LD 201
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Health Care Workforce Center LD 201 Title Page
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LR 580
Item 1

represents a statewide association of hospitals.__Of the
initial appointees, the President shall designate one to
serve a one-year term and 2 to serve 2-year terms.

C.__The Speaker of the House shall appoint 3 members, one
who is a registered nurse who represents a statewide
association of nurse executives and one who represents
nurse educators.__Of the initial appointees, the Speaker
shall designate 2 to serve 2-year terms and one to serve a
one-year term.

D.__Except as provided in paragraphs A to C, all members
of the board serve for 2-year terms.

E.__At the first meeting of the board each year, the board
shall elect a member to serve as chair.

F.__Board members not otherwise compensated by their
employers may be reimbursed for expenses for their service
on the board.

3.__Powers.__The center may employ an executive director and
may seek and accept outside funding to support the work of the

Sec. 3. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 2004.


This bill establishes the Health Care Workforce Center to
provide an ongoing strategy for the allocation of the State's
resources to the health care workforce in this State. The
center will develop a strategic plan, convene groups of
interested parties to recommend systemic changes and enhance
and promote recruitment, recognition and retention of the
health care workforce. The center will be directed by an 8-
member board.

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