LD 2220
pg. 15
Page 14 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 16 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

allocations in fiscal year 2002-03. The State Budget Officer
shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs
a report of the transferred amount no later than January 15,
2003. The following Other Special Revenue Funds accounts are
exempt from these calculations: the Public Reserved Lands
Management Fund account and the Submerged Lands Fund account
in the Department of Conservation and the Baxter State Park
Authority account.

Sec. B-14. Calculation and transfer. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the
amount of savings in Part A, section 1 that applies against
each Highway Fund account for all departments and agencies
from the requirement that state employees take 3 days off
without pay in fiscal year 2002-03 pursuant to Executive Order
07 FY 01/02 and shall transfer the calculated amount to the
General Fund by financial order upon the approval of the
Governor. This transfer is considered an adjustment to
allocations in fiscal year 2002-03. The State Budget Officer
shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs
a report of the transferred amount no later than January 15,

Sec. B-15. Statewide curtailment of General Fund expenditures in fiscal year 2002-03.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget
Officer shall transfer by financial order upon the approval of
the Governor the amounts identified in the fiscal year 2002-03
Personal Services, All Other and Capital Expenditures
appropriations and allocations of the accounts in Financial
Order 05723 F3, as adjusted by Financial Order 05871 F3 and
Financial Order 06004 F3 for all departments and agencies up
to the amount of the deappropriations and deallocations in
Part A, section 1 of this Act. These transfers are considered
adjustments to appropriations and allocations in fiscal year

Sec. B-16. Statewide curtailment of General Fund expenditures in fiscal year 2002-03.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget
Officer shall transfer by financial order upon the approval of
the Governor the amounts identified in the fiscal year 2002-03
Personal Services appropriations of the General Fund accounts
in Financial Order 05844 F3 that represent savings in Maine
State Retirement System administration. These transfers are
considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal year 2002-

Sec. B-17. Statewide curtailment of General Fund expenditures in fiscal year 2002-03.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget
Officer shall transfer by

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