LD 2216
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act to Correct Recently Enacted Legislation Page 9 of 9
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LR 3653
Item 1

criminal violations, part of Title 17, was intended to be 10% of
the fine. The surcharges collected are deposited in the Animal
Welfare Fund. Public Law 2001, chapter 617 erroneously included a
cross-reference to the criminal animal welfare statutes in addition
to the civil violations for which a $10 surcharge is to be imposed.
These sections correct that error by deleting the cross-reference
in the Title 7 surcharge section to the Title 17 chapter on animal
welfare and providing the appropriate effective date.

Sections 7 and 8 correct language added by Public Law 2001,
chapter 545 concerning service credit purchases by employees of
the Maine Technical College System by taking out the reference to
electing to purchase service credits. That deletion is
consistent with other provisions in chapter 545. The appropriate
effective date is provided.

Sections 9 and 10 correct a conflict created by Public Law
2001, chapter 559, Part KK; chapter 604 and chapter 697, Part B,
which amended the law enforcement training standards exemptions
and add an appropriate effective date. Chapter 697 added the
State Fire Marshal and the Chief of the Bureau of Liquor
Enforcement as exempt from the training standards. Chapter 559,
Part KK also added the State Fire Marshal and the Chief of the
Bureau of Liquor Enforcement, but also deleted the repeal of the
exemption for capitol security officers. Chapter 559 includes
training standards for capitol security officers.

Sections 11 and 12 correct a conflict created by Public Law
2001, chapters 671 and 687 that amended the same section of law
with different wording concerning who may accompany a person
holding a motor vehicle instruction permit. Chapter 671 provided
that a person who met the requirements of the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 29-A, section 1304, subsection 1, paragraph E,
including holding a valid license for the immediately preceding 2
consecutive years, could serve as an accompanying operator, even
if that person's own license was cancelled for physical, mental
or emotional reasons pursuant to Title 29-A, section 1259, as
long as the Secretary of State approved. Chapter 687 provided
that a person who held a valid license for the immediately
preceding 2 consecutive years who met the requirements of
paragraph E, could serve as an accompanying operator, even though
that person's own license was cancelled for physical, mental or
emotional reasons, with the Secretary of State's approval, if the
license had been cancelled within the previous 2 consecutive
years, without referring to Title 29-A, section 1259. The
Secretary of State has authority under rules to cancel licenses
for physical, mental and emotional reasons, so a license could be
cancelled for those reasons without the cancellation occurring
under Title 29-A, section 1259.

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