LD 2153
pg. 1
LD 2153 Title Page An Act to Amend the Freedom of Access Laws to Protect Security Plans LD 2153 Title Page
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LR 3424
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 1 MRSA §402, sub-§3, ¶J, as amended by PL 1999, c. 96, §2, is
further amended to read:

J. Working papers, including records, drafts and
interoffice and intraoffice memoranda, used or maintained by
any advisory organization covered by subsection 2, paragraph
F, or any member or staff of that organization during the
existence of the advisory organization. Working papers are
public records if distributed by a member or in a public
meeting of the advisory organization; and

Sec. 2. 1 MRSA §402, sub-§3, ¶K, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 96, §3, is
amended to read:

K. Personally identifying information concerning minors
that is obtained or maintained by a municipality in
providing recreational or nonmandatory educational programs
or services, if the municipality has enacted an ordinance
that specifies the circumstances in which the information
will be withheld from disclosure. This paragraph does not
apply to records governed by Title 20-A, section 6001 and
does not supersede Title 20-A, section 6001-A.; and

Sec. 3. 1 MRSA §402, sub-§3, ¶L is enacted to read:

L.__Information concerning security plans or procedures of
agencies of State Government, county government and local
government not generally known by the general public,
provided that this information may be disclosed to the
Legislature or the governing body of a political or
administrative subdivision under conditions that protect the
information from further disclosure.


This bill adds an exception to the definition of "public
records" in the freedom of access laws that would protect
information concerning security plans or procedures of agencies
of State Government and local government. Currently, such
information is protected under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
16, section 614 when it is held by a law enforcement agency
identified in that statute but not when held by other agencies of
state, county or local government.

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