LD 392
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Prohibit Use of Computerized Calls by Telemarketers LD 392 Title Page
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LR 1601
Item 1

C.__Any unlisted, unpublished, toll-free long distance or
direct inward dial telephone number within the State.

Sec. 4. 10 MRSA §1498, sub-§§5 and 6, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 775,
are amended to read:

5. Prima facie violation. Use of any automated calling
device that calls telephone numbers sequentially and cannot
can not distinguish the telephone numbers of those authorized
to be contacted from those it is unlawful to contact pursuant
to subsection 3 is prima facie evidence of intent to violate
this section.

6. Exceptions. This section does not prohibit the use of
an automated telephone calling device to:

A. Inform purchasers of the receipt, availability or
delivery of goods or services or any other pertinent
information on the status of any purchased goods or

B. Respond to a telephone inquiry initiated by the person
to whom the automated call is directed; or

C. Carry out the duties of any state or local
governmental unit.;

D.__Make charitable solicitation calls on behalf of a
charitable organization, as defined in Title 9, section
5003; or

E.__Make calls on behalf of a political party or a
candidate for elected public office.


This bill generally prohibits the use of automated telephone
solicitation calls to persons in this State. The bill
provides exceptions for calls made on behalf of a charitable
organization or on behalf of a political party or candidate.
It also preserves those portions of existing law that limit
and prohibit certain uses of automated telephone solicitation
calls and the exceptions to the limits and prohibitions.

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