LD 274
pg. 29
Page 28 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 30 of 38
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LR 1
Item 1

with the emergency management plans, programs and
directives of the Federal Government, procure supplies and
equipment, institute training programs and public
information programs and take all other preparatory steps,
including the partial or full mobilization of emergency
management organizations in advance of actual disaster or
catastrophe, to ensure the furnishing of adequately trained
and equipped forces of__emergency management personnel in
time of need;

E.__Conduct studies and surveys and take inventories of
the industries, resources and facilities of the State
necessary to ascertain the State's emergency management
capabilities, and plan for their most efficient emergency
use, including emergency economic controls to ensure
adequate production and equitable distribution of
essential commodities;

F.__Whenever a shortage of critical material supplies
appears imminent in the State, establish emergency
reserves of those products necessary to ensure the health,
welfare and safety of the people of the State.__To
establish those reserves, the Governor may purchase
quantities of those materials for resale on a cost plus
expenses basis for priority end users within the State;

G.__On behalf of the State, enter into mutual aid
arrangements with other states and foreign countries, and
their political subdivisions, and coordinate mutual aid
plans between political subdivisions of the State.__If an
arrangement is entered into with a jurisdiction that has
enacted the Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact,
chapter 15, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact,
chapter 16, or the International Emergency Management
Assistance Compact, chapter 16-A, any resulting agreement
or agreements may be considered supplemental agreements
pursuant to those compacts.__If the other jurisdiction or
jurisdictions with which the Governor proposes to
cooperate have not enacted one of those compacts, the
Governor may negotiate special agreements with the
jurisdiction or jurisdictions.__Any agreement, if
sufficient authority for its making does not otherwise
exist, becomes effective only after approval by the
Legislature; and

H.__Delegate any authority vested in the Governor under
this chapter and provide for the subdelegation of that

Sec. 55. 37-B MRSA §782, as amended by PL 2001, c. 614, §14 and
c. 662, §83, is repealed and the following enacted in its

§782. Agency directors

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