LD 256
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Establish and Permit Medical Savings Accounts LD 256 Title Page
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LR 1518
Item 1

7.__Death of account holder.__Upon the death of an account
holder, the account administrator shall distribute the
principal and accumulated interest of the individual medical
savings account to the estate of the account holder.

8.__Tax consequences. Any amount deposited into an account
established under this chapter may be subtracted from taxable
income of the account holder during the same tax year.__Funds
withdrawn pursuant to subsection 4 must be considered income
to the account holder for the purpose of computing adjusted
gross income.


This bill allows residents of the State to establish medical
savings accounts for payment of eligible medical expenses,
including the payment of health insurance premiums and
deductibles. Contributions to, interest earned on and
qualified withdrawals from medical savings accounts are exempt
from Maine state income tax.

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