LD 252
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Page 1 of 3 An Act to Require that Agency Rules be Reviewed by the Legislature Page 3 of 3
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LR 322
Item 1

(1) Require the exercise of significant agency
discretion or interpretation in drafting; or

(2) Because of their subject matter or anticipated
impact, are reasonably expected to result in a
significant increase in the cost of doing business, a
significant reduction in property values, the loss or
significant reduction of government benefits or
services, the imposition of state mandates on units
of local government as defined in the Constitution of
Maine, Article IX, Section 21, or other serious
burdens on the public or units of local government.

3. Levels of rule-making process. In order to provide for
maximum agency flexibility in the adoption of rules while
retaining appropriate legislative oversight over certain rules
that are expected to be controversial or to have a major
impact on the regulated community, each agency rule authorized
and adopted after January 1, 1996 and before January 1, 2004
is subject to one of 2 levels of rule-making requirements.

A. Routine technical rules are subject to the rule-making
requirements of subchapter II 2 only.

B. Major substantive rules are subject to the
requirements of section 8072. After January 1, 1996, any
grant of general or specific rule-making authority to
adopt major substantive rules is considered to be
permission only to provisionally adopt those rules subject
to legislative review. Final adoption may occur only
after legislative review of provisionally adopted rules as
provided in section 8072.

The establishment or amendment of an agency fee by
rulemaking is a major substantive rule, except for the
establishment or amendment of a fee that falls under a cap
or within a range set in statute, which is a routine
technical rule.

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA c. 375, sub-c. 2-B is enacted to read:




§8081.__Legislative review of agency rules

Notwithstanding any other provisions, all rules adopted
pursuant to rule-making authority delegated to an agency on or

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