LD 2209
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Secretary of State and the Unive... LD 2209 Title Page
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LR 3581
Item 1

The State Archivist shall report the
results of the survey, with
recommendations, to the joint standing
committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education and cultural
affairs and over state and local
government matters.

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §98 is enacted to read:

§98.__Maine Historical Records
Advisory Board

The Maine Historical Records Advisory Board, established by section 12004-I, subsection 18-D and referred to in this section as the "board," is within the office of the State Archivist and serves to encourage the preservation of and access to historical records within the State.

1.__Duties.__In support of its mission, the board shall conduct the following activities:

A.__Make recommendations to the
National Historical Publications
and Records Commission regarding
the funding of proposals seeking
support from that commission;

B.__Develop, maintain and
execute a strategic plan supporting
the board's priorities for funding
recommendations and other

C.__Seek, receive and
administer nonstate funds to
support its priority activities;

D.__Work cooperatively with
other state historical records
advisory boards, especially those
in New England;

E.__Report biennially to the
joint standing committees of the
Legislature having jurisdiction
over education and cultural affairs
and over state and local government
matters on the board's activities
and on the condition of historical
records in the State; and

F.__Other activities it
determines appropriate.

2.__Authority.__In order to carry out its mission, the board may make expenditures in accordance with the following:

A.__Beginning with the 2004-
2005 biennium, the Governor shall
include in the budget submitted to
the Legislature each biennium a
line item to allow the expenditure
by the board of any non-General
Fund revenues received by the
board, including federal funds,
grants or gifts; and

B.__Beginning with the 2004-
2005 biennium, the Governor shall
include in the budget submitted to
the Legislature each biennium a
line item to allow the expenditure
by the board of any non-General
Fund revenues received by the board
to fund a full-time position.

3.__Membership.__The board consists of at least 7 and no more than 11 members who are appointed to serve as follows:

A.__Except as provided in
paragraph B, the Governor shall
appoint all of the members, the
majority of whom must have
experience in the administration of
historical records or in a field of
research activity that makes
extensive use of historical

B.__The Director of the Maine
Historical Society and the State
Archivist are members ex officio
and are voting members; and

C.__The Governor shall appoint
either the Director of the Maine
Historical Society or the State
Archivist to serve as the Maine
Historical Records Coordinator and
to serve as the chair of the board.__
The coordinator shall serve a term
of 4 years and may not be
compensated but may receive the
reimbursements allowed members of
the board.

All members, with the exception of
the coordinator, serve 3-year terms.__
All members serve without compensation.__
All legally allowed expenditures
incurred by the members in the
performance of their duties may be
reimbursed by the National Historical
Publications and Records Commission or
by other funds available to the board.

4.__Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Fund.__The Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund," is established for use by the board.__Balances in the fund may not lapse and must be carried forward and used for the purposes of this section.__The board may accept and deposit in the fund money from private and public sources.

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §12004-I, sub-§18-D is
enacted to read:






Sec. 5. Initial members. The members
serving on the effective date of this
Act on the Maine Historical

Advisory Board established pursuant
to Executive Order No. 7 ordered on
January 30, 1989 continue serving their
terms of office as members of the Maine
Historical Records Advisory Board
established in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, section 98.

Sec. 6. Appropriations and allocations. The
following appropriations and allocations
are made.


Administration - Archives

Initiative: Provides initial
allocations for the Maine Historical
Records Advisory Board.

Federal Expenditures Fund

Personal Services$0

All Other0



Other Special Revenue Funds

Personal Services$0

All Other0












Other Funds

The requirement that municipalities shall respond to surveys distributed by the State Archivist represents a state mandate pursuant to the Constitution of Maine. The additional local

costs are likely to be relatively
insignificant. Unless General Fund
appropriations are provided to fund at
least 90% of the additional costs or a
Mandate Preamble is amended to the bill
and 2/3 of the members of each House
vote to exempt this mandate from the
funding requirement, municipalities may
not be required to implement these

This bill includes Federal Expenditures Fund and Other Special Revenue funds allocations of $1,000 each in fiscal year 2002-03 for the initial allocations needed for placing the Maine Historical Records Advisory Board as a part of the Administration - Archives program, which is within the Department of the Secretary of State.


This bill is reported out by the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs pursuant to the authority provided to the committee under Resolve 2001, chapter 10. The bill implements the recommendations presented to the Second Regular Session of the 120th Legislature as part of the comprehensive plan for preserving and protecting historical records and access to those records developed by the Secretary of State, the University of Maine System and the Maine Historical Records Advisory Board. The bill accomplishes the following.

1. It establishes an enforcement mechanism for the existing statutory requirement that local governments provide a fireproof safe or vault for the preservation of records by directing each local government to respond to a survey distributed biennially by the State Archivist regarding the adequacy of the measures taken by the local government to comply with this record preservation requirement.

2. It establishes an enforcement mechanism for the existing statutory requirement that local governments retain and preserve archival records currently in a digital format by directing each local government to respond to a survey distributed biennially by the State Archivist regarding the adequacy of the measures taken by the local government to comply with this archival record retention and preservation requirement.

3. It codifies in statutes the existing Maine Historical Records Advisory Board, established pursuant to Executive Order No. 7 and ordered on January 30, 1989 and permits the members currently serving on this advisory board to continue serving their terms of office as initial members of the statutory advisory board.

4. It requires the Governor, beginning with the 2004-2005 biennium, to include in the budget submitted to the Legislature each biennium a line item to permit expenditure of nonstate General Fund revenues, including federal funds, grants or gifts and a proposed line item to support a full-time position funded from nonstate General Fund revenues.

5. It provides an allocation from the Federal Expenditures Fund and Other Special Revenue funds to carry out the purposes of the bill.

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