LD 2115
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LD 2115 Title Page An Act to Abolish the Educational Leave Advisory Board Page 2 of 2
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LR 3398
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 3 MRSA §959, sub-§1, ķE, as amended by PL 1999, c. 706, §1, is
further amended to read:

E. The joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs shall use
the following list as a guideline for scheduling reviews:

(1) Telecommunications Relay Services Advisory Council
in 1997;

(2) Department of Education in 1997;

(2-A) State Board of Education in 1997;

(3) Maine Arts Commission in 1999;

(5) Maine Historic Preservation Commission in 1999;

(5-A) Notwithstanding section 952, Maine Historical
Society in 1999;

(6) Maine Library Commission in 1999;

(6-A) Maine State Cultural Affairs Council in 1999;

(6-B) Maine State Library in 1999;

(6-C) Maine State Museum in 1999;

(7) Maine State Museum Commission in 1999;

(8) Office of State Historian in 1999;

(9) Board of Trustees of the Maine Maritime Academy in

(10) Board of Trustees of the University of Maine
System in 2001;

(11) Educational Leave Advisory Board in 2001;

(12) Maine Technical College System in 2001;

(13) Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities
Authority in 2003; and

(14) Maine Educational Loan Authority in 2003.

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