LD 532
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Regulate Assessments of the Maine Health Data Organization LD 532 Title Page
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LR 1452
Item 1

disability, long-term care or other limited benefit
health insurance policies are not subject to
assessment under this subparagraph. The total dollar
amount of assessments under this subparagraph must
equal the assessments under subparagraph (3); and

(3) Annual assessments of not less than $100
assessed by the organization against providers. The
assessments are to be determined on an annual basis
by the board. The total dollar amount of assessments
under this subparagraph must equal the assessments
under subparagraph (2).

The aggregate level of annual assessments under
subparagraphs (2) and (3) must be an amount sufficient to
meet the organization's expenditures authorized in the
state budget established under Title 5, chapter 149. The
annual assessment may not exceed $1,346,904 in fiscal year
2002-03. In subsequent fiscal years, the annual
assessment may increase above $1,346,904 by an amount not
to exceed 5% per fiscal year. The board may waive
assessments otherwise due under subparagraphs (2) and (3)
when a waiver is determined to be in the interests of the
organization and the parties to be assessed.

Sec. 3. 22 MRSA §8706, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

3. Use of funds. The organization shall use the revenues
from fees, assessments and user fees to defray the costs
incurred by the board pursuant to this chapter, including
staff salaries, administrative expenses, data system expenses,
consulting fees and any other reasonable costs incurred to
administer this chapter.


This bill repeals the provisions of law concerning
assessments to support the Maine Health Data Organization,
leaving the organization supported by reasonable costs and
user fees.

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