LD 2193
pg. 2
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LR 3575
Item 1

6.__State agency.__"State agency" means each state board,
commission, department, program, office or institution, educational
or otherwise, of this State.

7. Working paper. "Working paper" means all documentary and
other information acquired, prepared or maintained by the office
during the conduct of a program evaluation, including all intra-
agency and interagency communications relating to a program
evaluation and includes electronic messages and draft reports or
any portion of a draft report.

§993.__Committee membership; cochairs

The committee consists of 6 members of the Senate and 6
members of the House of Representatives and must be evenly
divided between the 2 largest political parties represented in
each chamber.__The majority party Senators are appointed by the
President of the Senate and the minority party Senators are
appointed by the Senate Minority Leader.__The majority party
House members are appointed by the Speaker of the House and the
minority party House members are appointed by the House Minority
Leader.__The terms of committee members coincide with the
beginning and the end of each Legislature.__At the beginning of
each Legislature, members shall elect cochairs, one of whom
represents the majority party and one of whom represents the
minority party.__One cochair must be from the Senate and one
cochair must be from the House of Representatives.

§994.__Duties of the committee

The committee has the following duties:

1.__Director.__To hire the director of the office;

2.__Annual work plan.__To review and approve the annual work
plan of the office;

3.__Direct evaluations.__To direct the office to conduct
program evaluations;

4.__Conduct hearings.__To hold public hearings for the purpose
of receiving reports from the office and interrogating public
officials about office findings and recommendations;

5.__Examine witnesses.__To examine witnesses and to order the
appearance of any person or the appearance of any person for the
purpose of production to the committee of papers or records,
including books, accounts, documents, computer disks or memory or

other electronic media and other materials regardless of their
physical or electronic form;

6.__Administer oaths.__To administer oaths to witnesses
appearing before the committee when, by a majority vote, the
committee determines the administration of an oath necessary and
advisable, to determine if there is probable cause that a witness
has committed perjury by testifying falsely before the committee
and to direct the attorney general to institute legal proceedings
as provided by law;

7.__Vote on reports.__To vote at the committee's discretion to
endorse, to endorse in part or to release a report of the office
without endorsement;

8.__Subpoenas.__To issue subpoenas under the signature of
either of the cochairs in the event of refusal to appear or to
produce papers or records, including books, accounts, documents,
computer disks or memory or other electronic media and other
materials regardless of their physical or electronic form.__A
subpoena issued under this subsection must be issued pursuant to
the provisions of section 165 and chapter 21; and

9.__Meetings.__To conduct meetings at such times as the
cochairs determine necessary.

§995.__Office established

The Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability
is established under the authority of the committee to conduct
program evaluations of state agencies and other entities, both
public and private, that receive public funds.__The office shall
carry out the purposes of this chapter.


1.__Appointment.__The committee shall appoint a director of
the office for the purpose of conducting program evaluations
pursuant to this chapter. The director must be appointed to an
initial 4-year term, which is subject to renewal by the committee
every 4 years thereafter.__During the term of the contract, the
director may be terminated only for cause by a 2/3 vote of the
committee.__The Legislative Council shall establish the
compensation of the director.__The director's duties must be
performed independently but under the general policy direction of
the committee.

2.__Duties.__The director shall supervise the staff of the
office in accordance with policies adopted by the committee and
consistent with the policies of the Legislative Council.__The

director shall prepare and present a biennial budget to the
committee for its approval.__The director also shall prepare and
present an annual work plan to the committee for its
consideration and approval.__The director also may contract with
private individuals or entities for the conduct of program
evaluations under this chapter.__The director may request the
committee to issue subpoenas.

3.__Program evaluation authority and notice.__The director may
conduct a program evaluation without the approval of the
committee if, in the director's judgment, such an evaluation is
warranted.__The director shall notify the committee of a program
evaluation initiated under this subsection within 10 working days
of the initiation of the program evaluation.

4.__Employees.__Employees of the office are employed by and
are responsible to the director, who shall hire and fix the
compensation of each employee, subject to the approval of the
committee and within resources available in the biennial budget.

5.__Annual report.__The director shall prepare an annual
report of the office's activities for each calendar year and
shall submit that annual report to the committee and the
Legislature no later than March 1st of each calendar year.

