LD 2220
pg. 27
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LR 3659
Item 1

to subsection 1, paragraph N. for tax years beginning in

Sec. AA-4. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§2, ¶¶R and S are enacted to read:

R.__For tax years beginning in 2005, 2006 or 2007, an
amount equal to 1/3 of any amount added back to federal
adjusted gross income by the taxpayer for the 2003 tax
year pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph N, except with
respect to 3-year property, in which case this paragraph
does not apply to 2006 or 2007 tax years and the amount to
be subtracted pursuant to this paragraph in the 2005 tax
year is an amount equal to the amount added back pursuant
to subsection 1, paragraph N for tax years beginning in
2003; and

S.__For tax years beginning in 2006, 2007 or 2008, an
amount equal to 1/3 of any amount added back to federal
adjusted gross income by the taxpayer for the 2004 tax
year pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph N, except with
respect to 3-year property, in which case this paragraph
does not apply to 2007 or 2008 tax years and the amount to
be subtracted pursuant to this paragraph in the 2006 tax
year is in an amount equal to the amount added back
pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph N for tax years
beginning in 2004.

Sec. AA-5. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§1, ¶N, as amended by PL 2001, c. 700,
§5, is further amended to read:

N. For any taxable year beginning in 2002, 2003 or 2004,
an amount equal to the net increase in depreciation
attributable to a 30% bonus depreciation deduction claimed
by the taxpayer pursuant to Section 101 of the federal Job
Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, Public Law
107-147 with respect to property placed in service during
the taxable year, multiplied by the factor obtained by
subtracting from the number 1.0 the conformity factor
calculated by the State Tax Assessor under section 112,
subsection 12;

Sec. AA-6. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§2, ¶¶L and M, as enacted by PL 2001,
c. 559, Pt. GG, §18 and affected by §26, are amended to read:

L. An amount equal to the absolute value of any net
operating loss arising from a tax year beginning or ending
in 2001 for which federal taxable income was increased
under subsection 1, paragraph M and that, pursuant to
Section 102 of the federal Job Creation and Work Worker
Assistance Act of 2002, Public Law 107-147, was carried
back more than 2

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