LD 300
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Page 1 of 2 An Act To Ban the Hunting of Animals in an Enclosed Area LD 300 Title Page
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LR 454
Item 1

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §4015, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1999, c. 765, §10, is
further amended to read:

5. Livestock. Livestock must be provided with shelter
suitable for the health of the animal. Livestock must have
access to a constructed or natural shelter that is large
enough to accommodate all livestock comfortably at one time.
The shelter should be well drained and protect the livestock
from direct sun, rain, wind and other inclement weather.
Notwithstanding this subsection, shelter for equines must be
provided in accordance with subsection 2, paragraph B,
subparagraph (1). For purposes of this subsection,
"livestock" includes large game as defined in section 1341,
subsection 5 kept at a licensed commercial large game shooting
area as defined in section 1341, subsection 1.

Sec. 7. 17 MRSA §1031, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 2001, c. 617,
§11, is further amended to read:

G. Hunts, traps or sells for the purpose of hunting any
animal, except as permitted pursuant to Title 7, chapter
202-A and Title 12, Part 10;

Sec. 8. 17 MRSA §1037, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1999, c. 765, §12,
is further amended to read:

5. Livestock. Livestock must be provided with shelter
suitable for the health of the animal. Livestock must have
access to a constructed or natural shelter that is large
enough to accommodate all livestock comfortably at one time.
The shelter should be well drained and protect the livestock
from direct sun, rain, wind and other inclement weather.
Notwithstanding this subsection, shelter for equines must be
provided in accordance with subsection 2, paragraph B,
subparagraph (1). For purposes of this subsection,
"livestock" includes large game as defined in Title 7, section
1341, subsection 5 kept at a licensed commercial large game
shooting area as defined in Title 7, section 1341, subsection


This bill repeals the law that permits the establishment,
operation and use of commercial large game shooting areas.
This bill also removes the exemption in the animal cruelty
laws of persons operating or hunting such areas, thus making
it a Class D crime to operate or hunt in a large game shooting

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