LD 73
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Make the Children's Ombudsman Program an Independent Office Page 3 of 4
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LR 711
Item 1

A. Provide information to the public about the services
of the program through a comprehensive outreach program.
The ombudsman shall provide information through a toll-
free telephone number or numbers;

B. Answer inquiries, investigate and work toward
resolution of complaints regarding the performance and
services of the department and participate in conferences,
meetings and studies that may improve the performance of
the department;

C. Provide services to persons to assist them in
protecting their rights;

D. Inform persons of the means of obtaining services from
the department;

E. Provide information and referral services;

F. Analyze and provide opinions and recommendations to
agencies, the Governor and the Legislature on state
programs, rules, policies and laws;

G. Determine what types of complaints and inquiries will
be accepted for action by the program and adopt policies
and procedures regarding communication with persons making
inquiries or complaints and the department;

H. Apply for and utilize grants, gifts and funds for the
purpose of performing the duties of the program, including
accepting funding from the General Fund; and

I. Collect and analyze records and data relevant to the
duties and activities of the program and make reports as
required by law or determined to be appropriate.

4-A. Information for parents in child protective cases.
The program, in consultation with appropriate interested
parties, shall provide information about child protection laws
and procedures to parents whose children are the subject of
child protective investigations and cases under this chapter.
The providing of the information under this subsection does
not constitute representation of parents. Parents may seek
and receive information regardless of whether they are
represented by legal counsel. The information must be
provided free of charge to parents.

The program shall report annually to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
judiciary matters, starting February 1, 2003 2004, on the
provision of information required by this subsection.

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