LD 2206
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Assist the Displaced Workers at Hathaway Shirt Company LD 2206 Title Page
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LR 3611
Item 1


This bill provides that an employer that has owned and
operated a covered establishment for less than 2 years prior to
the termination or relocation of that establishment owes
severance pay if the employer, its predecessors or the covered
establishment received significant public benefits in the 5 years
before the termination or relocation. As an alternative to
paying severance pay, the employer may pay over to the Department
of Labor the value of all significant public benefits provided to
the employer or the covered establishment in the past 5 years.
The department would use those funds to make severance payments
to employees of the covered establishment. Any funds remaining
would be paid to the municipality or other public entity that
provided the significant public benefit to the employer or the
covered establishment.

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