LD 2100
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LD 2100 Title Page An Act to Implement the Majority Recommendations of the Committee to Study Issu... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3350
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA c. 710-D is enacted to read:




1.__Parties to agreement;__purposes of agreement.__This
chapter applies to agreements between:

A.__A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessor,"
who owns land in territory under jurisdiction of the Maine
Land Use Regulation Commission; and

B.__A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessee,"
who intends to construct or to occupy a structure or
structures on land in territory under jurisdiction of the
Maine Land Use Regulation Commission for recreational or
residential purposes on a seasonal or year-round basis or to
operate a business consisting of a commercial sporting camp,
campground or retail store.

2.__Prospective application.__This chapter applies to
agreements entered into or renewed on or after the effective date
of this chapter.

§6048.__Required terms of agreement

1.__Written lease; description of leased premises required.__
An agreement described in section 6047 must be made in the form
of a written lease and must include a description of the
boundaries of the land to be leased.

2.__Required notice of change, termination or nonrenewal; time
allowed for removal of structures.__The following provisions
govern the notice required for a change, termination or
nonrenewal of a lease and the time allowed for removal of

A.__A lessor must give a lessee at least 90 days' notice of
a change in terms of the lease.

B.__A lessor must give a lessee at least 90 days' notice of
termination or nonrenewal of the lease, unless there is
cause for the termination or nonrenewal.

C.__Unless the lease is terminated or not renewed for cause, a
lessee has one year or the time specified in the lease,

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