§997.__Assistance to committee

The Department of the Attorney General, the State Auditor, the
State Controller, the Commissioner of Administrative and
Financial Services, the Director of the Office of Fiscal and
Program Review and the Director of the Office of Policy and Legal
Analysis shall assist the committee and office with program
evaluations under this chapter if the committee and the director
determine that such assistance is necessary.

§998.__Conduct and issuance of program evaluation reports

The director and the office shall adhere to the following
provisions relative to conducting and issuing program evaluation
reports under this chapter:

1.__Review and response.__Prior to the presentation of a
program evaluation under this chapter to the committee by the
office, the director of the evaluated state agency or other
entity must have an opportunity to review a draft of the program
evaluation report. Within 15 calendar days of receipt of the
draft report, the director of the evaluated state agency or other
entity may provide to the office comments on the draft report.__
If provided to the office by the comment deadline, the comments
must be included in the final report when it is presented to the

committee.__Failure by the director of an evaluated agency or
other entity to submit its comments on the draft report by the
comment deadline may not delay the submission of a report to the
committee or its release to the public.

All documents, writings, drafts, electronic communications and
information transmitted pursuant to this subsection are
confidential and may not be released to the public prior to the
time the office issues its program evaluation report pursuant to
subsection 3.__A person violating the provisions of this
subsection regarding confidentiality is guilty of a Class E

2.__Submission of final report to the committee.__The director
shall notify the committee when each final program evaluation
report under this chapter is completed.__The report must then be
placed on the agenda for a future committee meeting.__At the
meeting where a report appears on the agenda for the first time,
the director will release that report to the committee and to the
public simultaneously.__The committee, at its discretion, may
vote to endorse, to endorse in part or to decline to endorse the
report submitted by the director.

3.__Public release.__The director shall issue program
evaluation reports, favorable or unfavorable, of any state agency
or other entity, and these reports are public records, except
that, prior to the release of a program evaluation report
pursuant to subsection 2 or the point at which a program
evaluation is no longer being actively pursued, all papers,
physical and electronic records and correspondence and other
supporting materials comprising the working papers in the
possession of the director or other entity charged with the
preparation of a program evaluation report are confidential and
exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 1, chapter 13.__All
other records or materials in the possession of the director or
other entity charged with the preparation of a program evaluation
report under this chapter that would otherwise be confidential or
exempt from disclosure are exempt from disclosure pursuant to the
provisions of Title 1, chapter 13.__This subsection may not be
construed to prohibit or prevent public access to the records of
a state agency or other entity in the possession of the director
that would otherwise be subject to disclosure pursuant to the
provisions of Title 1, chapter 13.__The director shall refer
requests for access to those records directly to the state agency
or other entity that is the official custodian of the requested
records, which shall respond to the request for public records.

4.__Information available to the office.__Notwithstanding any
other law relating to the confidentiality of information, all
information in the files of a state agency or other entity
subject to program evaluation by the office under this chapter

must be made available when necessary to the office for
performance of its duties.

A.__Before beginning a program evaluation under this chapter
that may require access to records containing confidential
or privileged information, the office shall consult with
representatives of the state agency or other entity to
discuss methods of identifying and protecting privileged or
confidential information in those records. During that
consultation, the state agency or other entity shall inform
the office of all standards and procedures set forth in its
policies or agreements to protect information considered to
be confidential or privileged.__The office shall limit
access to information that is privileged or confidential by
appropriate methods, which may include examining records
without copying or removing them from the source.

B.__Documentary or other information obtained by the office
during the course of a program evaluation under this chapter
is privileged or confidential to the same extent under law
that that information would be privileged or confidential in
the possession of the state agency or other entity providing
the information.__Any privilege or statutory provision,
including penalties, concerning the confidentiality or
obligation not to disclose information in the possession of
a state agency or other entity or its officers or employees
applies equally to the office.__Privileged or confidential
information obtained__by the office during the course of a
program evaluation may be disclosed only as provided by law
and with the agreement of the state agency or other entity
subject to the program evaluation that provided the

C.__If the office accesses information classified as
privileged or confidential pursuant to state agency or other
entity policy or procedures or by agreement, the office
shall comply with the state agency's or other entity's
standards or procedures for handling that information.__The
office may include in its working papers the excerpts from
information classified as confidential or privileged as may
be necessary to complete the program evaluation under this
chapter, as long as the use does not infringe on department
policies or procedures applicable to the original provision
of information.

