LD 2187
pg. 1
LD 2187 Title Page An Act to Provide Equity to Adoptive Parents with Respect to Parental Leave ... LD 2187 Title Page
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LR 3457
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA c. 7, sub-c. VI-C is enacted to read:



§850-A.__Leave for adoptive parents

An employer who provides paid leave to an employee in
connection with the birth of that employee's child shall provide
comparable paid leave to an employee in connection with that
employee's adoption of a child who is less than a year old.


This bill provides that an employer who provides paid leave to
an employee in connection with the birth of that employee's child
shall provide comparable paid leave to an employee in connection
with that employee's adoption of a child who is less than a year

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