LD 379
pg. 1
LD 379 Title Page Resolve, Directing the Commissioner of Transportation To Examine Which Aspects ... LD 379 Title Page
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LR 589
Item 1

Sec. 1. Examine privatization of operations. Resolved: That the Commissioner
of Transportation shall review the Department of
Transportation's operations to determine which operations
could be privatized. The review must include, but is not
limited to, highway maintenance, building and ground
maintenance for the department and vehicle maintenance; and be
it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Transportation
shall report the department's recommendations concerning
privatization, including suggested legislation, to the Joint
Standing Committee on Transportation by January 15, 2004.
Following receipt and review of the report, the joint standing
committee may report out a bill to the Second Regular Session
of the 121st Legislature.


This resolve directs the Commissioner of Transportation to
review what aspects of the operations of the Department of
Transportation could be privatized. The resolve requires the
department to submit its report by January 15, 2004 to the
Joint Standing Committee on Transportation, which may submit
legislation based on that report to the Second Regular Session
of the 121st Legislature.

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