LD 75
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Franchise Laws LD 75 Title Page
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LR 7
Item 1

D.__If a franchisor and its franchisees do not enter into
an agreement pursuant to paragraph A or if any matter
arises that is not the subject of an agreement, this
subsection has no effect.

For purposes of this subsection, a Uniform Time Standards
Manual is a document created by a franchisor that establishes
the time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of
warranty work and service.__The allowances must be reasonable
and adequate for the work and service to be performed.__Each
franchisor must have a reasonable and fair process that allows
a franchisee to request a modification or adjustment of a
standard or standards included in such a manual.


The bill permits a motor vehicle franchisor and a dealer to
enter into an agreement for the reimbursement of warranty
repairs if a majority of a motor vehicle franchisor's state
dealers agree. Motor vehicle franchisors will certify to the
Secretary of State that a majority of their dealers
participate under the agreement and that costs recovered are
only those permitted by the agreement.

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