LD 2220
pg. 29
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LR 3659
Item 1

Sec. BB-1. 36 MRSA §6654, as amended by PL 2001, c. 358, Pt. H,
§1 and affected by §3, is further amended to read:

§6654. Claim for reimbursement

A person entitled to reimbursement of property taxes paid
with respect to eligible property pursuant to section 6652 may
file a single claim annually for reimbursement with the State
Tax Assessor. The reimbursement claim must be filed with the
State Tax Assessor beginning any time after the last property
tax payment in a calendar year has been made but no later than
April 1st of the following calendar year on or after August
1st and on or before the following December 31st for property
taxes paid during the preceding calendar year for which no
previous reimbursement pursuant to this chapter has been made.
The For good cause, the State Tax Assessor may at any time
extend for good cause the date on which the time for filing a
claim for reimbursement is due, but in no event may a claim be
allowed if it is submitted later than for a period not
exceeding 60 days after from the original due date. Except as
otherwise provided, the claim must be accompanied by the
statement obtained by the claimant pursuant to section 6653.
If the claimant requests reimbursement of an amount of tax
that differs from the amount of tax specified for the eligible
property in the statement provided by the assessor or
assessors of the taxing jurisdiction, the claimant must attach
to the claim form an explanation of the reasons for that
difference and the State Tax Assessor shall determine the
correct amount of reimbursement to which the claimant is
entitled, taking into consideration both the statement from
the assessor or assessors and the taxpayer's explanation. If,
for any reason, the claimant is unable to obtain the statement
specified in section 6653 from the assessor or assessors
within the time specified in section 6653, the claimant must
attach to the claim form an explanation of the amount of
reimbursement requested and the State Tax Assessor shall
process the claim without that statement.

Sec. BB-2. 36 MRSA §6656, as amended by PL 2001, c. 358, Pt. H,
§2 and affected by §3, is further amended to read:

§6656. Payment of claims

Except as provided in section 6652, subsection 3, upon
receipt of a timely and properly completed claim for
reimbursement, the State Tax Assessor shall certify that the
claimant is eligible for reimbursement and shall pay the
amount claimed from the General Fund at any time after receipt
of the claim but in any event within 180 90 days after the end
of the filing period
or, in the case of a claim for which a filing extension has
been granted, within 90 days after the extended due

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