LD 2220
pg. 24
Page 23 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 25 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

1. Publication. The administrator shall publish a notice
no later than November 30th of the year next following the
year in which abandoned unclaimed property has been paid or
delivered to the administrator. The notice must be published
in a newspaper of general circulation medium generally
available to residents in this State. The advertisement must
be in a form that, in the judgment of the administrator, is
likely to attract the attention of the apparent owner of the
unclaimed property. The form must contain:

A. The name of each person appearing to be the owner of
the property, as set forth in the report filed by the

B. The last known address or location of each person
appearing to be the owner of the property, if an address
or location is set forth in the report filed by the

C. A statement explaining that property of the owner is
presumed to be abandoned and has been taken into the
protective custody of the administrator; and

D. A statement that information about the property and
its return to the owner is available to a person having a
legal or beneficial interest in the property, upon request
to the administrator.

2. Publication not required. The administrator is not
required to advertise the name and address or location of an
owner of property having a total value less than $50 or
information concerning a traveler's check, money order or
similar instrument.

Sec. X-2. 33 MRSA §1963, sub-§§1 and 2, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 508,
Pt. A, §2 and affected by §3, are amended to read:

1. Highest bidder. Except as otherwise provided in this
section, the administrator, within 3 years after the receipt
of abandoned property, shall may sell it unclaimed property
anytime 90 days or more after it has been advertised pursuant
to section 1960.__The sale must be to the highest bidder at
public sale at a location in the State, or via electronic
medium available to citizens of the State that, in the
judgment of the administrator,

affords the most favorable market for the property. The
administrator may decline the highest bid and reoffer the
property for sale if the administrator considers the bid to be
insufficient. The administrator need not offer the property
for sale if the administrator considers that the probable cost
of sale will exceed the proceeds of the sale. A sale held
under this section must be preceded by a single publication of
notice, at least 3 weeks before sale, in a newspaper of

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