LD 274
pg. 21
Page 20 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 22 of 38
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LR 1
Item 1

G.__ Describe specifically the public elements of the
capital improvement district that may be accepted by the
voters of the municipality; and

H.__Schedule the public hearing pursuant to subsection 3
and the referendum pursuant to subsection 4.

2.__Public notice.__The municipal officers shall provide
posted notice of the public hearing held pursuant to
subsection 3 in the same place and manner as the posting of a
town meeting warrant and publish notice of the public hearing
in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality
at least 14 days in advance of the public hearing. The
published notice must include:

A.__A description of the proposed boundaries of the
capital improvement district;

B.__The proposed improvements to the capital improvement

C.__The estimated costs of the proposed improvements;

D.__The public elements of the capital improvement
district; and

E.__A brief narrative description and schedule of the
referendum conducted pursuant to subsection 4.

At least 14 days in advance of the date of the initial public
hearing, the same information provided in the published notice
must also be sent by certified mail to all owners of property
within the proposed capital improvement district according to
the municipality's assessing records.__Notice for any
additional public hearings must be posted and published in the
same manner as notice for the initial public hearing, but
mailed notice of the subsequent public hearings is not

3.__Public hearing.__Prior to any referendum held pursuant
to subsection 4 or 5, the municipal officers shall hold an
initial public hearing on the proposed capital improvement
district to solicit comments from the residents of the
municipality and the owners of property located in the
proposed district concerning the:

A.__Proposed boundaries of the capital improvement

B.__Type of improvements to the proposed capital
improvement district being considered;

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