LD 163
pg. 2
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LR 1626
Item 1

D. The sum of $150,000,000 less the aggregate outstanding
balance of mortgage loans secured by capital reserve funds
pursuant to section 1032 for all other revenue obligation
securities issued pursuant to this subchapter; and

E. The sum of $120,000,000 consisting of not more than
$100,000,000 for loans and up to $20,000,000 for use of
bond proceeds to fund capital reserve funds for revenue
obligation securities issued pursuant to this subchapter
relating to loans for paper industry job retention
projects.; and

F.__The sum of $100,000,000 consisting of not more than
$85,000,000 for loans and up to $15,000,000 for use of
bond proceeds to fund capital reserve funds for revenue
obligation securities issued pursuant to this subchapter
relating to loans for transmission facilities projects.

The amount of revenue obligation securities issued to refund
securities previously issued may not be taken into account in
determining the principal amount of securities outstanding, as
long as proceeds of the refunding securities are applied as
promptly as possible to the refunding of the previously issued
securities. In computing the total amount of revenue
obligation securities of the authority that may at any time be
outstanding for any purpose, the amounts of the outstanding
revenue obligation securities that have been issued as capital
appreciation bonds or as similar instruments are valued as of
any date of calculation at their then current accreted value
rather than their face value.

Sec. 2. 10 MRSA §9202, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 513, §6, is
amended to read:

1. Establishment and purpose. The Northern Maine
Transmission Corporation is established as a body corporate
and politic and public instrumentality of the State. The
corporation is a special purpose corporation formed and
managed as a subsidiary of the authority. The exercise by the
corporation of the powers conferred by this chapter shall be
is deemed the performance of essential public functions. The
purpose of the corporation is to examine the need for and
viability of and, in its discretion, to finance, permit,
construct, own and in whole or in part, operate electric
transmission lines necessary to connect electric utilities, or
to otherwise facilitate the transmission of natural gas and
generation, production and transfer of any other energy
resources in the northern region of the State with the
transmission grid of the United States in a manner adequate,
in the opinion of the authority, to allow customers

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