable natural resources; and
open lands functionally necessary to support a vibrant rural

4-B.__Critical waterfront area.__"Critical waterfront area"
means a shorefront area characterized by functionally water-
dependent uses, as defined in Title 38, section 436-A, subsection
6, and specifically identified and designated by a planning
district's comprehensive plan as deserving maximum protection
from incompatible development.

Sec. 3. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§6-C is enacted to read:

6-C.__Growth area.__"Growth area" means an area that is
designated in a planning district's comprehensive plan as
suitable for orderly residential, commercial or industrial
development, or any combinations of those types of development,
and into which most development projected over 10 years is

Sec. 4. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§9, as amended by PL 1993, c. 166, §1, is
further amended to read:

9. Growth management program. "Local growth Growth
management program" means a document containing the components
described in section 4326, including the implementation program,
which that is consistent with the goals and guidelines
established by subchapter II and which that regulates land use

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