LD 2156
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Agri... LD 2156 Title Page
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LR 3498
Item 1

land acquired during the report period. If an acquisition has
been made that does not include guaranteed public vehicular
access to the land acquired, the board must provide
justification for that acquisition and a plan for continuing
efforts to acquire guaranteed public access to the land. This
report must include a summary of the board's experience during
the reporting period with projects funded pursuant to section
6203 or 6203-A and in which the land or interest in land is
acquired by a cooperating entity.

Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §19, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 415, §2, is amended
to read:

§19. Holding of real estate

The commissioner may accept, hold, administer and, retain and
dispose of interests in real estate in order to further the
purposes of this Title.


Allowing the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources to dispose of properties may increase undedicated
revenues to the General Fund and dedicated revenues collected by
the department. The amounts to each funding source will depend
on the original source of funding used to purchase the properties
and which properties are being disposed of. The amounts can not
be determined at this time.

The State Planning Office within the Executive Department will
incur some minor additional costs to include certain information
in required reports to the Legislature. These costs can be
absorbed within the agency's existing budgeted resources.


This bill requires the Land for Maine's Future Board to
include in its annual report an update on projects acquired and
managed by a cooperating entity. It allows the Commissioner of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to dispose of interest in
land. It also establishes dates for the next review of several
agencies reviewed during the Second Regular Session of the 120th
Legislature under the Government Evaluation Act by the Joint
Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

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