5.__Confidentiality of working papers.__Except as provided in
this subsection, working papers are confidential and may not be
disclosed to any person.__Prior to the release of the final
program evaluation report, the director has sole discretion to
disclose working papers to the state agency or other entity

subject to the program evaluation when disclosure will not
prejudice the program evaluation.__After release of the final
program evaluation report, working papers may be released as
necessary to the state agency or other entity that was subject to
the program evaluation under this chapter.

6.__Confidential sources.__If data supplied by an individual
are needed to initiate, continue or complete a program evaluation
under this chapter, the director may, by written memorandum to
the file, provide that the individual's identity will remain
confidential and exempt from disclosure under Title 1, chapter
13, and this written memorandum protects the identity of the
person from disclosure under Title 1, chapter 13, notwithstanding
any other provision of law to the contrary.

7. Disposition of final report. A final copy of a program
evaluation report under subsection 2, including recommendations
and the evaluated state agency's or other entity's comments, must
be submitted to the commissioner or director of the state agency
or other entity examined at least one day prior to the report's
public release, and must be made available to each member of the
Legislature no later than one day following the report's receipt
by the committee.__The office may satisfy the requirement to
provide each legislator a copy of the report by furnishing the
report directly by electronic means or by providing notice to
each legislator of the availability of the report on the office's
publicly accessible site on the Internet.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §12004-G, sub-§26-F is enacted to read:

26-F. JointLegislative3 MRSA

LegislatureLegislativePer Diem§991

Oversightand Expenses


Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §979-A, sub-§4-A, ¶¶E and F, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
741, §2 and affected by §12, are amended to read:

E. Who is a temporary, on-call employee; or

F. Who has been employed less than 30 days. ; or

Sec. 4. 26 MRSA §979-A, sub-§4-A, ¶G is enacted to read:

G.__Who is an employee of the Office of Program Evaluation
and Government Accountability established in Title 3,
section 995.

Sec. 5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and
allocations are made.


Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability

Initiative: Provides funds for 11 full-time positions to staff
the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability.
This appropriation also provides funds for the per diem for the
12 legislative members of the Joint Legislative Oversight
Committee. The All Other line item includes a one-time amount
of $55,000 for furnishings and computers for each of the new
staff. Other operating costs include funds for contractual
services to perform some of the program evaluations, public
hearings, printing the required reports and other miscellaneous
expenses that will be incurred to support the activities of the
office as well as the expenses of the oversight committee.

General Fund2001-022002-03

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (11.000)

Personal Services$0$720,594

All Other 0325,795





General Fund$1,046,389

The Legislature will require a General Fund appropriation
beginning in fiscal year 2002-03 of $1,046,389 to provide funds
to establish the Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Accountability. This appropriation will provide funds for 11
full-time positions to staff the Office of Program Evaluation and
Government Accountability and includes funds for the per diem for
the 12 legislative members of the Joint Legislative Oversight
Committee. The All Other line item includes a one-time amount of
$55,000 for furnishings and computers for each of the new staff.
Other operating costs include funds for contractual services to
perform some of the program evaluations, public hearings,
printing the required reports and any other miscellaneous
expenses that will be incurred to support the activities of the
office as well as the expenses of the oversight committee.

The additional costs associated with assisting the Joint
Legislative Oversight Committee and the Office of Program

Evaluation and Government Accountability with program evaluations
can be absorbed by the Department of the Attorney General, the
Department of Audit and the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services utilizing existing budgeted resources.


This bill establishes both the Joint Legislative Oversight
Committee and the Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Accountability for the purposes of providing legislative
oversight of programs of State Government and to ensure the
appropriate use of funds of State Government. The bill describes
the duties of the committee and the office. It authorizes the
committee to hire a director to operate the office. It describes
the duties and powers of the director and the office. The bill
also describes the manner in which program evaluations are to be
conducted by the office and the manner in which reports are to be
released to the committee and to the public. The bill also
prohibits employees of the office from organizing or joining a
union. This bill includes an appropriations and allocations
section and a fiscal note.

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