LD 2220
pg. 9
Page 8 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 10 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

All Other10,000,000



Federal Expenditures Fund2002-03

All Other20,000,000



Initiative: Provides for the deappropriation and allocation
of funds associated with changes in the way the MaineCare
Program reimburses medical and remedial private nonmedical
institutions for personal care services to allow for federal

General Fund2002-03

All Other (5,000,000)


Total (5,000,000)

Federal Expenditures Fund2002-03

All Other5,000,000



Initiative: Provides for the deappropriation of funds
associated with a Medicaid waiver that would allow for a
portion of the Healthy Maine Prescription Program to be paid
for with federal funds.

General Fund2002-03

All Other (6,500,000)


Total (6,500,000)

Federal Expenditures Fund2002-03

All Other24,000,000



Initiative: Provides for the allocation of funds to
increase the federal share of school-based rehabilitation
services. The state share of this increase is provided in
local school budgets and does not need to be increased.

Federal Expenditures Fund2002-03

All Other5,000,000

Initiative: Provides for the allocation of funds to
increase rates for municipally funded ambulance services to
that of usual charges.

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