LD 2099
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide for Livable, Affordable Neighborhoods LD 2099 Title Page
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LR 3357
Item 1

an extension of, a public sewer; includes internal open space
and other common open space; includes one or more small-scale
nonresidential uses of service to the residents of the
development, either built within the development or available
within 1/2 mile of the development; and meets design
guidelines established pursuant to subsection 5.

C.__"Common open space" means a parcel or parcels of land,
an area of water or a combination of land and water,
including floodplains and wetlands, within or traversing a
development and designed and intended for the use and
enjoyment of residents of the development.__"Common open
space" does not include land or yards allocated to specific
dwelling units or other structures or in public rights-of-

D.__"Complete plan" means a plan signed and sealed by the
professional land surveyor under whose responsible charge a
land survey was completed and by a landscape architect
certified in the State under whose responsible charge all
elements of the plan, as required by the design guidelines
established in subsection 5, have been addressed.

E.__"Internal open space" means a component of common open
space consisting of one or more parcels with a minimum area
of 500 square feet, of a distinct geometric shape and
bounded by streets or other rights-of-way.

F.__"Precertified development" means a development that,
prior to final approvals by a local board, has been reviewed
by the board established in subsection 3 and certified as an
affordable neighborhood development.

3.__State Affordable Neighborhood Development Review Board.__
The State Affordable Neighborhood Development Review Board,
referred to in this section as the "board," is established within
the Maine State Housing Authority.

A.__The board consists of 6 members:__the Director of the
Maine State Housing Authority or the director's designee,
who is the chair; the Director of the State Planning Office
or the director's designee; the Commissioner of
Environmental Protection or the commissioner's designee; a
landscape architect certified in the State, appointed by the
Governor; a town or city planner employed by a municipality
in the State, appointed by the Governor; and an elected
municipal official, appointed by the Governor.__The Director
of the Maine State Housing Authority or the director's
designee may not vote on applications that are seeking
financing from the authority.

B.__Appointed members of the board serve 3-year terms or
until a successor is named, whichever is later, as long as
they continue to hold a position that qualifies them for
appointment.__A quorum is 4 members.

C.__Members of the board who are employed by State
Government serve without pay.__Other members of the board
are entitled to receive $75 per day for their attendance at
meetings and to reimbursement for reasonable expenses,
including travel, to be paid by the Maine State Housing

D.__Within 60 days of receiving a written request for a
precertified development along with a complete plan, the
board, by a vote of a majority of the members present and
voting, shall issue a written finding:

(1)__Certifying that the plan meets the design
guidelines established in this section for an
affordable neighborhood development; or

(2)__Denying certification that the plan meets the
design guidelines for an affordable neighborhood
development and giving the reasons for the denial.__An
applicant whose request for certification is denied may
resubmit a new complete plan at a later date.

4.__Regulation of affordable neighborhood development.__An
affordable neighborhood development is regulated as follows.

A.__Except as required under Title 38 or an ordinance
adopted pursuant to Title 38, a municipality may not require
a single-family house lot within a precertified development
be larger than 6,500 square feet or have frontage of more
than 50 feet on any road, except that it may require that
the average frontage of all lots in that development be at
least 70 feet, and may not require dimensional standards for
lots, buildings or roads in excess of the design guidelines
established pursuant to subsection 5.

B.__Except as required under Title 38 or an ordinance
adopted pursuant to Title 38, a municipality may not require
that a multifamily lot within a precertified development
have fewer than 7 dwelling units per acre and may not
require dimensional standards for lots, buildings or roads
in excess of the design guidelines established pursuant to
subsection 5.

C.__A precertified development may be located in any area of

a municipality where other residential development is
allowed as long as public sewer is available to the
precertified development either through an existing line or
one that could be extended to that development. If a
municipal zoning district enacted pursuant to a consistent
comprehensive plan permits only single-family dwellings, the
precertified development must be restricted to single-family
dwellings, accessory dwelling units and small-scale
nonresidential structures and uses found by the board to be
integral to the development.

D.__A precertified affordable neighborhood development is
subject to the same municipal subdivision and site plan
reviews as other residential developments in the
municipality, except that such reviews may not require
dimensional standards for lots, buildings or roads in excess
of the design guidelines established pursuant to subsection
5.__Municipal subdivision and site plan reviews of
precertified developments must be completed within 180 days
of the submission of a complete application for such

E.__A municipality may substitute its own definition of
"accessory dwelling unit" for the definition in subsection
2, paragraph A as long as that definition does not have the
effect of prohibiting such a unit in an affordable
neighborhood development.

5.__Design guidelines; rule.__The board shall adopt by rule
design guidelines for an affordable neighborhood development.__
The office, in cooperation with the board, shall prepare draft
guidelines for the board's consideration.__The guidelines must
include submission requirements and related fees and must
generally respect the principles of walkable neighborhoods with a
variety of lot sizes and types and choice of housing for
households of different incomes that are built to human scale,
respect the natural environment, provide for adequate fire
protection and public safety and provide for appropriate internal
open space and other common open space.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this subsection are major substantive rules as defined in
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 4. Submission of rules. Rules adopted by the State Affordable
Neighborhood Development Review Board pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 4360, subsection 3 must be
submitted to the Legislature in accordance with Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A no later than December 1, 2002.


This bill implements a recommendation of the Joint Study
Committee to Study Growth Management. It establishes the State
Affordable Neighborhood Development Review Board within the Maine
State Housing Authority and establishes standards for affordable
neighborhood developments. It also amends the definition of
affordable housing in the growth management laws.

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