LD 211
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Modify the County Budget Procedures for Sagadahoc County LD 211 Title Page
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LR 389
Item 1


This bill amends the procedures for adopting a budget for
Sagadahoc County. Under current law, the county commissioners
submit a budget estimate to an advisory committee that makes
recommendations back to the commissioners; but the budget is
adopted by a majority vote of the county commissioners. Under
the bill, the county commissioners will submit a budget
estimate to a budget committee that will conduct at least one
public hearing in each of the 3 commissioner districts and the
budget committee is responsible for final adoption of the
county budget and any later amendments to it. The bill
retains the same make up of the advisory committee for the
budget committee; that is, from each commissioner district, 2
elected municipal officials and one public member. The bill
provides that members currently serving on the advisory
committee will serve on the budget committee until the terms
for which they were elected expire.

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