LD 2185
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend Maine State Retirement System Statutes LD 2185 Title Page
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LR 3514
Item 1

(2) When the person again retires, the person is
entitled to receive benefits computed on the person's
entire creditable service and in accordance with the
law in effect at the time.

C. Upon being restored to service, the person shall elect
to have benefits either continued or terminated. If written
notification of the person's election is not received by the
executive director within 30 60 days of restoration to
service, the person is deemed to have elected the provisions
of paragraph B A. The election, regardless of how it is
made, is irrevocable during the period of restoration to

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §18457, as amended by PL 1987, c. 739, §§43 and 48,
is repealed.

Sec. 5. 5 MRSA §18462, sub-§2, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 79, §3, is

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §18462, sub-§3, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 79, §3, is

Sec. 7. PL 2001, c. 442, §5 is amended to read:

*Sec. 5. Status of employees who have retired and returned to covered employment
under the Maine State Retirement System. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, section 17651, and, except as provided in
Title 5, section 17857, subsection 2, recipients of a service
retirement benefit from the Maine State Retirement System who
have returned to covered employment under the retirement system
in a position that would otherwise be covered by the retirement
plan for state employees and teachers may not contribute to the
retirement system, do not earn creditable service for their
employment after retirement and do not earn any additional
retirement benefits as a result of that employment. They may
participate in other retirement options available to similar
employees, including the state program of tax-deferred
arrangements under Title 5, chapter 67, at the discretion of
their employer. For purposes of participation in the state
employee health insurance program pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, section 285 or in dental health insurance
coverage offered by the State, recipients of a service retirement
benefit under the Maine State Retirement System who are retired
state employees and who are reemployed as state employees must be
treated as retirees under section 285, subsection 1-A for
purposes of eligibility for coverage under the group plan.

Sec. 8. Status of employees who have retired and returned to covered participating
local district employment under Maine State Retirement System. Notwithstanding
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 18251, subsection 1,
recipients of a service retirement benefit from the Maine State
Retirement System for service in the employment of a
participating local district who have returned to covered
employment under the retirement system in a position that would
otherwise be covered by the retirement plan for a participating
local district may not contribute to the retirement system, do
not earn creditable service for their employment after retirement
and do not earn any additional retirement benefits as a result of
that employment.


This bill removes the earnings limitation for certain
participating local district service retirement recipients who
are restored to service after retirement. This change would
automatically apply to withdrawn participating local districts,
but applies to participating local districts in the consolidated
plan only if it is made part of the rule that governs the
consolidated plan by action of the Consolidated Plan Advisory
Committee and the Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement

This bill will result in increased costs for participating
local district employers to whom it applies, including those in
the consolidated plan, if applicable. Eliminating the earnings
limitation for retirees will ultimately reduce the total assets
of the individual participating local district or consolidated
plan by whatever amount would have been recouped by the
participating local district or consolidated plan with an
earnings limitation in place. The increase resulting from the
reduction in total assets will ultimately be reflected in the
ongoing normal cost.

This bill also extends the scope of the current definition of
"teacher," for the purpose of Maine State Retirement System
benefits, to include duties which, under current law, are not
included as the duties of a teacher, even if performed by a
person who holds a teacher certification. This will increase the
normal cost component of the employer retirement rate resulting
in increased employer contributions to the Maine State Retirement
System for teachers. The expanded scope does not apply to either
retirees or to periods of time served by active teachers before
the effective date of the bill, so no unfunded liability is
created. The number of persons affected can not be determined at
this time, but the cost is not expected to be significant.

The prospective costs associated with this bill can only
emerge through plan experience and will be determined as part of
the annual valuations for an individual withdrawn district or the
consolidated plan.


This bill repeals the current law that provides for reduction
in benefits for retirees of participating local districts under
the Maine State Retirement System who return to employment in a
participating local district covered by the retirement system if
they exceed certain earnings limitations. The bill would permit
retirees to return to covered service and keep both their pension
and their full earnings. Retirees who take advantage of the
provisions of the bill would not be eligible to earn additional
retirement benefits based on their return to service employment.
This bill is similar to Public Law 2001, chapter 442 enacted last
year and covering state employees and teachers.

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