LD 250
pg. 1
LD 250 Title Page An Act to Establish the Avon-Phillips Airport Authority Page 2 of 3
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LR 294
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Avon-Phillips Airport Authority established. The Avon-Phillips
Airport Authority is established as a body corporate and
politic and a public instrumentality of the State to carry out
the provisions of this Act and shall take title to, acquire
and manage the properties within the geographical boundaries
of the Avon-Phillips Airport and other properties as may be
authorized by law in the name of the State. As used in this
Act, "authority" means the Avon-Phillips Airport Authority.

1. Powers. The authority may:

A. Sue and be sued;

B. Adopt bylaws consistent with this Act for the
governance of its affairs;

C. Exercise all of the general powers of corporations
under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 13-C, section 302;

D. Acquire real and personal property for use by the

E. Exercise the power of eminent domain;

F. Lease, rent or otherwise dispose of real or personal

G. Provide for the public safety by imposing appropriate
regulations, regulating appropriate use of the airport
facilities and enforcing laws and regulations as they
apply to the use of the airport's facilities;

H. Charge and collect fees, charges and rents for the use
of the properties and other services and use the proceeds
of those fees, charges and rents for the purposes provided
in this Act;

I. Provide from operating revenues for the maintenance,
construction or reconstruction of facilities for which the
authority has not otherwise provided to ensure the public

J. Take all other lawful action necessary and incidental
to these powers; and

K. Adopt rules pursuant to the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act. Any such rules are routine technical rules

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