LD 2147
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Providing for the Supply of Water to the City of Brewer LD 2147 Title Page
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LR 3439
Item 1

Sec. 4. Repeal charter of Brewer Water District. Upon completion of the
transfer of assets and obligations of the Brewer Water District
provided under this Act, Private and Special Law 1909, chapter
265 and Private and Special Law 1945, chapter 146, as amended,
are repealed. The transfer of assets and obligations is deemed
complete upon the filing of a certificate to this effect with the
Secretary of State. Such certificate must be prepared by the
clerk of the City of Brewer once all of the necessary assets and
obligations have been transferred to the city from the Brewer
Water District. If necessary to carry out the purposes of this
Act, the City of Brewer may commence and carry out municipal
water service prior to completion of the transfer of assets and
obligations of the Brewer Water District and, in such event, the
Brewer Water District may continue to exist for the limited
purpose of carrying out the requirements of this Act until such
time as the transfer of assets and obligations is complete.


This bill authorizes the City of Brewer to acquire the assets
of the Brewer Water District so that the city may become the
supplier of water service to the residents of the City of Brewer.
The bill also repeals the charter of the Brewer Water District,
except as necessary to carry out the requirements of this Act.

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